Chapter 262 Untitled
"Mom, in fact, you are a water-type supernatural being. You are wanted in many places outside. It's better than staying here!"

In fact, someone came to find Han Dong, and Han Dong was thinking that he would take his mother to a separate team, but it was fine.

After all, any team welcomes this water-type supernatural being, and it can also hide from his father.

"I won't leave, I'll just guard here, isn't this mercenary group still dispersed? So your sister and the others must be completely wiped out!
Besides, where do I go from here?It's not that I haven't stayed there before, the treatment here is pretty good anyway, and I still have something to eat! "Wang Zhihua has made up his mind now, and he won't leave no matter what.
Here, my bastard husband doesn't dare to treat him too much, but if he goes outside, it's really possible.

Recently, my son has been collecting food from me every day for his girlfriend to eat.

If I leave this team and go to other places, I will be bullied to death by the couple.

I don't know what my son thinks, but he just likes the girlfriend who doesn't have supernatural powers.

He also wanted to tell his own story intentionally or unintentionally, whether he could give his girlfriend a special ability.

In fact, you don't need to use his stereotypes, you really don't have that ability, Han Xinnuo doesn't listen to you at all, okay?

But it's good now, at least I have the ability to support myself
What's more, Wang Zhihua's heart is a little fluttering now, after all, she was not very old, but 40 years old.

Now that I have Yi, I can eat and drink well, but I am obviously much younger than ordinary people, like in my early 30s.

Some even died with supernatural powers, and the wives always came to hook up with themselves.

Wouldn't it be better for him to get along with an aggressive superhuman?
If you say that these powerful supernatural beings are all in the big army, and they all go to those small teams with their sons, how could they meet them?

It's just that I can meet them, can I snatch those little girls?

So this person, once he has the ability, will change.

I just don't know how Han Daguo would feel when he wanted to come back after having enough fun outside, and found out that his wife had also found a new home.

Maybe this person only knows that the people around him are the best when he loses it!

It's just that the battle at the base is getting more and more intense, and Zhaoye's place has also suffered. Unexpectedly, the machine came, and several groups of people came to search their place.

To put it bluntly, what did you come to the mercenary group to search for?
Don't they think that their leader, Zhao Ye, is not here and wants to bully other people's family members?
But it's a pity that Zhao Ye left enough supplies for the people below to live for more than ten days.

Those people didn't even find a hair, and those supplies, this family is pointing to their lives.

This base has to gain a reputation even if it is fighting internally, mainly because those things are not worth grabbing.

"Zhao Ye is such a thug, he won't even give you a hair if he walks away, but so what? Why don't you just let the monsters be wiped out outside!"

A greasy-faced fire-type power user shook his head and said.

"Ajie, stop making trouble, who knows what's going on outside, don't forget that Zhao Ye has tricks!
I think if something really happens, their group will be wiped out, and Zhao Ye won't be able to die either! "

The other person has a bit of a brain, after all, who can support a large mercenary group is easy.

"Tch, Zhao Ye must be better than Lao Tzu, but it's just reincarnated so he can go away, it's really bad luck!"

This man named Jie really didn't seem to have anything to offer.

The rest of the supernatural beings are also low-level, and they are all tasteless tasteless ones that are regrettable to be discarded.

So I had no choice but to give up cursing and leave here.

Wang Zhihua shook his head, and retreated into his room again.

Fortunately, when my daughter left, I left some compressed biscuits for myself.

She didn't know why, she had a mind, and even her own son was hidden from it.

Yes, this person's heart has changed in the last days.

It can't be said that people are selfish, no matter what, you have to fill your stomach first, and then think about other things.

No matter how much this child cares about, it is not as important as his own life!

"Grandma, it seems that it is not peaceful everywhere now, and this kind of thing has happened in such a big base in the imperial capital!
You see, even the night mercenary group has become fragmented now! "

Zheng Wenwen was also very depressed. As a power mutant, she didn't eat enough after several meals.

"Then what can be done? People are in trouble and they are blessed. When this kind of thing happens, no one can do it!" Grandma Li sighed
"Grandma, why don't we still look for that person named Nana?

I also inquired, she and her husband did not go on missions this time!
They are so capable, at least rich in supplies, right? "

Wenwen's eyes lit up, and he came up with another bad idea.

"Forget it, I won't go, and you sister Yueying didn't even go, so what am I going to do!

You should also learn to be more self-improving, look at you sister Yueying, the life in the base is not prosperous now, grandma heard that the fire power has reached the third level! "

Grandma Li sighed, sometimes these young people can't control their thoughts.

You are not the same as others, if you are poor, you are not poor!

What do you always do there?Go begging?What a shame.

Anyway, now that the water system has reached the second level, it is no problem to support a family.

Of course you can only eat this kind of worst food, but it's good to fill your stomach these days.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you? You forgot that my aunt saved that woman's life back then.

I don't think so, if it wasn't for my aunt, if it was just that woman, my aunt might still be fine! "Li Wenwen was very disapproving.

Grandma Li: "Wenwen, stop making trouble, we broke up with people before the end of the world, you forgot about borrowing money!

This person, if you are satisfied, you can also learn from your sister Yue Ying, or you can also go to the army at our base.

This is still a power mutation, this army should be willing to want you! "

Li Wenwen stamped his feet angrily, "Grandma, if you don't want to go, I'll go!
You can't just take care of yourself, like my grandpa and my dad, my mom has to eat, okay?

By the way, there is also my younger brother. My younger brother is growing up now, so he cannot lack food!
I went there to ask, and I heard people say that my younger brother is the easiest to awaken abilities at this age.

Is there a way for my younger brother to teach a supernatural power too! "

Li Wenwen's small abacus, but one dozen one 6
"Wenwen doesn't dare to say that this can give birth to supernatural powers! You see so many capable people in our base use some kind of pure crystal core to awaken supernatural powers!
How many people have died here, and the success rate is less than 1%, don't harm your brother! "

Your grandma is scared now
"Grandma, why are you so timid? You see, the woman opposite us is over 40, and she has awakened her abilities with that pure crystal core!
He can, why can't my brother?At least my brother is young and has few impurities on his body! "

Li Wenwen still disagrees

"You silly girl, what do you know, isn't it normal for Wang Zhihua to awaken supernatural powers? Look at the fact that he gave birth to a girl and son, one is a mutant and the other is a supernatural being.

People have this gene in their body, so they will come out as soon as they hold the crystal nucleus!

Look at the high-level people in the base, they are no better than us, but look at how many people died just to awaken this ability with the crystal nucleus!

You see, I am the only one in our family who has supernatural powers, you are still a mutant, and even you see, who else has it? "

Grandma Li is getting older, so she is naturally worried that her grandson will be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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