Chapter 234
Otherwise, no matter how powerful your abilities are, you are nothing more than a single-handedly powerful superpower in a base.

Just like Han Xiaochen, she is absolutely powerful enough to be picked up alone, but it's a pity that she doesn't have leadership skills, and she can't pull up a team.

"Oh!" Han Zhennuo replied in a low voice, leaning against a certain man's arms, and closed his eyes.

It will take a while, right?Han Xinuo let out a soft snoring sound here.

These people really fell asleep when she closed her eyes and meditated!

Zhao Ye smiled helplessly, and found a blanket that looked like it was made of mink fur from his interspatial ring, wrapped it up for Han Zhennuo, and held it in his arms.

He even thoughtfully found a very comfortable position for Han Yinuo so that she could sleep more peacefully.

Han Xiaochen hid by the car just because of this.

The carriage was very quiet for a while, Zhao Ye just looked at the person in his arms quietly, as if there were only the two of them here.

Han Xiaochen felt a little unbearable that these two people were so tired, so he searched and entered his own space.

It's also thanks to myself that I can see the outside situation in the space, and it doesn't take much effort from time to time, let alone that **** mental power.

If you want to be able to rest well, you still have to be in the space!

Han Xiaochen lay down on his bed, which was like a nutrition cabin, and gently closed his eyes.

Han Xiaochen also felt that he was too tired after these two terrible tosses!
It's good to be able to cultivate in space!But suddenly the smiling faces of those injured people were circling in Han Xiaochen's mind
Han Xiaochen frowned, and came to that interface in a flash

Han Xiaochen picked up the tablet and went to the official website that sells medicines to confirm some medicines that can be used for this person's injuries.

Of course, you can only buy those over-the-counter, because the situation here is special.

Now they are still in charge of delivery, as long as you pay an extra 50 yuan a trip, they will deliver the goods to you within half an hour.

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth and ordered medicines worth about 2 yuan at once.

Of course, the price is high, and it is always available on my interface.

But this medicine is expensive, and it has its advantages. There is no harm in spending more money, and the effect is always better than that of the cheap medicine.

Moreover, these medicines are all Chinese patent medicines, which are said to have much less side effects on the body.

Of course, the main reason is that Han Xiaochen doesn't understand medicine either.

I don't know which ones are cheap, but if they are cheap, the treatment effect will be good.

Not only that, Han Xiaochen also ordered some edible Chinese medicinal materials, such as kudzu root and rehmannia glutinosa, which can be eaten dry to relieve hunger.

When Han Xiaochen thought of the big fur blanket that Zhao Ye brought just now, she was also a little moved.

I also placed an order somewhere, and that big blanket is not cheap, it costs 2 yuan.

But after contacting, the other party said that they could send it over immediately.

Sure enough, just after Han Xiaochen placed the order and paid the payment, when Han Xiaochen closed his eyes and rested his mind, the courier who delivered the medicine came over just 10 minutes later.

Han Xiaochen hurriedly went to the gate of the community to pick up the goods. It was a coincidence that the two couriers delivered the goods.

Han Xiaochen just looked at the package of this express delivery, and then signed for the two people, letting them go.

"Girl, you've bought a lot of things here!" The doorman is now a little familiar with Han Xiaochen.

"Yeah, otherwise I'm also a house girl, and I don't want to go out, so I basically buy more things if I want to buy something!

Uncle is here to treat you to drink, it tastes great!

It's so hard for you guys to still be on duty in this cold weather! "

Han Xiaochen dug a hole out of the box and gave it to the guard, and brought out a small bottle of wild chrysanthemums.

"Son, we can't ask for this!" The uncle quickly refused.

"He said why did you meet with me? You used to help me collect the goods a lot. If you don't accept it, I'm embarrassed to bother you!"

Han Xiaochen smiled warmly
"You kid, just be polite. I remember that I have a small flatbed cart. I'll push it there for you!"

Han Xiaochen opened his mouth, in fact, he wanted to say that with just this little thing, he could move back right away.

But, if I carry it back like that, I really seem to be too feminine, so I don't care about that uncle.

But it's good to have God's help,

"Son, sometimes you need help, just tell the uncle, it's not easy for a girl like you to live on your own!"

The security uncle was very kind, he left this thing here and went straight back.

There is no way, they also have regulations here, if you leave the post for too long, you will be fined by the property management.

"Thank you, uncle!" Han Xiaochen smiled, and slowly poured these things into the gate, and locked the gate.

Only then did he wave his hand and put these things into the space.

Han Xiaochen wanted to talk about why he had to go there for a while, and even got close to this uncle!

The main reason is that she was a little worried that when she collected the thing here, the neighbors on the left and right could hear the noise.

What if someone complained?
It seems that nothing happened this time, and I can only thank if I want to thank. The distance between the villas here is relatively large, and each one can be regarded as a whole individual.

Han Xiaochen knew that he couldn't stay here all the time, so he went back to the space in a flash.

Fortunately, those two people were fine in the car, and the car seemed to be moving forward steadily.

But this time it's weird, actually encountered very few zombies, even the zombie animals and mutant animals are very rare.

Han Xiaochen frowned, unable to figure out what was going on, could there be another big guy holding back his big move?
In fact, it can only be said that Han Xiaochen's missions are still relatively small, and he is always protected by Mo Yan, a powerful bodyguard, so he doesn't think too much about it.

Two such major incidents just happened at once. Even some low-level zombies and mutant animals were suppressed by the two kinds of pressure and dared not come out.
What's more, those two groups were wiped out just now. Whether it's an animal or even a zombie, it has this most basic instinct.

That is the fear of the strong, and naturally he refused to come out to die because of this.

And the sporadic appearance of these zombies are just newly generated zombies, without self-awareness.
Han Xiaochen is just frowning stupidly now, guessing
"But it doesn't feel like it! Also, this Zhao Ye is too mysterious. There must be many, many big secrets."

Han Xiaochen kept covering his face when he thought of this, and he always thought that he had a golden finger, and even said that he had the so-called halo of the heroine!
How can I compare with these people, but I look like that poor little girl.

Let's just say that Zhao Ye is powerful enough, and that Mo Shen can't see what foreign objects he uses to become a strong man in this base.
Not to mention that perverted Mo Yan, he is almost like a goblin who has cultivated for thousands of years.

But ah, what happened to me?Why did he think of that disgusting and disgusting Mo Yan!
Han Xiaochen shook his head vigorously, since there is nothing wrong in the car, he should close his eyes and rest for a while.

I don't know what the hell this kid Zhao Ye is doing?Why have you been driving for so long and haven't reached your destination yet?

Zhao Ye's car has plenty of gasoline!
With a car for such a long journey, how much supplies can be exchanged for this gasoline, and whether the supplies I am looking for are worth so much gasoline!

Even the gasoline reserves in my own space may not be as good as this person's gasoline reserves!

(End of this chapter)

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