Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 276 Seeing Through the Form

Chapter 276 Seeing Through the Form

Li Na raised her eyebrows and reached out to take the longan.

This longan was not born, and if this kind of longan is to be planted in the last days, it will definitely not look like this

This little girl Han Xiaochen has a lot of secrets!
But what is it?Why can't I see through, is there something protecting her?

Is there space before the end of the world, and even news of the end of the world?

Or can you travel between the two worlds just like yourself?

I have to say that Li Na's guess turned out to be the truth!

"Han Xiaochen, this longan is not bad, so sweet!

It's much more delicious than the kind of longan you gave birth to. It's really rare that you still have such a good stock!

Many people say that the food born by wood-type supernatural beings is delicious, but I still like the old-fashioned ones!
But it’s really a luxury to be able to eat it now! "

When Han Xiaochen heard Li Na say that, it was like a sap hit him in the chest
"Hehe, Nana, this is the stock I found with great difficulty. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be willing to give it to them!"

Li Na smiled knowingly: "Han Xiaochen, I am very honored to be able to eat such good food!

But the plants spawned by the ability are also delicious!

Isn't this base slowly thinking of a way now?Still want to get out the soil that can be planted!

There are many people who have awakened before the end of the world. It is not surprising that they have supernatural powers!

I also heard that some people not only awakened before the end of the world, but also have great spatial abilities!

Don't put too much pressure on yourself, you see how popular the person who can purify the crystal nucleus before is!
How difficult it is for ordinary supernatural beings to buy purified crystal cores. Not only does the conversion rate of purified crystal cores be so high, but they are often priceless!

And now, isn't it almost the price of cabbage?
Do you know why?Then let me tell you!
Because my husband found several people who can purify the crystal nucleus, and those people are no longer hiding them.

They are all willing to purify the crystal nucleus, so the price of purifying the crystal nucleus is not cheap!

This thing can appear in large numbers, and I think people with the ability to purify crystal nuclei are not so dangerous.

There are many people who are worried about the crime of being pregnant, and they don't want to show their abilities.

But they didn't think about it, the more they didn't want to show their original abilities, the more dangerous they would be in this dangerous last days.

After all, only if your ability is of great benefit to everyone, everyone will cherish you more and protect you well!

I think Han Yinnuo has done a good job in this kind of thing, and if he has healing power, he will not hide it and say it by himself.

Look at the people in their group, everyone respects her very much!
Doesn't even Zhao Ye treat her like a treasure?

It is certain that these two people have feelings for each other, but this woman is more capable, and the man will cherish you more and value you more.

Han Xiaochen, do you understand what I mean?

In the future, there are many things that you can openly and clearly present, which is better than hiding them!
After all, you can't guarantee that you will never use things like abilities, do you understand what I mean? "

Han Xiaochen...


Li Na...

what are you saying?I do not understand? ? "

Li Na still smiled so unpredictablely: "Han Xiaochen, it doesn't matter if you don't understand what I'm saying, take your time and think about it!

This base, my husband has severely rectified it!
This area a belongs to the core part of the base, no one can come here to make trouble, and they can't come here to walk around at will!

Now people who can come to Area A have undergone close screening, which is stricter than before!
And even in other areas of our base, we pay attention to all kinds of security. For those who are casually looking for trouble or want to bully men and women, as soon as they are discovered, they will be punished with the most severe punishment. up!

Of course, even if our management is so strong, we also know that there will always be dark things happening where we can't manage!
However, as soon as that kind of thing shows up, we will destroy it for him. Even if someone wants to have malicious intentions, they have to carefully consider whether they have the ability to do it. "

Han Xiaochen doesn't quite agree with Li Na's point of view. Li Na's husband is so powerful.

Now that she has directly become the person in charge of the imperial base, Li Na can naturally speak standing up without feeling the pain in her back.

But can I do it myself?Seeing Li Na talking like this, she has noticed that she has the ability to purify the crystal nucleus!

These people's intuition is really powerful and terrifying, and their own real eyes haven't seen Li Na's origin clearly yet, but their vest is about to be dropped by others.

"Li Na, I don't agree with your point of view, let's just talk about this space ability, right?

I also started to protect well, and these people around me are not bad!
But for those ordinary people, which ones have space differences, can they be hidden.

Many people with space abilities have been killed by people, right?
Not only that, but if the space power user has something in his own space, the people around him will use all kinds of methods to plot, isn't that impossible to guard against?

If this is possible, who would like to hide it? Isn't there no way?
Don't talk about the end of the world, just say that if this ability is exposed before the end of the world, the consequences will be terrible, right? "

Li Na looked at Han Xiaochen meaningfully, "Yeah, what you said is right, the lower the level, the better you should protect yourself.

Especially with such rare powers like space, healing power, or what I call the ability to purify the crystal nucleus.

But have you heard of some people with space abilities who dare not eat things in the space because they live with everyone, and some of them are so hungry that they almost starve to death?
It was only because I ate when I was almost starving to death, so I had no attack power at all, so I was killed by someone.

In fact, you should learn from your friend Han Xinnuo, who looks stupid.

But he is neither stupid nor confused in matters of great importance. "

Han Xiaochen opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Han Zhennuo? What's wrong with Han Zhennuo? I think she's always been good! There's nothing wrong with her, don't arrange her!"

Li Na shook her head helplessly: "What do I arrange for Han Zhennuo? I'm not afraid, you know, I saved Han Zhennuo when she was injured for the first time!
You should always know that Han Xinnuo almost killed herself by being corrupt and reckless, but not only was she a false alarm later, did she also get great benefits? "

Han Xiaochen was startled when he heard this, because he was too excited, he pointed at Li Na's head tremblingly.
What is Li Na doing?Do you have any great intentions to tell yourself about her heaven-defying ability?

I really didn't expect that Li Na is also a person who heals supernatural powers!

No wonder that Mo Shenneng is so capable, this wife has provided him with a strong backing!
Li Na shook her head helplessly, looking at her with hatred

"Han Xiaochen, what I really mean is that Han Qiannobi can see through the form.

Why did she secretly practice by herself when she was with that Mo Shen, and practiced to the point where she was almost dead?
That's because Mo Shen himself felt unreliable as a man!

But if you look at people and see that this is not good, don't you find a strong backer for yourself?
No, this is not considered a backer, it should be said that two people cooperate, this is a win-win situation, isn't it?
Of course, there must be a little bit of Han Zhennuo's secretive little daughter thinking about Zhao Ye himself.

But the main reason is not that Zhao Ye is willing to use a lot of resources to cultivate, and is willing to protect her well? "

(End of this chapter)

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