Chapter 237
When the zombie animal was too close to him and was about to be injured, Han Zhennuo used the highest ability of his water system.

Absorb the moisture from these zombie animals out of thin air.

Not to mention, as long as this really worked, the zombie animal immediately froze and the attack speed slowed down.

When Han Xinuo made such a move, the other team members immediately went crazy to chop these zombie animals.

Originally, this person was relatively concentrated, and naturally attracted zombies and animals to attack them. For a while, everyone cooperated very well.

It's just that several well-equipped off-road vehicles appeared in this name.

These people didn't have the consciousness to beat zombies like animals, but one of them sneaked out, rolled off the car and ran to one of the cars in Zhao Ye's convoy

The back of Zhao Ye's head seemed to have eyes, a stream of venom went up

That person was immediately corroded like coke, and died of poison.

"Friends, you are not authentic in doing things like this!"

There were also heavy weapons on that off-road vehicle, and they even used them against Zhao Ye's team members.

Han Xiaochen is also too busy to take care of himself. Those people seem to want the oriole to be behind?
Zhao Ye is not a vegetarian either, he just threw a nugget from his own space! !Nuke-like hands! !pomegranate! !flick past

The man's car actually found two and slammed into the sky, making a loud noise and bursting into flames!
"Why does anyone still want to come?" Zhao Ye twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, no one in this group would want to live for me.

If you dare to lead Lao Tzu in a bloody battle, you will use black hands. If they don't kill themselves, the leader of the mercenary group, they shouldn't do it.

"Listen to me, all the team members, go slowly towards them, I will cover this firepower for you!"

To put it bluntly, the hot dance in the hands of the couple obviously didn't work very well, just like Zhao Ye did!
Of the few surviving vehicles, a few ran away with a buzz, and the rest were at a loss
"It's not that easy to run!" Zhao Ye waved his hand, and an off-road vehicle came out, and he got into the off-road vehicle and chased after it.

And the team members on this side also fought crazily with the players on the other side.

And it seems that the remaining zombie animals have scattered a lot for some reason.

Han Zhennuo frowned, but he didn't kill insects, but continued to kill zombie animals.

Han Xiaochen opened his mouth, but did not speak, and tied up the zombie animal with vines.

Make it easier to kill some players who have no past.

However, the reason why there are so few zombie animals left is nothing to be afraid of.

Sometimes things in this world are so ironic.

When everyone was desperate, none of the convoys of other mercenary regiments around here came over.

But now!Here are a few more off-road vehicles
Han Xiaochen frowned, are these people here to pick up cheap?
Are there really so many coincidences in this world?
When everyone is exhausted and is about to achieve success, are there so many people here to pick up the bargain?
And do they still have the reputation that they are here to help you and rescue you?

"Does my friend need help?" Han Xiaochen was really shocked at this moment.

The person who spoke turned out to be Ye Junzhi whom I hadn't seen for a long time!
"Ye Junzhi, it's okay to help, the crystal cores that your team members fight will belong to you."

Han Xinnuo threw out such a sentence that the water system has reached level 9, and the voice was loud.

Naturally, Zhao Ye also has a sub-team here, but they just didn't say anything.

Ye Junzhi raised her eyebrows, "Okay, Han Xinuo and we are old friends!
In this last days, don't think too badly about people, and of course you can't think too good about people! "

After Ye Junzhi finished speaking, no one said anything. After all, everyone was not fighting hard to kill these zombie animals.

It is to deal with those foreign enemies who are coming to disrupt the situation, but it is obvious that there are not many of those foreign enemies left

"Stop hitting, stop hitting, this is our boss' order, it's none of my business!"

While begging for mercy, a person accelerated the accelerator desperately.

One of the team members picked up the machine and grabbed it to shoot.

But was stopped by Han Zhennuo, "Forget it, can you save a few guns?
This man ran away and ran away!Besides, his car is strong enough! "

"Han Yunuo, you can't be so soft-hearted, the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates!"

Yu Congwen, deputy commander, signaled for his subordinates to continue attacking those robbers

Yu Congwen is a level 8 power user of the Thunder system. Not only is he extremely powerful in force, but he is also a decisive and ruthless person with high EQ and IQ.

Otherwise, he would not be able to achieve the position of deputy head of the night mercenary regiment based on his own ability.

Han Zhennuo took a deep breath, and severely chopped off the neck of the mutated cat that ran up to her the moment it pounced on her.

Didn't I just look at those people as the same kind?

But forget it, if I care about these people, I can't die of anger.

What's more, Zhao Ye and Yu Congwen not only have a good personal relationship, but also think highly of him!

This lightning system has reached level 8, the attack power is like that of the mortar, it should not be said to be more powerful than the bubble discharge, so why should I care about him.

What's more, I can get so many crystal nuclei for cultivation, and some of them are also obtained by this guy's leader!
"Sister Nuo, I'm sorry, if it's other trivial matters, I won't lose your face!
But today’s matter is not good. If you don’t know who the team was just now, if you put them back, we will have endless troubles.

You forgot, the troubles your friend Ms. Han has encountered, but she has nothing to do with these people! "

With the help of Ye Junzhi's team members, these zombie animals were quickly dealt with.

However, they are also considered to be abiding by the rules, they just put away the ones they beat to death.

"Is that so?" Han Zhennuo blinked his eyes in doubt, but he had already cleaned up everyone, so what else did he say.

What's more, the behavior of those people is indeed damnable.

"Isn't that right? Just think about how they came here by such a coincidence. We just went through a few fights to the death, and we are about to win, and they came when we were most exhausted!
How can there be such a coincidence in this world, this base has a satellite, and they can clearly see the situation on the ground! "Yu Congwen smiled meaningfully, but the group of people in the base is really not a thing.

Otherwise, the leader would not go directly to chase and kill their group of people

"Isn't that right? Honey, this wave of people is from the base!

And why do you think it's such a coincidence this time, we met big guys again and again!

This is someone who is looking for discomfort! "

At this stall, Ye Junzhi also drove the car, and came back as fast as lightning.

"Hey, long time no see Ye Junzhi, is your injury healed?"

Zhao Ye watched the members of his mercenary group digging out the crystal nucleus in an orderly manner, but instead exchanged pleasantries with Ye Junzhi.

"Okay, everything has been healed a long time ago. Thanks to you, can I be okay?"

Ye Junzhi hated Zhao Ye's questioning like this knowingly, didn't he know if he was okay?

You must know that Ye Junzhi's injury was healed by Han Xinnuo in the end.

But it was Zhao Ye who knocked a large sum of crystal nuclei severely.

Han Xinnuo, a useless and useless woman, was so cowardly that she didn't dare to say a word.

He has really become a cash puppet in Zhao Ye's hands, so what should he do?
(End of this chapter)

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