Chapter 224

"Okay, it's rare for me to come out, but why do you two choose such beautiful jewelry and clothes, why don't you buy some practical things.

The clothes you picked are quite beautiful, but they are very thin at first glance! "

Li Haiyan was always afraid of the cold, so he wanted to buy himself some warm clothes, whether he was on a mission or at home

"The stalls here don't sell that kind of particularly thick clothes. It's okay to wear thinner clothes at home. Anyway, I think it's impossible for the weather to be so cold all the time. Don't be so thin. Clothes are expensive."

Han Xiaochen smiled and said that she was originally pulled out by Han Xinuo.

But if there is something that catches your eye, you should treat yourself as a good deed.

"It's true anyway!" Li Haiyan nodded.

"Hey, Han Xiaochen, don't you think this looks so good!" Han Xinuo found another very good emerald apple as if he had discovered a new world.

"Han Xiaochen, please help me to see if this piece of jadeite is really really beautiful, does it look like the legendary imperial green glass?"

"Come and see, let's see!"

Han Xiaochen also hurried over to see that emerald

"Several supernatural beings, I used to collect jadeite, and here are all genuine ones.

What the supernatural being saw just now was the authentic glass emperor green! "

The person who spoke was an old man who looked thin and thin, and his complexion was not very good.

But his piercing eyes represent that this old man is definitely not simple, at least before the end of the world.

"Han Zhennuo, that's right, this one is made of glass emperor green.

It's rare, it's still in the shape of an apple! "

"Then old man, how did you sell it? Before the end of the world, I read those stone gambling novels every day, but it's a pity, I can't afford jadeite!"

The old man raised his head and took a deep look at the three people.

Now this kind of thing is not suitable for eating or drinking. There was a fuss a while ago, saying that there is some space that can be developed in the emerald, but the price is a bit expensive

However, many people have tested it and found that it is nonsense, and no one wants this emerald.

"My lord, I spent more than [-] million yuan for this piece of jade back then!

In this way, you can give me something to eat, no matter what, just give me something that weighs 10 catties and 8 catties! "

"That's it, you old man, you are too real!

How about this, I don't have much in my backpack, so I'll give you eight catties of dried noodles! "

As soon as Han Xinuo said this, he took out 4 handfuls of 1 kg dried noodles from his backpack.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The old man was very excited, but he thought that the supernatural person in front of him would bargain hard!

"What's there to be thankful for? It's the end of the world. It's not easy for everyone to live. It's rare that I like this emerald apple!"

Han Yinuo didn't know why, but he looked very pleasing to the old man, so naturally he wouldn't make things difficult for him
"Old man, I think what you have left is not bad, please make an offer. If it is suitable, I will wrap it up for you today!"

Han Xiaochen really checked it carefully here, and the remaining jadeites are not all glass-type imperial green jadeites, but all of them are very good.

This can be exchanged for a large amount of money if you get that interface.
Of course, the most important thing is that after Han Xiaochen's ability was upgraded, he found that he could still extract a little bit of energy from this emerald!
"This... the supernatural being, this is almost all my belongings, how about this, give me 50 catties of food!

I'll give you all 50 catties of grain. I'm useless as an old man. I can't feed my family. With dozens of catties of grain, I can keep my family alive for a while. "

Han Xiaochen frowned. The price was a little high, but it was still a normal market price.

But thinking about how much value I can get after going to that interface to replace these things.

"That's okay, 50 catties is 50 catties, Han Xinuo, is there enough food for 50 catties in our car?"

Han Xiaochen is carrying a big backpack on his back, so no matter what you say, you can't say that you can take out 50 catties of grain.

"Oh, then I seem to have enough grain for 50 catties! But it's all unground corn grains!" Han Zhennuo nodded

"I'll bring it for you!"

Han Zhennuo played tricks on A Biao and A Biao took her to the car.

To put it bluntly, I also don't want my space to be different, so that I can always be exposed outside.

"Thank you, thank you sir." The old man was moved to tears when he received the food they gave him.

"Grandpa, can you take back so much? Do you need us to send it to you!" Han Xiaochen naturally knows that many people are desperate to grab food these days.

"No, no, my son is right here, Aqiang, Aqiang, come here!"

The old man came over as soon as he yelled, a burly man with tattoos all over his body

"Dad, you sold all of these, you are amazing!"

The big man glanced at Han Xiaochen, how many of them?How many women can come up with so much food?

So can I do it myself?
But suddenly saw A Biao and A Hu looking at him so quietly

"Thank you, thank you master supernatural beings, Dad, let's go, hurry back!"

"Han Xinnuo, you two just exchange so much food for this kind of inappropriate food? The leader of your mercenary group agrees?"

Li Haiyan didn't speak just now, but there was a huge wave in her heart.

These two people don't take food seriously, which means that these two people are not short of food at all!
Is the treatment of the mercenary group so good this night?
"Hehe, Li Haiyan, don't you know that the leader of our mercenary group is Han Zhennuo's boyfriend? Why are they so good!"

Han Xiaochen slightly made it out of bad intentions, to anger Han Xinuo

"Thick! Han Xinnuo, let me tell you why you have become more and more beautiful, and you have lost a lot of weight as before, and your skin is much better!
It turns out that not only do you have a boyfriend, but you also have such a powerful boyfriend!

But you..."

Li Haiyan just wanted to say that now those capable people with supernatural powers will have many women.

But thinking of what time it is now, he will stop talking. Don't you know what Han Xiannuo is like?
I know how to be stupid when I usually work, and I don't have the vision, otherwise, I wouldn't be so miserably abused in the factory.

No wonder they can get along so well, this is a man next to him!
But now these capable male supernatural beings have long disliked ordinary women who are beautiful but have no ability at all.

They are looking for women, and they are also looking for those with abilities like water and wood.

What's more, in all fairness, Han Xinuo's face is indeed pretty enough!
What is it that can practice abilities together and help their abilities or what?
But I'm just a mutant, and I'm not interested in helping men, so I don't know that kind of finesse very well.

"Li Haiyan, you made it easy for me to find!" Liu Wenli, the team leader who used to bully Han Xinuo, hurried over

"Liu Wenli, what's wrong? What happened to our team again!"

Li Haiyan looked at Liu Wenli with a sweet smile.

To be honest, she also hates Liu Wenli very much, who makes life better, but now her power has mutated.

Still in the team, he is more popular than his vision mutation!
It can even be said that I have to rely on her to survive in the team!
I can't help it. I'm not good at force. If I don't find a backer who treats me better, it's really hard to survive.
(End of this chapter)

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