Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 192 Extraordinary talent!

Chapter 192 Extraordinary talent!

The other women were also pissed off. Han Zhennuo scolded them all for his words.

But just as these few people wanted to chase forward, Han Xinuo imprisoned them in one space, and they couldn't move.

"Hehe, I'll let you blow on the cold wind to wake up your brains! Hmph!" Han Qinuo followed Zhao Ye arrogantly without looking back.

"Nonuo, you are too naughty, let's go back quickly.

Are there still many injured people in our regiment?You go back and put more of this healing auronic water for them to drink.

Naturally, the backbone of the regiment was seriously injured, and those high-end supernatural beings Zhao Ye had no choice but to heal them himself.

But after all, he only had one person, and too many people in the regiment were injured. "

Zhao Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and he was relieved that the girl Han Xinnuo was so alive and kicking.

"Is it okay to just let out the healing water? That's okay? I'll go back and give you more water."

Han Xinnuo has always been a very honest and silly girl, this is something that needs her, and she has always tried her best.

As soon as he returned to the mercenary group, Han Junnuo released more than a dozen barrels of healing water.

And Zhao Ye sent people to distribute it to the subordinates as soon as possible, and all the people in the mercenary group were rejoicing for a while.

Even some uninjured, just frail people got a little bit.

Not to mention that Zhao Ye did a really good job of recruiting and buying people's hearts.

The people in this regiment are more sincere to him, not only because the leader is powerful, but also has the ability to heal.

Even the leader's woman has the ability to heal, so don't feel at ease wearing it in such a mercenary regiment!
Han Xinnuo really let go of his healing ability this time.

He even used the purified top-grade crystal nucleus to urge some healing water for himself.

"Honey, you don't need to put water on them anymore. If you put more water on your body, it's enough if there are so many problems with your body."

Zhao Ye looked at Han Xinuo's pale face, so he comforted him.

"Yeah." Han Qinnuo nodded weakly and leaned into Zhao Ye's arms

"By the way, Han Xinuo, your friend Han Xiaochen was also injured!"

Zhao Ye said such a sentence suddenly, and Han Xinuo jumped up when he heard it.

"Ah! Han Xiaochen is injured, is she seriously injured? How is it? I want to see her!"

"Han Zhennuo, sit down for me." Zhao Ye couldn't help but pull Han Zhennuo onto his lap and sit down.
"Han Xiaochen is fine now, and his life is not in danger, but it is true that he is not feeling well, so go see her after you rest.

Also, don't tire yourself too hard, you know? "

"Well, I see, it's useless for me to go now, I haven't recovered yet, and I can't use any supernatural powers." Han Zhennuo leaned against someone and nodded

"But baby, I think your ability is growing very fast? The water system has increased by more than one level, so it's almost level 9!
This space system is still one level higher, I think if you hurry up, you will be able to reach level 6. "

Zhao Ye observed Han Xinnuo carefully, this stinky girl was lucky, the level was rising quite quickly.

"Well, yes, maybe fighting is the best way to level up? Hee hee!
So this person can't be afraid of danger, and he can't stay at home without going out!

Sometimes I think that I might be the one who is so talented!
Just like what is said in the comprehension novel, maybe I am born with good talents and abilities, and I can level up quickly! "

Han Xinuo said triumphantly
"Silly girl, you are not allowed to talk nonsense if you say something like this in the future, you know? Be careful, and you will be arrested by the research lunatics at the base for research.

Originally, it was enough for you to enter the space there, but you still dare to talk nonsense! "

Zhao Ye smiled and nodded Han Yinuo's forehead

"I know, I know, I'm not talking to you, I won't talk nonsense outside.

Besides, what's the use of my upgrade, the ability to attack is still not very good!
Also, my dear, I have used up all the purified crystal nuclei, so you can help me get some more! "

Han Junnuo put his arm around someone's neck, coquettishly.

"Okay, I will try my best to get some for you, aren't you going to see Han Xiaochen later?

You can ask them to help you get more, this time I collected a lot of crystal nuclei!

This time, we have lost a lot, and the crystal nuclei that we want to purify in the future may not be as convenient as before. "

Zhao Ye thought of Jia Ningxiao and smiled slightly, he did not regret the decision he made at that time.

What's more, that woman Jia Ningxiao was almost squeezed by him.

But it's a pity, if this person can be imprisoned here for a long time, he can indeed gain some benefits.

But the side effects of the crystal nucleus purified by this woman are too great. If my team members use too much and go outside, they will become attractants for zombies and mutated animals. How can this work?

"That's right, then our loss is too great, but I think something was wrong last time. I always feel that those zombies seem to be targeting our members."

"That's right? But it won't happen in the future, let's change the crystal nucleus in another place.

By the way, take this pile of crystal nuclei and see if you can meet Mo Yan when you go to Han Xiaochen's place.

Perhaps Han Xiaochen already has a large number of purified crystal nuclei, waiting for you to replace them! "

As Zhao Ye said this, he took out a large bag of crystal nuclei from his space ring.

Han Junnuo weighed it in his hand, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of crystal nuclei!
"Honey, where did you get so many, not only because of the beating this time, but did so many zombies die this time?"

When Han Xinuo thought that this crystal nucleus represented a zombie, or even a human being, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

"It's not just zombies, there are zombie animals, mutated animals, and even mutated plants that all have primary nuclei.

You just take it, and ah, put away your inexplicable sympathy.

If those zombies don't die, it means you will die, so let's eliminate those zombies.

Those zombies have long lost their autonomy, but they are just a bunch of walking dead. "

"Yeah!" Han Yinuo nodded.

It's almost time for a rest, Han Xinnuo went to see Han Xiaochen in the car

"Han Xiaochen, you are too useless, you are injured again!" Yu Momo also came to see Han Xiaochen
"Yeah, I'm too unlucky, and this is the result of the treatment!" Han Xiaochen's bones were still uncomfortable.

"You pull it down quickly, I'm just teasing you, there are so many people who were injured and ordered this time, you are considered a blessing in misfortune.

It's not bad if it's just a few flesh wounds, no damage to the foundation, and no infection of the zombie virus.

Only this time I found out that if the zombie is of high level, if you are level [-], this person will still be infected with the zombie virus.

There is also that saying, even if it is a zombie at your level or lower than you, the zombie virus will stay in your body.

After a long time, if the zombie's virus accumulates for too long, something very bad will happen. "

While helping Han Xiaochen peel the oranges, Yu Momo said

(End of this chapter)

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