Chapter 194
"Hehe, Yu Momo, I see that you look rosy, I'm going to be jealous of you.

Don't mention it, I was slightly injured at the time, but fortunately I was not infected with the zombie virus.

After the treatment was done, I just got back to get the water for the people in our regiment one by one. Didn't I just have a bad face when I was so tired?

But I guess it should be back to normal after a while! "

Han Xinnuo smiled weakly, overusing this ability is also very tiring

"But Han Xiaochen, you are too useless, why are you injured again?

You see, your little face is as pale as a ghost! "Han Qinnuo didn't count what he said, and he poked Han Xiaochen's face with his hand.

"Han Xinnuo, enough is enough for you! It's not as bullying as the two of you, and you just gloat so much.

I'm not unlucky, I'm injured! "Han Xiaochen glared at Han Zhennuo
Han Zhennuo touched his nose in embarrassment, if he wanted to treat her now, he might have to wait for a while.

"However, Han Xinuo, you can do it. I was injured so badly, and your ability has been upgraded to another level. Is there any reason for this?"

Han Xiaochen couldn't help howling, it's him who obviously has golden fingers, okay?
Why is this damn girl Han Xinuo so lucky!
"There's nothing I can do, I'm born lucky, and when I went to fight zombies, I just touched the threshold of the next level.

Just being so nervous, and being frightened by those high-end zombies, I actually upgraded directly! "

Han Zhennuo spread his hands, only he knew how dangerous he was at that time.

But don't talk about this with your good friends, after all, that kind of thing is over.

"I'll go, I've been frightened by those high-level zombies a lot, and I almost died several times!
How come I wasn't so frightened to the next level!Han Xinuo, I'm so jealous of you! "

Yu Momo giggled
"Maybe our abilities are different. My water ability can be upgraded faster, let alone my boyfriend.

Can't wait for me to eat crystal cores every day, I'm slow to upgrade my abilities, this should be gossip.

After all, I am now a professional nanny for others.

By the way, Han Xiaochen, do you still have the purified crystal nucleus that Mo Yan gave you?

I came here with the mission given by Zhao Ye! "

Han Xinuo glanced at Han Xiaochen
"Yes, I have some purified crystal nuclei that Mo Yan gave me first.

In this way, I will give it to you first, and you have to use what you can use first. "Han Xiaochen nodded

"By the way, Yu Momo, if you need it, you can also come to me.

But there are not many of the fire department here. "

The main reason is that Han Xiaochen hasn't encountered a few fire-type zombies recently
"And me, that's good, when the time comes, I'll give you all the crystal nuclei of my anger, and you just give me the proportion!
That guy Mo Yan is too powerful, there are all channels for purifying crystal nuclei!
After the outbreak of the zombie wave, I don't know if there was something wrong with the supernatural being who purified the crystal nucleus or what.

The purification crystals on the market are very scarce now! "

Yu Momo naturally didn't want to miss this good thing that would allow him to upgrade.

"That's right!" Han Xiaochen said that before there were purification crystals and poisons on the market, it was because he changed a large amount, and then a mysterious person also threw a large amount there.

And this person is injured now and has no time to go, but is that person? ?
Han Zhennuo caught the purification crystal nucleus given by Han Xiaochen, and handed over his big bag of crystal nucleus from Zhao Ye to Han Xiaochen
"Han Xinnuo, how much is here, I guess it's tens of thousands, your man is too powerful!

But he just believes in me so much! "Han Xiaochen was taken aback for a moment, then threw the crystal nucleus into the space.

"Rest assured that both he and I believe in your character."

Han Junnuo smiled indifferently, and began to absorb the evolved water system crystal core given by Han Xiaochen.

But she didn't think much about it, why did Zhaoye ask her to give the crystal nucleus to Han Xiaochen instead of Zhaoye trading it with Mo Yan himself.

On the contrary, I think this is a very normal thing, and I just gave them a ride by the way.

After a while, her face became rosy.

Not to mention that with this purified water system, the recovery of the crystal nucleus is really fast.

"Yu Momo will pour you two glasses of healing water first!"

Han Xinnuo can be a man now, so he made a teapot of healing water first.

I started to help Han Xiaochen heal her body, that's why she came here
"Hee hee, I've got it covered too, try this healing water, not to mention it tastes really good!"

Yu Momo drank this glass of water in one gulp, not to mention the sweetness, after drinking it, his whole body felt very comfortable and refreshed!

"But you two are busy, I'm going out to have a look, we still have a lot of things to do in our regiment!
Neither of you should get up, and I don't need you both to see me off! "

Yu Momo naturally knew that Han Junnuo was here to help Han Xiaochen treat him, and what else was he doing here.

I have heard people say that distraction is the most taboo when this healing person treats others.

Han Xiaochen nodded to show that he knew it. Once the healing energy was injected into his body, he immediately felt that the pain in his body was much less!
When Mo Yan walked in, he saw the two men concentrating on healing their injuries.

That woman Han Xinnuo is outputting energy while holding the purified water crystal nucleus!
Mo Yan just watched quietly and waited until Han Qinnuo finally felt very tired and stopped, then smiled.

"Take a break, you two! Get you some good food!

Han Xiaochen, don't you want this purified crystal nucleus?I'll just give you a moment and you two can figure it out for yourself! "

As Mo Yan said this, he handed Han Xiaochen a large bag of crystal nuclei

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows, Mo Yan, you will squeeze me, obviously this bag of crystal nuclei is not purified.

But even with this thought in his heart, Han Xiaochen still threw the crystal nucleus into the space.

"You two stay here first, I'll go to the bathroom." Han Xiaochen entered the space through the bathroom after saying this

It can be seen behind the two people's backs that it is no big deal to enter the space by themselves, after all, if the space power user can enter.

They are willing to go inside to find something good, and some even develop the habit of taking a bath in it.

Han Xiaochen just turned the two bags of crystal nuclei around there.

Then I washed up in my own space. After all, I was lying here, and it was so uncomfortable for the past two days.

Have you really cleaned yourself up?This is a little more comfortable, and the cleanliness will come up.

But thinking that there were people waiting outside, he took a battle shower in about 10 minutes and came out.

And when I came out, I saw that Mo Yan had bought a lot of delicious food.

And it's all good for her abilities, and the wounds are also good

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, brother Mo Yan, you are too powerful. You can catch the mutated rabbit with space, but it's okay to eat the meat of the mutated rabbit. Is it good to upgrade the space?"

Han Qinuo opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Who knows, anyway, I think there is no harm in it, but this thing is really not easy to catch!" Mo Yan smiled dispensably.

"Mo Yan, what about this crystal nucleus? I haven't even seen what the crystal nucleus of this space system looks like!" Han Xiaochen's focus was different when he came out.

(End of this chapter)

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