Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 270 Base Reform

Chapter 270 Base Reform
"What's your sister's temper? Don't you know that I'm a mother?
Take a good rest, son, at the stage of the locust disturbance, although it is said to be safe at the base leader's place, I am careful every day. Now that I am fine, I can finally have a good rest! "

Wang Zhihua can also see now that although the girl Han Xinnuo is just helping her wake up before leaving.

But I still have a lot of resentment towards her as a mother, and it's even impossible for me to say a few words, a few warm words can solve the problem.

To put it bluntly, Han Xinnuo, a girl, doesn't believe in herself, and her mother doesn't believe in her younger brother.
And who is to blame for this? You can only blame yourself for being too partial at the beginning, right?

If you want to say that you are partial to your son, don't you know in your heart?
How could it be unclear?But I have been wronged since giving birth to Han Yinuo, and I don't know why, but I don't like this girl from the bottom of my heart.

Han Junnuo has been straight and stubborn since he was a child, and his mouth is still stinky, but his son has indeed coaxed himself to make him happy since he was a child.

In addition, the tradition has always been that this girl is a loser, destined to be from another family.

And I was destined to have my son take care of the elderly, so I naturally felt confident when I became partial.

But who would have thought that they would encounter such a damned apocalypse!
Han Dong: "Mom, is my sister coming back!

When she comes back, you can talk to her well, and speak with a better attitude! "

Wang Zhihua smiled bitterly: "Son, you think too much, your sister may not come to see us when she comes back!
How about you?What should I do?You are also a mutant after all, so practice hard!
Didn't you see Li Wenwen's family?Want to climb the leader's relationship.

They were indeed inextricably linked in the past, but in fact, don't you see clearly?
This person has to rely on himself! "

Wang Zhihua now also sees it clearly, this person, you can't point at anyone, husband and children are like that, you have to rely on yourself.

That's right, my younger brother's elder brother's family is simply unreliable, thinking that he would only let himself take money from the family at the beginning.

And when he encountered any embarrassment, this brother and younger brother never cared about him.

It's just that I am stupid, but I am still willing to help my mother's family.

And Han Xinnuo, a stinky girl, saw Da Yexue since she was a child, and she knew in her heart that her natal family was never reliable.

It’s just that he was willing to send money home because he couldn’t offend him and had no choice!


"Xiaochen! This Nana's husband, Mo Shen, has become the leader of the imperial base.

It seems that we can go back immediately, and you can also live in your former villa with peace of mind! "

Han Xinuo was in a good mood, nothing happened to his family, and no one in the group died.

Han Xiaochen...

: "Hehe, Nuonuo, you think quite openly!

Don't you think it's weird?Although Mo Shen and his wife are powerful enough, they don't do much activities in the base.

They haven't shown up much before, but this time the inexplicable base belongs to them? "

What did Han Xiaochen think, why did he think this incident was too unbelievable
This person who can be the leader of the imperial capital base should not be a good stubble, can he be kicked out so easily?

Although Mo Shen looks very powerful, but this person doesn't have much power in the imperial base, right?
"Xiaochen, what are you thinking about so much?
Anyway, now he is the leader of the Imperial Capital Base, and Nana is the wife of the leader of the Imperial Capital Base.

There are so many things you can't figure out in this world, just like how our friendship came about, can you figure it out?
Back then, when I read doomsday novels every day, I didn't feel that the doomsday might really happen, but now it does!

I know what you think, maybe they don't have enough power on the surface, but they have enough power in the dark!
Anyway, I can feel that Nana is not hostile to me at all. On the contrary, I feel that she is very kind to me, and I like her very much! "

Han Xinuo seemed a little excited when he said this!

She didn't like the base very much before, and the leaders had little contact with those people

But now Han Xinnuo feels that he can go to Li Na to get close.

Han Xiaochen shook his head, although Han Zhennuo was a few years older than himself.

But this temperament is still so naive and reckless, no wonder she was often scolded by her parents before!
This thought is too simple, I don't think about anything!
However, although this small village looks like a paradise, it is true that these few people cannot live here for a long time.

It would be fine if it was used as a back-up here, but if it was here for a long time.

This person must be suffering from depression, and must be stupid.

"What you said is also reasonable. We really can't stay here forever. See what you mean, our large army will have to go back to the base in the next two days!" Han Xiaochen shrugged
Han Zhennuo nodded: "Yes! Unless we have the ability to build a large group by ourselves, otherwise we will have to live in groups!

Let’s just talk about me, I’m already a housekeeper, and I don’t like to go out very much, but I still feel uncomfortable staying here! "

Sure enough, after going out to discuss this, Mo Yan and the others also decided to return to the base.

As for this place, there is a formation, and no one else can come.

Of course, there will be people here to hold hands.

After all, this place can be regarded as a small gathering point, surrounded by forests, if you go out to hunt and exercise your skills, it will not be too convenient to come back!
But if you really want to stay in such an inaccessible place, this person will go crazy.

The way they went back was fairly peaceful, and the zombies and mutated animals they encountered were not difficult to deal with.

"This Moshen is ruthless enough to make such a policy now!"

This car is driving Ye Junzhi Road
Han Xiaochen: "What's wrong? Why are you so cruel?"

Mo Yan: "Mo Shen is not too ruthless, the rebuilding of this base does require a lot of materials.

But one leader, one management method, that is, if you enter the base later, you have to hand in half of the supplies you get outside!
What's more, each person should not be less than 50 catties for this material!
That ordinary person can't come in without paying 200 catties of grain!

After this ordinary person entered the base, he had to do a lot of work every day in exchange for food and clothing!
Completely abolish the free food and water for ordinary people.

Of course, he also has a good policy here, that is, the proportion of the purification crystal nucleus is now much smaller than before.

5:1 like this, most of the supernatural beings are quite welcome.

It seems that Mo Shen definitely has a very powerful ability to purify crystal nuclei in his hands. "

After Mo Yan said this, his thoughts were a little complicated.

"That's right, that's okay, but it's just pity for those ordinary people and those old, weak, sick and disabled!
Nana is so kind, but looking for that man is so ruthless, it doesn't even feel human at all!

I don't know how Nana married Mo Shen in the first place. "

Han Xiaochen curled his lips, the policy Mo Shen decided was really too realistic.

As a result, even those with the ability to purify are not as popular as before.

"That's right, those who have family members with supernatural powers have to work hard to support themselves, and those who have no supernatural powers have family members!

But is this policy ruthless enough?There is simply no way to survive for the old, weak, sick and disabled! "

Ye Junzhi sighed
"Isn't this normal? The jungle is prey to the jungle, isn't it always like this in this world?

Just like in the factory, once this person reaches 35 or 40 years old, the boss will find a way to run you away! "

Han Xinnuo thinks this policy is normal, and it wasn't like that before the end of the world. How can there be people who support idlers?
(End of this chapter)

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