Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 264 What is someone else's golden finger?

Chapter 264 What is someone else's golden finger?

"Beauty, I haven't introduced you yet. What's your name? I think you look familiar!" As he said that, the man shamelessly sat across the table from Han Xiaochen.

"Master, why are you ignoring us?

Hey, what's the matter with you, woman?What kind of attitude do you have towards our young master! "

It's not a big deal, that little Internet celebrity quits first, it's so easy to get close to Hua Zekai, but halfway through, there's a cut-off, how can this be possible?

Before Han Xiaochen could speak,
"Get out, get out, you two!" The naughty, disgusting voice rang out and hit the two women.

But looking at Han Xiaochen quite flatteringly

"Beauty, don't get me wrong, these two are the ones who are eager to pester me, but I am a decent person, why would I like this kind of prostitute!"

Han Xiaochen rolled his eyes greatly, what kind of bastard are you, my lady already knew about it, okay?
"Look, young master, you can't treat us like this. Don't you say that you will promise to invest in both of us?"

One of the girls who was a little thinner just wanted to stay here dissatisfied, and immediately two men in black came over and dragged them away.

Han Xiaochen twitched the corners of his mouth, it seemed that this oily-haired, powder-faced oily man in front of him really had two pockets!

"Smile, this cold little beauty looks even better when she smiles. There is a word called it, what is it called? It's about you, right?"

Zhu Changchao, that is, the naughty guy, the more he looks at Han Xiaochen, the more he likes him!

Compared to those facelifts, compared to those Internet celebrities with heavy makeup, this little beauty in front of me is really fresh and refined!
Look at this little beauty, she doesn't pretend at all, she eats a bunch of skewers, and when she brushes her teeth, she will make a bunch of them.

But this kind of bold and unrestrained way of eating is so pleasing to the eyes of this little beauty!
Obviously, Fei Yunfan also wanted to talk to him, but it was a pity that Han Xiaochen didn't want to talk to him, and he didn't know what to say.

In such a short time, the waiter finished all the skewers and the like.

Han Xiaochen stood up straight away, carried these things and walked out.

"Beauty, beauty, we don't bring such things, how about you give me your mobile phone number?"

Hua Zekai ran past again

Han Xiaochen didn't even pay attention to him
"Beauty, beauty, I will give you my mobile phone number. If you miss me, come and find me. Brother wants money, and if you have money, you need someone."

Zhu Changchao rolled his eyes and stuffed his business card into Han Xiaochen's bag, and then walked away.

It seems that he is more majestic and more personal.

But Fei Yunfan has been following her behind Han Xiaochen,
"Little girl has a personality, do you know who you provoked just now?"

Han Xiaochen walked forward without even giving him a look.

"Little girl has a personality, do you know who you provoked just now?"

Han Xiaochen stopped walking this time, but it was heavy enough to carry so many things in his hands.

Fei Yunfan walked over immediately for some unknown reason, "How about the beauty, so we can chat?

In case you will be harmed by that scumbag Hua Zekai in the future, how about me?
My family's conditions are also good, more than enough to support you!

But of course this is conditional, you have to be good and obedient!what! ! ! "

Fei Yunfan didn't expect that Han Xiaochen threw a grilled chicken steak on his face.

What's more, Han Xiaochen, who is a supernatural being, has a lot of strength in his hands.

I guess his face is injured.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Catch the rogue, catch the rogue!"

While watching, Han Xiaochen didn't forget to run outside with the food.

Even before Fei Yunfan could react, he threw some food directly in his face.

And Han Xiaochen showed everyone that she was a poor little girl running out in a panic.

In fact, the facts are similar, except that this little girl is more sensitive and faster, mainly because she has too much strength.

"Hmph! Still want to investigate me, this man is definitely the most annoying and low-minded species in the world."

Han Xiaochen snorted coldly and left here quickly.

Fei Yunfan was about to go mad with anger, and he didn't know whether it was just an illusion or what, when he wanted to fight back, he suddenly felt muscle weakness
"That's the person, that's the person. Just now, the little girl had to be punished. She was so scared that the little girl threw away all the food and ran away crying!"

Nowadays, those who are willing to come out to enjoy the night market are not only those young people, but also the old men and women who are willing to come.

Soon a group of elders and aunts surrounded Li Mingyuan and started pointing.

"Yeah, yeah, I saw it too, so call the police!"

"Why did you call the police? You ran away without seeing the little girl?" one person said contemptuously

"Then we should call the police. We all saw it. He was playing hooligans with a little girl. Fortunately, the little girl was about to run away, otherwise...

No, no, no, this kind of social style must not be tolerated! "An old man said righteously.


Han Xiaochen was delighted to hear the people's discussion from afar.

Although there are many scumbags in this world, there are also many honest people!
Han Xiaochen found another hidden place, and after throwing a lot of food into the space, he decided to take another stroll.

I bought a lot of these things that I think can be used over there.

Although it can be found in the last days, after all, trouble is not!
Especially this omnipotent supermarket, do you want anything now?

Han Xiaochen decided to be ruthless again, and bought a few ready-made solar panels that can be used for both charging and bathing.

I left the address for them to send it to the small villa.

I bought a lot of food and used it, and then reluctantly went back.

Han Xiaochen timed it well, the solar panel deliverer came over just as soon as he got home.

Of course, this is also because Han Xiaochen gave a lot of money, otherwise he would not have delivered the goods at night!

After thinking about it, Han Xiaochen should go back to the space, after all, she doesn't have that ability in this interface, so she can spend more time.

Besides, when it comes to space, what's going on in the end of the world, I still know it.

After all, this person has to live in a team, and you can't always fight alone.

Therefore, if the people around me are busy, it is better to help as much as possible if you can.

The only good thing is that there are many capable people in the base now.

So no one will be surprised if you get any good things, they just think you have the ability.

Of course, these good things are not something that ordinary people or even low-level supernatural beings can enjoy.

So no matter what age it is, even in the last days, there is no such thing as equality for everyone. On the contrary, the division of classes has become more serious!
Not to mention, Han Xiaochen felt that it was very lively when he first arrived in the space.

After pricking up his ears and listening carefully for a while, it turned out that Mo Yan had brought a lot of supplies from outside.

This Moshen is also very capable, even more so than someone with golden fingers, and I don't know where that man got those urgently needed supplies from here!

Is it possible that there is also a cheat, is it a system or a system store?
Can't figure it out, can't figure it out!
But let it be if you can't figure it out, you already have such thick gold fingers, so why can't others have them?

Thinking of this, Han Xiaochen immediately stepped out.

(End of this chapter)

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