Chapter 256

"Han Xiaochen, I know what you are thinking, are you silently slandering me in your heart, even scolding me!
I've always had a crush on you, even if we can't be together now, I hope you can live happily ever after.

Han Xiaochen, while you dislike me or Mo Yan.

I definitely want to find a man who is clean in body and mind, strong in ability, and treats you very well!
But how is this possible?Fantasies can only be fantasies, there can be no such perfect man in this world. "

"Ye Junzhi, what you said is wrong, isn't it true that there are no men with clean mind and body in this world?

You can't think that there is nothing in this world just because you are not such a man, right? "

Han Xiaochen obviously disagrees with what Ye Junzhi said

"Yes, I admit that I am unclean, but I also know that if a woman in this world really wants a man with a clean mind and body, it may not be difficult to find!"

Ye Junzhi raised her eyebrows as she recognized such a man with a clean body and mind.

But the style of painting can be changed

"That kind of young boy, sixteen or seventeen years old, who has never experienced anything
It has to be the kind that obediently listens to their parents at home, isn't it pure in mind and body?

But would that little boy be capable?

I'm afraid not, I'm afraid I have to ask you to raise it?
What's more, which boy who grew up in that environment is not a mother boy who listens to his mother in everything?

Can you bear this kind of man?

Isn't it a good thing to grow up with a man?Maybe he has grown up, and it's time for you to step down?

You are not a child anymore, look at those self-made men before the end of the world.

Which one of the wives who were with them in the end is not a follow-up?

This poor wife was kicked by them not long ago.

Really good men are rare, and there are almost no men who really develop themselves and don't change their wives.

Even if there is one occasionally, the red flag at home will not fall, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside.

Maybe those men looked good when they were poor and white, but later on, with a little achievement, they became what kind of people.

Such examples abound before the end of the world, right?
Do you, Han Xiaochen, think that you have so much confidence? You are completely different from other women.

You can be sure that when you meet that kind of man, he will treat you wholeheartedly for the rest of his life!

Wouldn't even glance at other women with this one look?
I can't see it all, just that kind of man, maybe when he is not strong, thank you for having a girlfriend like you!
When he becomes more powerful, he might want to open a harem like some people!
Let's not talk about the distance, just talk about those supernatural beings in our base!
In the past, the honest man who sat on the worker and the assembly line, this man has a supernatural power
You can see that they are not all of them. They are obviously ordinary people with supernatural powers, but they have to hook up with a lot of people without supernatural powers. Ordinary women play with three wives and four concubines.

Their wives are either dead, or they are serving in a helpless way, that man and the lovers raised by that man!
From this point, you can see that this man with little ability suddenly has some ability, let alone a thing, let alone be able to withstand the temptation!
By the way, there is a living example around you, that is Han Shaonuo's father.

Han Junnuo's father had no abilities at all, but he had a power mutation.

It's still hard to support a family by yourself, and you have to hook up with those beautiful ordinary women.

So I say you, stop dreaming.

I think Mo Yan is good enough for you. They have a big base running so far to guard you, worrying that you will be in danger.

Do you think you are supernatural?Indeed, compared to ordinary female supernatural beings, you are considered powerful enough.

But so what?Mo Yan, who wants you like this, they just caught a lot of them.

Be content, stop stretching all the time.

It's rare to meet a man who always puts you in his heart and protects you so unwaveringly.

Besides, he did abandon you before, but it is justifiable!

Don't you know that when he wanted you back then, he put you in the position of a stand-in?

If he was really ruthless towards that woman Jia Lingxiao, you would really be afraid.

After all, he has been thinking about the woman for so many years, and he can throw it away without any reason at will, without caring about it at all.

Then treat you, the woman he raised you up is no better, where is it, that is really treating you as a plaything!
Han Xiaochen, I am sincerely doing this for your own good, so I have told you everything that should be said and should not be said!
To be honest, there is a big gap between me and Mo Yan, and I will not become that friend who talks about everything!

But this man is the most accurate in judging men, he is absolutely sincere to you! "

Ye Junzhi sighed deeply after saying this.

This pushes the woman I have been thinking about for a long time to other men, and I still feel very uncomfortable.

But he also understands that it is right for Han Xiaochen to do the best.

Whoops, Ye Junzhi never thought that he would also do good deeds every day.

To be so upright and kind, he is comparable to the Holy Father

"Han Xiaochen, what kind of experience did you have before! What are you all talking about? Why does it feel weird!"

Yu Momo frowned, why did they hide a lot of things that they didn't know about?
"Everyone in Yu Momo has his own privacy, and there are things that everyone doesn't want to tell outsiders!

I also knew about Han Xiaochen by accident, but I didn't know everything!

Since you are a friend, don't dig into her painful experience. "

Ye Junzhi patted Yu Momo's shoulder, and said in a long way.

"Yu Momo, think about it, do you have many things that you don't want others to know?

That kind of thing, even if your parents, even your best friend, and even your future partner, you don't want them to know?
Comparing your heart with your heart, Han Xiaochen is also like that!
Well, the two of you have almost rested, so let's help others!
There is a lot of waste to be done here, and there are not enough manpower, so it's time to exercise! "

After Ye Junzhi said this, she walked away with her hands behind her back.

Han Xiaochen...

"Yu Momo, no, no, my head hurts a little, I want to go back to my room to rest for a while!"

Han Xiaochen felt that his mind was in a mess, and after going to his room, he got into his own space.

"Hey! Han Xiaochen, if you don't want to talk about it, I don't ask. Why are you deserting!"

Yu Momoxin said that Han Xiaochen is no one else.

This is mainly what are you doing in your space in broad daylight?
Show off that you can get into this space at any time, and you can rest in it at will, right?
It's not good for you to show off like this, it will make many people envious and jealous, okay?
"Yu Momo, what are you doing? Why are you yelling and yelling if you don't take good care of your wounds!"

When Yu Momo yelled like this, he called Li Youruo.

"Isn't it Han Xiaochen, just now Ye Junzhi said some inexplicable things about feelings.

Han Xiaochen didn't know if he was stimulated or what, so he went straight into the space!

I don't have anyone here anymore. I don't know what's wrong with this girl. Is it possible that she is really yearning for spring? "

Yu Momo shook his head unbearably.
"Oh! That's right! Han Xiaochen must be entangled in the matter with Mo Yan, a scumbag! As for Mo Yan, his personal ability is not bad, that's right, his integrity is not good, and his formal style is also relatively scumbag. He really doesn't deserve me. Where is the cute girl Han Xiaochen!"

When Han Zhennuo thought of Mo Yan, he curled his lips in disgust.
(End of this chapter)

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