Chapter 273 Denial
On the contrary, I think Yoga Lin is that kind of extreme interests and advocates!

Zhang Yueying was dragged down a lot by Lin Youjia before, if Zhang Yueying hadn't decided to go to the army for development in the end
So now the ability that may be dragged down by Lin Youjia is still stagnant!


When Han Xiaochen finally woke up, he felt very hungry.

I looked at the watch in the space, my God! !

I actually slept for 30 hours, no wonder my stomach is so hungry!

Han Xiaochen devoured the food while throwing the ingredients into the space kitchen.

What is it good to eat?Yes, pine nut corn is delicious.

And this stir-fried mutant rabbit meat
How many catties did you throw in those big lobsters you bought before?

By the way, there is also this kangaroo meat made by Space Kitchen, which tastes good too!
Han Xiaochen sometimes wonders if God knows that he is too gluttonous and lazy to give him such a space in the kitchen?

Han Xiaochen's eating speed is even faster than that of the kitchen in this space.

She ate one plate after another, Han Xiaochen estimated that she had eaten about twenty or thirty catties of ingredients before she felt really full.

Because most of the ingredients are the meat of mutated beasts and mutated plants.

It directly turned into energy and entered Han Xiaochen's meridians.

Not really, it seems that her stomach is getting bigger, after all, this ordinary food also contains energy.

The higher the level of the supernatural being, the more energy it needs, so this is why those supernatural beings desperately go out to perform missions.

Otherwise, the few ingredients in the base would not be enough for them to stuff their teeth.

As for the ordinary supernatural beings, one meal a day is enough, and ordinary people eat 10 meals!
After eating and drinking enough, Han Xiaochen remembered the large number of locusts lying in his own space.

The locust, Han Xiaochen, experimented and found it edible.

It just seems to be very troublesome to go to the crystal nucleus!

But even so, Han Xiaochen pulled the locusts over.

Suddenly Han Xiaochen's mind flashed,
She patted herself on the head hard
Han Xiaochen, you are so stupid, you can use the space kitchen to dig crystal nuclei yourself!

I've been so tired lately, my head is rusty.

Han Xiaochen immediately threw all these locusts into the cabinet in the kitchen of the space.

Then it was set to separate the crystal nucleus from the edible part of the locust, as well as the garbage part.

It’s just that it has to be specially set up so that the kitchen does not let the edible part of the locust and the crystal nucleus be left, and only absorb the garbage part.

Not to mention that it will take only a few seconds after the setting is completed.

The exit of the kitchen in this space slowly spit out the crystal nucleus first.

Han Xiaochen took a wooden one and tried it, although the crystal nucleus was a bit small, only the size of a soybean.

But the surprise is that the crystal nucleus energy produced by this locust is very pure!
It seems that I have something to do again!
The kitchen in this space wraps the pulp box for me, so I can't just stay there now!

Han Xiaochen thought of a layer of dirt in his small villa, and his face turned black.

I dodged out, but now Han Xiaochen doesn't want to move

He decided to use his own communicator to send missions to the base and ask them to find two room cleaners for him.

And this reward is also very cheap, for such a big villa, it would be enough for everyone to give a bun the size of a fist.

Sure enough, within two minutes, two neatly dressed women came
For example, the job of cleaning the different parts of A, even if there is no one in the base management, it is impossible to get this kind of job!

The two women didn't talk nonsense when they came, so they cleaned Han Xiaochen very carefully.

One of them sneaked a glance at Han Xiaochen and then retracted directly.

The resemblance is so similar, why does she look so much like Han Zhaodi!
But the woman didn't dare to speak. In his impression, Han Zhaodi kept shrinking her neck, looking dirty like a timid little mouse.

How could this be the noble, elegant, and extraordinary supernatural being in front of him!

Yes, this woman is none other than Han Xiaochen's aunt.

Of course, this aunt, Han Xiaochen, disliked Han Xiaochen's mother who was pregnant out of wedlock.

I have already drawn a clear line with Han Xiaochen and my mother, and I will never communicate with each other
To put it bluntly, Aunt Han Xiaochen is just snobbish and ignorant.

Han Xiaochen actually discovered that the person who worked quickly for his family was his aunt.

But so what?I don't even recognize my own parents, mother, and brother.

I haven't had much contact with this before, aunt, I won't recognize her

So until the two men cleaned up the room, Han Xiaochen handed them a steamed bun for each of them, and didn't say a word.

"You did a good job, especially this one whose name is..."

Han Xiaochen looked at his bright and clean little villa with satisfaction, and nodded.

But he looked at one of the thin but swift women.

"My lord, my name is Jiang Yufen! My husband is the vice-captain of the fifth team in the first mercenary regiment in this base!

He is a real fire-type supernatural power user! "

Jiang Yufen smiled at Han Xiaochen with a low eyebrow
"Well, you have done a good job, leave your number behind, I will give priority to using you for this kind of work in the future!" Han Xiaochen twitched the corners of his mouth lightly.

"It's my lord with supernatural powers, I will definitely do my best!"

As soon as Jiang Yufen heard Han Xiaochen say this, she couldn't hide the joy from the inside out on her face.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of food, and the most important thing is that the price of food has risen a little bit compared to before.

Especially after the ratio of the ability users to buy purification crystal nuclei has become smaller.

It is too difficult for ordinary people like them to find the crystal nucleus.

As for her husband, although he is doing well in the army, he is really reluctant to give her one more crystal nucleus!
"That's good, you can go down." Han Xiaochen waved his hand, indicating that they can leave

"Han Zhaodi??" Aunt Han Xiaochen shouted unwillingly before leaving.

Han Xiaochen didn't even give her a look, but said such a sentence coldly.

"Jiang Yufen, go back and tell your leaders that it's better not to come out and serve others for people who talk to themselves and have mental problems in the future!"

"Yes, it's a supernatural being. My lord, I will keep it in mind. I will definitely bring this word with me!"

Jiang Yufen nodded and bowed, and immediately dragged Shi Xiuhua out after fainting.

"Shi Xiuli, what are you doing?
Why are you still talking nonsense?

Do you know what the consequences will be if you anger the supernatural being?
Let me tell you, that is, this supernatural being has a good temper
If you encounter someone with a bad temper, it is possible to kill you directly! "Jiang Yufen came out and stared at Shi Xiuli fiercely.

"Yufen, didn't I see that the supernatural being in front of me really looks like my niece?
That's why I wanted to try it before I left. What if it's my niece?

After all, Shi Xiuli has her own considerations
"Shi Xiuli, don't be ridiculous! My husband is still a real fire-type superpower, and he even has a small right to repel it?

Didn't I still come out like you to clean up and subsidize the family?
Don't say that the supernatural being is not a relative of your family.
So what if it's really your relative?
Don't dream, don't you think about what time it is?
Even if they are really relatives, who cares about relatives now!

Don't you even look at how many husbands and wives, biological fathers and sons turn their faces and deny people in the last days? "

Jiang Yufen sneered, she was no longer Li Shixiuli
(End of this chapter)

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