Chapter 239 Untitled
Besides, if you only regard yourself as a storage tool, then others will also regard you as a tool!You still want to be free, go dream it! "

Zhao Ye unceremoniously pissed off Han Xiaochen
Who doesn't know that Han Xiaochen just entered the space, and what he was saying and doing, couldn't Han Xiaochen hear and see all the time?

"Zhaoye, you're cruel! But you can also give me some advice, why did you hook up this girl Han Xiaochen again!
Dude, I found that you are very powerful, not only this ability is powerful, but also this eyeball!

With Han Xinnuo looking at the ruined scrap together, you can actually drive Emperor Green.

Let alone Han Xiaochen, he has always been crazy, and you got hooked up too! "

Ye Junzhi's words are sometimes hurtful enough, okay!Ye Junzhi admitted him, but in fact, he said this to Han Xiaochen, a silly woman.

Han Xiaochen, a silly woman, couldn't see how vicious and cunning Zhao Ye was, who didn't take women seriously.

I will use you when I need you, and keep it for him as hair by the way! !leak tool.

I don't need you anymore, I just kick you away, and even use earthworm zombies as waste.

But why are these silly women attracted to him?
But Ye Junzhi didn't think about what she usually did?
Han Xiaochen had a good impression of him at the beginning, but what happened to Ye Junzhi afterwards.

Han Xiaochen became more and more disdainful of her. Maybe they are born with different views?

"That's right! It doesn't matter who I am, Zhao Ye. If it is not poisonous, I don't think I will be killed by those illegitimate children born by my father before the end of the world!
Don't say anything else?I, Zhao Ye, have always been very accurate at seeing people!
Although Han Xiaochen said it?This temperament is not very pleasing, and he is too face-to-face, and he has no big ambitions!
But the victory is that the person is still kind, although she is a bit stupid, but she is still a good girl who can understand clearly, right?

But you are wrong in one sentence, I did not hook up with her, and I have no interest in Han Xiaochen at all.

It's not that you don't know about Han Xiaochen's recent affairs at the base, so I just listened to it as if to make our Nuonuo happy. "

Zhao Ye shrugged and said half-truth
Heh, Mo Yan is almost becoming obsessed with this woman Han Xiaochen, even if he can't control his sex, he will never touch Han Xiaochen if he wants to play with a woman
If I really want to have a woman, I can't find a man or a woman if I want to find a man, so why do I have to think about it to get Nuonuo's best friend?
But, in terms of ability alone, my regiment also welcomes generals like Han Xiaochen.

"Hehe, Zhao Ye, you are really rude!"

Ye Junzhi sneered

"Then will Han Xiaochen go back to the Imperial Capital base this time when he comes out?"

"Should be going back, if not going back to the base of the imperial capital, where will I go back?

There are still a few small bases in this thousand miles away, but it is more turbulent there, and Han Xiaochen's temperament can't get along there!
I don't think the group of people at the base can make a fuss for a few days!
When the time comes, it will be interesting for our buddies to find a way to get a foot in it too! "

Zhao Ye smiled with a slanted mouth

Han Xiaochen was listening to these two things in the space, talking and talking
But sometimes you can understand the superficial meaning of what they said, but you can't figure out the deep meaning behind it.
These two foxes are obviously not old at this age, but they are definitely more ruthless and cunning than those old foxes!

But I don't know if their group of teams are too angry or what's going on?Even zombies are rarely encountered these days.

Occasionally, a few high-ranking ones even slipped away and ran away without any future.
Han Xiaochen looked at this and just wanted to be ashamed, so any species will become cowardly after gaining wisdom!
Just when they happened to pass by a large 4S store, Han Xiaochen slipped away and got out of the space
"Zhao Ye, stop the car quickly, let's go collect some good things!"

Han Xiaochen hurriedly shouted to Zhao Ye

Zhao Ye waved his hand, and the car stopped.

"Han Xiaochen, this thing is a sports car, don't you know? Are you sure you want it?"

Zhao Ye looked meaningfully at Han Xiaochen who was excited like a silly bird

"Do I like it? You must have a way to open this door, right? These are all top sports cars!
Maybe there will be some top off-road vehicles in it! "

Han Xiaochen jumped out of the car with bright eyes, and wiped out the zombies that had just arrived.

Zhao Ye walked down lazily, being implicated by them, the convoy behind also stopped
"Han Xiaochen, there can't be any off-road vehicles here, all of them are top-level racers!
Any idea why nobody moved here?Once this place is violently destroyed, it will explode.

Firstly, the things inside are useless, and secondly, the price you have to pay to get these things will be too high for you to see! "

"Ye, think of a way, think of a way, don't you think it's transparent glass? You can even see the car inside, this car is so beautiful!
It's good to get two cars just to put them on display! Seeing that the car had stopped, Han Zhennuo also ran out to make noises.

"Nonuo, we still have tasks to do later, not to mention that the cars here are useless, they don't take up space!"

Zhao Ye smiled helplessly, Nuonuo had suffered too much before, and had never seen anything good.

"It's okay, I know, since you want it, Han Xiaochen, you must have enough open space, right?"

Han Xinnuo looked at Han Xiaochen with a smile

"Zhao Ye, don't pretend, just mention what you want, anyway, I like these cars, and there may be some good things in it!
These sports cars used to sell for tens of millions. You think maybe there are useful materials in them too! "

Han Xiaochen looked at Zhao Ye clearly
"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you two women!
Put all the things here, and save you two women from thinking about it, mainly because you are worried that you will affect everyone's schedule.

It's hard work to come here, so you can't really come here for an outing to whack hamsters, right?

I don't have any conditions to mention to you, you think of me as someone!
When you come across good supplies, don't hide them, just put them in for me! "

As Zhao Ye said this, he condensed his spiritual power into a needle, and shot towards a certain place of the glass door.

Just two seconds later, there seemed to be sparks emerging from somewhere on the glass door.

With two clicks, the glass door opened.

Han Xiaochen was just about to run to the 4S store, but Zhao Ye held her down all of a sudden
"Be careful, wait another 5 seconds!"

Sure enough, during this dazed effort, there seemed to be something crackling and blazing.

"It's all right, let's go in!" Zhao Ye still worried and followed the two of them in after saying this.

"You can choose which car Nuonuo likes, and I will teach you how to drive when you get back!"

"Hmm," Han Qinnuo naturally didn't understand the value of these sports cars in the past, but he picked two of the most beautiful ones with the beginning of b and put them in the space, so he didn't move.
Han Xiaochen saw that Han Zhennuo didn't choose anything, so he came up with a three-light policy, and installed all the cars here as long as they appeared on the surface.

But there is really nothing here, but a few zombies jumped out of the office, but because of the long-term lack of crowding, they were also very weak, and they were killed with a wave of their hands.

But since I came here this time, I abandoned the Sanguang policy. As long as it can be moved, it will be moved in.

(End of this chapter)

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