Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 286 Between Heaven and Hell

Chapter 286 Between Heaven and Hell
At that time, I thought that I was in heaven by Mo Yan's side, but I didn't know until I fell from a high place.

By Mo Yan's side, he wants you to feel heavenly, so that you can feel heavenly.

He wants to drive you to hell, and it's just a matter of flipping his hands.

To put it bluntly, it depends on his mood!Mo Yan, Mo Yan!
Mo Yan, do you feel that you are like that ancient emperor?
You can come to women as soon as you call them, but they will go away if you wave them!
Bao Jingming glanced at Han Xiaochen strangely: "Han Xiaochen, you shouldn't stay in the base all the time, you should go outside and take a good look!
Although the outside is dangerous, there are also many beautiful scenery outside.

What's more, you also have the ability to save your life!Take a good look outside, and you will find how vast the sky outside is!
You won't be depressed by yourself. "

Han Xiaochen gave Bao Jingming a blank look: "Bao Jingming, do I know you very well? This is the first time I've met you, right?

Well, it's getting late, when are you going to come here!Anyway, I'm tired and I'm going to rest, you can do whatever you want! "

Han Xiaochen didn't give face when he said this, and he was about to leave when he got up together

The pair of Bao Jingming, with peach blossom eyes full of smiles, walked up to Han Xiaochen with one stride of long legs

: "The owner has been gone for a long time, and it's meaningless for me to hang around here!
Xiaochen, you have to go back to Area A, just drop by, I can even see you off! "

Han Xiaochen rolled his eyes: "Bao Jingming, you forgot that I have a car!"

Bao Jingming smiled lowly: "Hehe, why did I forget, Xiaochen, you are a well-known rich woman in our base!
But gasoline is hard to find nowadays, so it's better to save some in the future!
What's more, Jing Ming didn't drive here today, so can I give you a ride back home? "

Han Xiaochen curled his lips and said coldly, "I'm going to say no!"

Bao Jingming still had a smile on his face, "Oh, Xiaochen, I know that you are the most gentle and kind, and you will definitely not disagree with this matter!
I don't live far away, just put me down when you get to your door, I promise I won't go to your house to bother you, right? "

Han Xiaochen rolled his eyes, and he had already walked in front of his own car: "I really didn't expect that the famous Bao Jingming, the head of Bao Da, would be so reckless!

Forget it, why don't I give you a ride?Remember, I will pay back my gas money at that time! "

"Okay, no problem at all!" Bao Jingming also slipped to the other side the moment Han Xiaochen opened the car door.

Bao Jingming: "To say this Lykan Hypersport
Jing Ming also had one before, but he threw it away a long time ago!

It is too expensive to drive out!
Unexpectedly, Xiaochen also likes this kind of sports car that looks dazzling! "

Han Xiaochen: "Hehe, Bao Jingming, you are thinking too much. What would I do with money before the end of the world? If it's not good, I won't buy this kind of luxury that I can't see!
It's just that I happened to come across this car when I went out to search for supplies a while ago, thinking that I don't want it for nothing anyway, so I got it back by the way as there is still room in this space.

But once the base is opened, he sells expensive money in the last days, and it also has the advantage of being expensive!
The car feels really good to drive! "

Bao Jingming seems to be in a really good mood today, his peachy eyes have been turned into peachy smiling eyes, which makes people look like.

Thinking of him, he has a strong bookish atmosphere in a thick gentle atmosphere.
If it wasn't for wearing this combat uniform, if it wasn't for knowing that Bao Jingming was the head of the frightening first mercenary regiment.

You would think that he is a Confucian or a Confucian businessman!

If it's true that people can't be judged by appearances, this can further show that Bao Jingming has been taught very well since he was a child.

"Hehe, there are so many good cars here, I think Jing Ming was also a fan of these sports cars when he was clingy and ignorant!

I just remember that once someone tampered with Jing Ming in the car, which almost brought his soul back to heaven!
Now that I think about it, it is also a disadvantage that Jing Ming has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he has the blessing of supernatural powers, otherwise he would not be able to survive even 10 lives! "

Only then did Han Xiaochen turn his head and look at him in a little surprise.

Bao Jingming: "We children of aristocratic families are not as beautiful as you imagined, there are many things behind us!

There are many enemies in this self, and, well, this enemy may be those who are called relatives who are related to you by blood!
But now it's the end of the world, it's okay, the cards will be reshuffled in the end of the world!

Now, ah, I feel that the restraint is much less! "

Han Xiaochen nodded: "Yes, but I don't understand!"

Han Xiaochen's speaking skills have already reached the door of his own house

Not to mention that the Lykan Hypersport is really fast and stable.

Of course, if you go to those broken roads outside the base, it won't work, this chassis can't stand it.

"Xiaochen chatted with you very happily, so if I see a mission that suits you someday, I will come to you!

Don't worry, those who are too dangerous will never let you pass, you are our base, and the space user with the largest space in this space!

If there is a slight mistake, this leader can cut me into pieces! "

The moment Bao Jingming jumped out of the car and threw such a sentence to Han Xiaochen, he immediately disappeared into the dark night!

Han Xiaochen shook his head, looking at the dark night outside with complicated thoughts.

High-level supernatural beings are really powerful enough, no wonder they can be the team leader!

I just don't know if Bao Jingming and Zhao Ye are in a match, who will come out on top?
Han Xiaochen smiled lightly at this thought, after returning to his room.

I feel that I am really bored recently, why don't I go over there?
Just do it if you want, and now there is a notice by the door.

Telling them that he was practicing hard and no one was allowed to disturb him, Han Xiaochen carefully checked the surroundings again, got into the space and went over there.

Han Xiaochen frowned as soon as he got there.

Although my side is considered to be the end of the world, but because these various factories are not open.

Except that the air is a bit rancid and hot, the air over there is much better than here.

Coupled with the fact that mutated plants are rampant there now, they have absorbed a lot of harmful substances in the air.

The pollution here is too serious, but I also heard that the country here has made great efforts to punish pollution.

But I don't know how far it can be punished!

Although the current time is 9 pm, it is still very lively outside!

As soon as I came over and turned on the phone, there were many messages, and there were many saying that I wanted to buy the copyright, all kinds of things.

It seems that I really have to discuss with these people that day.

Who doesn't want this free money, besides, it's a good thing to gain both fame and fortune!
Han Xiaochen saw how famous his account was, so he decided to open a new article

This is a Gongdouwen that was very popular before the end of the world, and it has already been made into a movie!

It is estimated that this side will also like it, so just do what you say, Han Xiaochen immediately posted this new article "The Biography of Lingfei".

In fact, this article can be considered quite inspirational. The surname Wei climbed up step by step from a little court lady to the position of imperial concubine, and even made her son the emperor.

It's really powerful enough, anyway, Han Xiaochen doesn't like that kind of silly and sweet brain-dead writing.

The concubine Ling here must be scheming and scheming, and she must have means and methods, which is definitely enough to be decisive. Although she may have a little daughter's feelings at the beginning, she is far away from it in the later stage.

(End of this chapter)

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