Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 242 Extreme Fear

Chapter 242 Extreme Fear
Seeing the expressions of these two people as if facing a formidable enemy, Han Zhennuo panicked even more.

But suddenly, I found that my bracelet seemed to emit a very peaceful light, as if to comfort myself saying that you are not afraid, nothing will happen.

Han Zhennuo shook his head, feeling that he smelled himself in his head, how could he have fantasies in his heart.

Could it be because I'm usually too boring, and I don't have much contact with people when I read novels every day?
"Number [-] speed variation, go down, make a mark every once in a while, don't stop this car for me, keep driving!"

Zhao Ye ordered with a calm face
"Yes, chief." A young guy jumped out of the car, and really started to make marks below.

He uses a special marker pen that corresponds to the calendar year.

As long as this pen makes a mark, no matter what you use, it will be difficult to remove it.

"Zhao Ye, you mean that this may be a ghost hitting the wall!"

Han Xiaochen frowned, absolutely impossible
"That's almost what it means. Who knows, take a look around. Of course, no matter what, we can't stand still or turn around in circles."

Zhao Ye's face is so dark
"Ye Junzhi, what do you think of this!"

Zhao Ye turned to look at Ye Junzhi who had been silent all this time
"I don't like this either, and I have never encountered such a situation before!"

Ye Junzhi also frowned deeply, he had been having bad luck recently and was often injured.

But I didn't expect that this time when I came out, it went relatively smoothly at the beginning, but in the end when I ran into the pair of them, there was such a fatal crisis.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, the soldiers come to flood the water and soil, anyway, there is enough food in the space, enough, let's use it for a while!
And we also have a lot of people with water abilities, so people with food and water will be fine! "

Han Xiaochen looked at the people comfortingly, what does it mean to go to Maicheng?If you drink cold water, your teeth will get stuck, and if you fart, you will hit your heels. That's probably it!

"Yeah, yeah, take it easy!" Han Yinuo looked at several people comfortingly and said

In this way, the car drove for 10 minutes, "Is this wrong? We didn't go back and forth, but what's going on with this situation?"

Ye Junzhi couldn't sit still now, if he was surrounded by some mutant animals or zombies with powerful illusions, he could still think of a way.

But if the environment suddenly changed drastically, it would be too scary.

Not a blade of grass grows and everything dies, this is the rhythm of the complete extinction of human beings!

"I don't know why, I don't have any sense of danger at all, in fact, my sixth sense, especially the intuition of danger, has always been very sensitive!
It was because of that that I escaped a lot of attacks in the early days of the end of the world! "Han Zhennuo said suddenly

"This...how is this possible, now is not the time to talk about feelings!
Who knows whether your feelings are sensitive or not, but now..."

Ye Junzhi still frowned
"Ye Junzhi, don't be too pessimistic, aren't we all here?

You don't know, when we first came here, we encountered those two groups, we survived no matter how dangerous they were, and even earned a lot of crystal nuclei!

Anyway, all the vehicles and personnel in our convoy are with us, aren't they? "

That's all Han Xiaochen can say

"It's a good thing to be optimistic, but do you women know that blind optimism will kill you!"

Ye Junzhi's tightly locked hair did not loosen at all.
Han Xiaochen shook his head and said nothing more.

She used her mind to contact the space just now, but fortunately the space can be contacted, which proves that the monsters hidden outside do not know where or the environment is not so scary.

At least he still has the cards to save his life, but as soon as Han Xiaochen came up with this idea, he wanted to give himself two mouths.

Han Xiaochen, how can you be so selfish?When in danger, they want to hide.

It's all your friends here!
"Why don't we try to contact the base? No matter what, our base is strong enough!"

Ye Junzhi took out the communicator, but like a woman, she prayed to be able to contact the base.

Fortunately, after the communicator was broadcast, they contacted the 1st mercenary regiment at the base in a short while.

"We have encountered a strange image here, please take a look!" Ye Junzhi took a picture of the current environment with the communicator as he spoke.

"It's normal what happened to the surrounding environment. There are not many zombies, and they are not very powerful!"

The people at the base frowned, what is Ye Junzhi doing?Are you kidding them?When are they free?

Listening to the conversation, Han Xiaochen took out his mobile phone to take pictures of the surrounding environment.

The environment captured by my mobile phone turned out to be normal, completely different from what I saw with my own eyes.

"Han Xinnuo, look quickly, look quickly?? It's really crazy!!"

Zhao Ye also tried it naturally. Everyone in this mobile phone is also driving normally, and the surrounding environment is the same as before. Fortunately, there are not many zombies.

Just using these vehicles of my own can successfully stop them, prevent them from coming, and hurt the members of the regiment.

But how to solve this situation now?
But when the car was about to turn left, a huge danger popped up in Han Zhennuo's mind, which made her have a splitting headache.

And because of the strong fear, as a supernatural being, Han Qiannuo couldn't feel the cold anymore, but he trembled with fear, his face turned blue and white, and the sound of his teeth colliding could be heard.

And then the whole body froze like death, "Don't!...don't go over there...

I feel very bad over there, very bad! "

Zhao Ye quickly embraced her
"What's wrong? Tell me specifically?" Zhao Ye's voice was so gentle that water could drip out.

"I don't know, I don't know, I just feel so scared going there, so scared, don't go there, don't go there!"

Because of the strong fear, Han Qinuo couldn't even speak incoherently.

Zhao Ye frowned
"Give me a diversion to the right!"

"The road to the right of the leader is not easy!"

"I told you to change to drive on the right"

The main reason is that this road is almost blocked except for the right side.

But the road on the right is also full of potholes, and there are big pits in many places. Of course, there are also many obstacles and zombies and zombie animals that can be seen by the eyes.

"Just go this way!" Zhao Ye always kept his word.

"Yes" Zhao Ye said that these team members have always been very obedient, mainly because they have never suffered from the orders given by their leader.

"Boss, what about us?" Ye Junzhi's communicator also rang
"We'll be with them too," Ye Junzhi gritted her teeth
In fact, he didn't really believe in Han Yinuo's damn sixth sense, fear and so on.

Originally, Han Zhennuo was a weak, timid and timid girl, but Zhao Ye's pair were very strong.

In times of crisis like this, it is better for everyone to hug together to keep warm.

This is also strange, although it is said that there are quite a few zombies and zombie animals encountered.

But because they have sufficient firepower here, they were almost wiped out without anyone using their abilities.

"Zhao Ye, what do you think is that?" Ye Junzhi's eyes were also very playful.
Seeing the destruction of a zombie or zombie animal, something opened a hole in their head and removed the crystal nucleus.

Ah!They just planted trees, and some people came to enjoy the shade. This cut is too fast!
(End of this chapter)

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