Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 199 Urgent! !Cultivation is stuck at a critical juncture

Chapter 199 Urgent! !Cultivation is stuck at a critical juncture
"Hehe! It really is Mo Shen's most capable assistant. This Mo 4 is a level 11 ice system! It's amazing!
However, I, Han Xiaochen, can't let go of this small temple, you big Buddha, please go out.

As a friend of Han Yinuo, she is at a critical moment in her cultivation.

Even if she is a useless ability like what you said, I don't want her to be hurt.

As for the injury of your boss, I will tell him after he finishes his cultivation, but I don't care whether he will heal your boss or not. "Han Xiaochen was amused by Mo Shishi
It is said that the attitude of this subordinate represents his master.

Mo Shen needs Han Xinnuo's help to treat him now, and his subordinates still have this attitude.

Han Xiaochen can now understand why Han Xinuo ran out desperately at that time?
Not at all, thinking about trying to win back Mo Shen's feelings, he hurriedly went to find someone else.

This kind of man not only doesn't Han Xiaochen think it's wrong to cheat on other women, but also thinks you are not virtuous and ignorant.

Even his subordinates will have a big opinion of you. If such a man doesn't leave him, will he keep it for the New Year?
Now that Han Yinuo has nothing to do with you, and you still begged him to heal your wounds, your subordinates still have this attitude.

Han Xiaochen can now imagine how many unspeakable grievances Han Xinuo suffered in Mo Shen's team.

After all, the three became tigers. If the people around you have a bad attitude towards you, they will all say that it is your own fault.

But is this really the case?hehe!
Han Xinnuo has changed teams and boyfriends, and that team treats her like Baolai.

Although there may be some other thoughts, but why is her status so high when it comes to Zhao Ye!

To put it bluntly, isn't this position given by the leader?Zhao Ye gave Han Xinnuo full respect and status, so naturally those subordinates all had to respect Han Zhennuo very much!
Let alone such contemptuous words
"Han Xiaochen, I didn't come to look for you, I came to look for Han Zhennuo!
This woman Han Xinnuo is really ruthless, our boss is injured, why is she still hiding and practicing? "

Sure enough, Mo Shishi's attitude towards Han Zhennuo was still so disdainful, and he still thought that Han Zhennuo was quite unclear, and even felt that she was putting on airs.

Han Xiaochen took a deep breath and pressed an alarm button next to his living room.

"Yu Momo, I know that you are entrusted by others, there is no way, I had a bad attitude just now, but I was right about the matter and not about the person.

We are all supernatural beings, and we all know what will happen if we are disturbed at the juncture of our practice?
In order to help me heal my injuries, Han Xinuo didn't rest for several days, but this time she thought about wearing it to rest and practice again.

I didn't expect to enter the country and it was a critical moment, and I might even be promoted to another level.

Whether as a friend or a partner, I can't disturb her at this time. "

Yu Momo just nodded, what do you want to say?
When Mo Kaixin came over, Mo Kaixin glared at Mo Shenxi at first.
"Mo Shishi, please leave here quietly!

I don't want to say anything else. As for what you said, someone will tell you later. "

Since when did my master become meddling?Take a look and make Miss Xiaochen angry again, right?
What's going on with Mo Shen's men?I can't contact him on this phone at all, which means that he is cultivating and you are here to make trouble!

"Mo Kaixin, please take this man away.

If Han Zhennuo was disturbed while he was practicing, the consequences would be very serious. At that time, I would have no face to ask Han Zhennuo for forgiveness.

I can even imagine that if Han Zhennuo was practicing with me and was disturbed at a critical moment, Zhao Ye would know about it and would definitely eat me.

No matter what the consequences are, I can't bear them. No matter what the consequences are, I can't afford to trouble you. "

Han Xiaochen said twice to bother Mo Kaixin, which also fully expressed his attitude.

"Miss Xiaochen, you are being polite, Mo Shishi, hurry up and leave!"

Mo Kaixin, Mo Shishi, who seemed to be angry and even restrained himself from wanting to do something
"No matter what, you are not asking for help, are you?
Could it be that you are going to take this opportunity to destroy Han Xinuo?Do you mean your master or you? "

What Mo Kaixin said was a bit embarrassing.

"Mo Kaixin, look at what you're saying, you know I've always had this temper!"

Mo Shishi felt that his attitude just now was somewhat wrong, mainly because he was not Mo Kaixin's opponent at all.

Of course, he never thought about who he was going to fight with today, but his boss was really hurt very badly.

After the dead woman Han Xinnuo left, the boss of his family was always uncomfortable, and everything was not smooth for everyone.

"Huh? Is it going to rain? Why did the air suddenly become so humid?"

Yu Momo shrugged her nose. For some reason, she felt that the air suddenly smelled particularly good. After smelling it, she felt comfortable all over.

Han Xiaochen's eyes moved, Han Junnuo, a heartless thing, blocked others for her life.

But this guy Han Xinuo is about to level up again, and this guy will be level 9 if he upgrades again!
"Now you know that I'm not lying, so hurry up and leave!

Mo Shishi should be thankful that Han Xinuo was not disturbed by you, otherwise Zhao Ye would definitely have skinned you! "

When Han Xiaochen said this, he took another deep breath, wearing the water vapor of healing energy, this person felt very comfortable smelling the body!
"Excuse me, excuse me!" Mo Shishi really left the villa this time, but he didn't leave, he just stood outside the villa door

This level 9?It seems to be an unreachable level for him.

Although it is easy to upgrade the water system!But to be able to upgrade to level 9, it would take a lot of purification crystal nuclei or even top-quality purification crystal nuclei!

But to be honest, it may not be so easy for Han Yinuo to upgrade his abilities to level 9!
To know that this level 9 is a big hurdle, Han Xiaochen still knows clearly in his heart that although Han Xinuo said that he has purified the water system for him, and the amount of money is quite a lot, but he does not have a purified water system crystal nucleus. !
What to do about this?So I can only call Mo Yan and Zhao Ye to see if they have it?
"Hey, that's the situation, see if you have any there!" Han Xiaochen first notified Zhao Ye

Mo Yan was then notified

"Let me take a look and see if we can find it! I really haven't encountered the zombie leader of this water system recently!"

Yes, no matter which top-quality crystal nucleus it is, it was born among the kings of which department, otherwise, this top-quality crystal nucleus would not be so precious.

Yu Momo was silent for a while and walked out
"Mo Shishi, Han Xinnuo needs the best water system crystal core to upgrade, otherwise, not only will the level 9 not be able to be upgraded, but it will be very difficult to upgrade in the future!"

"I see, so that's the case. You thought that woman could easily upgrade?"

Mo Shishi smiled mockingly, and left with a big stride.

My master does have two superb water system crystal nuclei in his hands!
And it's been in the hands of my master for a long time. Originally, my master kept it for Han Shaonuo, right?
But Han Xinnuo, a shameless woman, actually cheated on Zhao Ye directly

(End of this chapter)

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