Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 303 Here Comes a Supplement

Chapter 303 I'm back

Ta Ling still giggled: "Girls, being pretty is also a kind of strength!

What's more, you are still a dual-element supernatural power user of space and wood!
I heard that your space is so powerful that you can hide in it yourself. When you are in danger, you can hide in the space, but it is a sharp weapon for looting!

Then why didn't you hide in this time?Are you also very curious about our Majesty?

Are you deeply attracted by our majesty's demeanor that is so overwhelming? "

Han Xiaochen couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but Ta Ling's guess was pretty close.

Well, I don't know why I committed the crime, but I didn't hide in it after I was smoked, so I had to follow to see.

This damn curiosity will kill me one day sooner or later, and I can't do this again in the future.

But can I escape safely this time?
I always feel taco, but the ulterior motive is not in the wine!
While speaking, Han Xiaochen arrived in this room. What is surprising is that this room is unexpectedly clean.

And the style inside turned out to be a strong girly style, all light pink, with big lace.

Han Xiaochen...

How come there is a terrible feeling of being kept in captivity.

It's not that there is a terrible feeling of being kept in captivity by zombies.

Do you want to run away now, or go back to the space immediately, even if you can only stay in that interface for a few days every month, you will never go back to the end of the world.

Han Xiaochen, you have to persevere, and you must not take the last step!
Don't do that just yet!

Han Xiaochen comforted himself desperately.

"Miss Han, you can rest yourself, the water in this bathroom, you can use it for bathing, but if you want to drink it, it is probably not very good for you humans!
But I think you are a space power user, there is always a way, isn't it? "

Taling blinked and walked away
Han Xiaochen...

Han Xiaochen closed his eyes and went straight into the space, taking a deep bath for himself.

Then he ate a big meal, eliminated more than a dozen naturally roasted mutant rabbits, and a lot of fruits.

Only then did I feel that I was relieved, but even after tidying up like this, Han Xiaochen went back to the room and closed his eyes to rest.

It was impossible to sleep here, so Han Xiaochen could only slowly circulate the energy of his body with his eyes closed.

Even if it is a rest during cultivation!Because her mind was quite chaotic, she didn't even dare to use the crystal nucleus!


Taco watched Han Xiaochen disappear for a while with his eyes closed, and then he came back with a new look, apparently full of food and drink.

Then a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This woman is not stupid, explained that it is not a good idea to get into the space and never come out.

No matter how many supplies there are in the space, there will always be a day when they will be eaten up, let alone.

Which girl is there?In other words, human beings can endure loneliness forever!
In this space, I am the only one who will live here for a long time, until death.

Tsk tsk tsk, why does it feel like this kind of life is more terrifying than being eaten!

Just Mo Yan? ?
Mo Yan, you're probably too useless, but it's just a small blindfold, so you won't be able to find your woman

It is said that the two women you care about are in my hands, what does this prove?

But your first woman, although you don't need it, it's fine for me to use it.

Although it is said that she was tricked before!

But now I have recovered, and this life space is really easy to use.

It is indeed exciting enough for such an alluring beauty to be played like an object!
This excitement made me stop beating for a long time, my heart seems to feel it!

"Husband, I want to go with you to find Han Xiaochen."

Han Xinuo immediately became anxious when he heard that Han Xiaochen might be taken away by the zombie madness.

"Han Yinuo, are you sure you're not trying to hold me back?

Don't Han Xiaochen not come out when the time comes, and let you in again! "

Zhao Ye cast a cold glance at Han Xinuo
Han Zhennuo pouted: "Then husband, you have to be careful, I'll be waiting for you to come back at the base!
Mo Yan, let me know if you have any information, maybe I can be useful too! "

But it's a pity that neither Zhao Ye nor Mo Yan even gave her a look, and walked away quickly.

"Hey! Forget it, what do I care about with the two of them!
They must be doing this for my own good! "Han Zhennuo comforted himself.

But in fact, because of Han Xiaochen being taken away, she was also going crazy.

If this strength is too weak, it won't work. This good friend is in danger, and I can't even save her.

Han Xiaochen, you must stand up, my husband and your ex-boyfriend have already gone to save you.

We will all be well when we come back!


"Mo Yan, are you sure that Han Xiaochen is still alive?"

On the well-equipped armored vehicle, Zhao Ye looked at Mo Yan quite calmly.
Mo Yan: "I'm sure she's still alive, to tell the truth, I've been doing some tricks on Han Xiaochen!

If she is in danger or dies, I will have perception here! "

Zhao Ye dismantled Mo Yan without hesitation: "But your perception doesn't seem to be very useful, and you can't even position yourself!"

Mo Yan twitched the corner of his mouth: "That's why I invited you, Zhao Ye!

Don't you claim that there is no formation or illusion that cannot be broken? "

Zhao Ye hooked his lips and smiled: "Let me try, this time the opponent seems to be very strong!"

Obviously Zhao Ye is very excited this time
Looking at Mo Yan, he wished to beat him severely.

Zhao Ye, the bastard, is a born militant.

Now I feel that I am too comfortable in the base, and I have not encountered strong opponents outside, so I feel bored instead.

But he didn't think about it, he couldn't even beat himself and the base, so why should he be so embarrassed?
But ah!Zhao Ye has indeed grown quite fast, but also quite steadily.

Especially if this is a dirty trick, even a powerful person who is stronger than him may not be his opponent.

And now there are countless supernatural beings stronger than him in the whole world!


"Han Xinnuo, speak slowly, what's the matter?
And don't cry!When something happens, crying can't solve any problems! "

Han Xinnuo finally got in touch with Li Na after calling n times
"Li Na, Han Xiaochen seems to have been taken away by zombie spirits, didn't Xiao Ye beside you tell you?

What do you say?Now my husband and that Mo Yan have already said to save him, but this person can't be found, how can I save him! "

Han Junnuo is also in a hurry here.

In fact, Li Na received a call from Han Shaonuo just after coming over there.

As for Han Xiaochen's disappearance, Xiao Ye hasn't had time to tell her yet!
Li Na: "Han Xinnuo, let's calm down even more! I believe Xiao Ye will handle this matter properly.

And that Mo Yan and your husband are both very powerful, don't worry too much, as for me, I'll take a closer look at what's going on in a while, let's all figure it out together, shall we? "

Han Zhennuo nodded wildly: "Yeah, Li Na, I'll listen to you.

I am also very anxious, and I also want to rescue Han Xiaochen with my husband and the others.

But my husband thinks I'm weak, thinks I'm a drag, and refuses to take me there! "

Li Na: "Then you should practice hard!

Also, I think the attack power of your space doesn't seem to be rising very fast!

You can't be lazy!As long as you have practiced well, how strong is your attack ability outside, I don't think those attack skills can compare to it! "

(End of this chapter)

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