Chapter 284
Bao Jingming nodded his sharp peach eyes,)
It's really not easy to say that he can make his peach blossom eyes look scary. )
But suddenly laughed!
: "Xiaochen, it seems that you are very unfriendly to Jing Ming!
Although we are all living in the last days, we should give 12 points to everything, so be careful.

But Xiaochen, why do you have to pack yourself like a hedgehog? If anyone comes to get close to you, you will use the thorns all over your body to pierce them!

Although Jing Ming can't be said to be that kind of elegant gentleman, he definitely has enough respect for women.

Especially a female ability user like you who has made quite a contribution to the base.

You don't have to pay too much attention to what the leader's wife said, no one will force you to marry me!

And naturally, Jing Ming is not the kind of man who has no idea of ​​his own will when the leader's wife says it, and wants to marry the woman she appoints! "

Han Xiaochen frowned. As the saying goes, if you don't hit a smiling face with your hand, it's a bit too much to be rude.

In particular, Bao Jingming is the head of the base's official first mercenary regiment.

But whether it is supernatural power or IQ, he is a first-class player!

If he goes too far, maybe his regiment members will have to come over to fight him.

But Han Xiaochen knew that Bao Jingming was a great hero in the hearts of many supernatural beings?

But what a hero, I bah.

Big bear, Deng Tuzi is almost the same!

But at this moment: the charger in Tan Haoke's hand rang in response to the occasion.

Tan Haoke quickly walked out with the communicator.

In fact, let's put it bluntly, this is a deliberate trick by Tan Haoke. (Small tricks he uses secretly)
"Hey, what's going on, I'm going back now!"

After Tan Haoke put on a face and finished speaking: "Hey, you two eat, I have something to do and I have to leave quickly"

Bao Jingming...

Hehe, Dan Hao, this kid has learned to be smart now.

Han Xiaochen rolled his eyes, why do he think these people have no good intentions!
But I still continued the topic just now. Anyway, I have my own backbone, and no one can force me:
"Hehe, Captain Bao was joking, as a girl, especially a girl in the last days!

Naturally, I have to maintain a high degree of vigilance against the opposite sex, although I don't want to be like a hedgehog, using sharp thorns to protect myself!
But there is no way, if girls in this world are not strong enough, they will live a miserable life, and may even die a miserable death.

You are the head of the first mercenary regiment, so you should know what those incompetent girls in our base are doing now! "

Why does Han Xiaochen not have a good impression of Li Na now!
What did Mo Shen do? Even if ordinary people want to stay in the base, they have to contribute to the base.

So most ordinary people have found a job. Of course, the so-called job is definitely dirty and tiring. The foreman is comparable to the old society.

But what if the old, weak, sick and disabled cannot do these dirty and tiring jobs?
He even said that if those women couldn't do the kind of work arranged by the base.

Then go to Jinzhaozui in this base to serve.

Although there are many regulations that prohibit abuse of women.

But to put it bluntly, isn't it for women to sell their bodies there?
Also said that it must be useful to the machine!
The most irritating thing is that the women there are not only ordinary women, but also some low-level power users and mutants who have also done that kind of business.

It's also called a Xing worker, I'm bah! ! !

Only in this way can the elderly and children in the family have a qualification to stay in the base.

Thinking about it, Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth, but there are still many people singing his praises.Said Mo God is good? ?
It's terrible, what's wrong with this?Wouldn't you let them do what they can?
You have to do that kind of work.

But now Bao Jingming smiled softly: "Xiaochen, it seems that you are living too comfortably in this last days, yes.

You are indeed lucky, your powerful friends, and your own abilities are so popular that you have never experienced the darkness of the last days!
The leader did this for everyone's benefit. Nowadays, it is getting harder to find food and various supplies every day!
Although the leader also made great efforts, he even went outside to get a lot of supplies at the risk of his own life time and time again!

But do you know how many people there are in our base?If there are really so many old, weak, sick, disabled and ordinary people living in the base for free, even if the supplies given in a day seem to be very small, the amount will add up to a huge amount.

You may not know that there are many bases that feed ordinary people at the beginning, but when they are in crisis, they will be blasted outside to fend off zombies!
There are also many bases that have begun to blast ordinary people out. If they don't go out, they won't get any food or water.

Do you know how many people starved to death in other bases?
Not to mention that there are many bases that do not allow them to starve to death in the base!

How did this zombie come here?To put it bluntly, isn't it a plague?But this plague is too terrible, too big!
And if this person dies in the base and no one reports it, there will naturally be too many viruses!
And this measure of our base, although it seems very unreasonable, can allow most people to survive!
Many of those ordinary people are young and strong, but they are afraid of the dangers outside, and they are unwilling to work hard in the base.

What's the point of living in the base like that while waiting to die?

As far as those women you mentioned, even if there is no leader, do you know how many of them are doing that kind of business?

Let me tell you that there are many, many, and even many of them were killed in the process of selling.

And of course our base is not compulsive, if you have to let them do this, if you don't want to do it, you can do other things!

As long as you can endure the hardships and earn enough food for yourself, can you stay in the base?

Han Xiaochen, remember, no matter where you are, it is impossible to support idlers for nothing!

Your ability is so strong, high-end wood-type supernatural powers and high-end space supernatural powers are still the kind with attack power!
Even though you haven't been out on missions for a long time, you haven't encountered less danger, right?

And those who are not as good as you are only one-way light-type abilities, and they encounter more dangers outside, and they will die outside if they don't pay attention!

I wish everyone desperately exchanged material with their lives, who is willing to feed the idlers in this base for nothing!
Not to mention that there is food in the base, if there is, there will be as much as there is!
You better think about it, right? "

Han Xiaochen calmed down now, Han Xiaochen has an advantage that is not an advantage, if she is wrong and I am pointed out by others and it is true, she can still accept it with humility.

Han Xiaochen was silent for two seconds: "This...

What you said, Captain Bao, makes sense, but I still think..."

Bao Jingming sighed lightly: "Actually, I can understand what you think, this woman, especially someone with a little ability like you, is naturally kind-hearted, and she can't see people who are also women suffering!
But there is no way!This is the only way for this base to survive for a long time!

And you are not considered an aggressive supernatural being, you don’t know, this aggressive supernatural being goes outside to do a mission and comes back, especially if he is lucky enough to do that kind of life-threatening mission.

There is a fire in their hearts and they can't let it out, so they always look for women when they come back.

Rather than letting them go out to cause harm, it is better to establish a decent place!

(End of this chapter)

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