Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 305 Meeting a Zombie Old Acquaintance Again

Chapter 305 Meeting a Zombie Old Acquaintance Again

And the mother smiled and handed the crystal nucleus to Han Xiaochen
"Girl, it's not easy for you spatial powers, I can't take advantage of you for nothing!"

Han Xiaochen smiled lightly, took out several big apples from the space, and then took the essence:
"Auntie will give you this apple, now the base sweet potato is not so expensive anymore!
You don't take advantage of me, but I can't ask you too much, either! "

After Han Xiaochen said this, he felt crazy, what was he doing?

Exchange crystal nuclei with zombies...

own fucking

But the zombie who was the daughter smiled. Although the smile was weird and terrifying, it was clearly felt, but it was actually joyful with a deep sense of contempt:
"Quack, those walking corpses without human thinking, as advanced zombies, we will naturally eliminate them and use them to upgrade ourselves!

This is normal, natural selection, survival of the fittest!

What's more, zombies who can reach my level can also fight zombie animals, as well as the crystal nuclei of those mutated animals and mutated plants!
Otherwise, do you think I can level up so fast, is it just my nature? "

Han Xiaochen...

I'm going, this world is fantasy, fantasy, don't want it.

However, Han Xiaochen thought again that this mode has come out, he can have space, and he can have supernatural powers.

The one in front of me is actually not that difficult to accept, is it?

"I'm speechless, I think what you said makes sense!
If this kind of zombies and zombie animals that smell the flesh and blood of humans and animals will be chased crazily and tear humans to pieces, they will be wiped out, and no one will have any psychological pressure!

Even if they were both humans before! "

Han Xiaochen knew why she was so bold at the beginning, it was because she had Chen Chen's memory and knew what was going on.

But now Chen Chen's memory has long been off track

Don't say anything else?As far as the current imperial capital base is concerned, the level of those supernatural beings is much higher than what Chen Chen remembered.

Not to mention that there is no such thing as zombies coexisting with humans in Chen Chen's memory.

Oh my god!

God, what on earth do you want to do?

Do you want humans and zombies with human consciousness to be good friends?

Do you still treat each other as the same kind as before?
But even high-level zombies, most of them can't help but want to try to kill humans!

Especially for a person with abilities like myself, this is a great supplement for advanced zombies, whether it is the flesh and blood on the body or the ability to check the zombies, right?

Yes, not only zombies have crystal nuclei on their bodies, but this superhuman also has supernatural nuclei.

The young female zombie turned her head and stared deeply at Han Xiaochen for several seconds.

But suddenly he smiled strangely: "Actually, I know you, I know that your surname is Han and your name is Han Xiaochen!
You are very powerful, if I hadn't hid it tightly that time, I would have become a crystal nucleus you collected!

At that time, the end of the world had just begun, and I was still on that street!
As for you, you have re-armed yourself, desperately eliminating harm for the people, and going to fight zombies!
You are so powerful, so many zombies, you wiped out the densely packed streets!
But don't be afraid, I don't hold any grudges against you, only those zombies can give birth to intelligence like me!

It's just the most common corpse, but do you know what I pay the most attention to you? "

"Which point?" Han Xiaochen asked subconsciously.

"The thing I admire the most about you is that you pile up the corpses of these zombies and set them on fire with gasoline

At that time, I not only admired you, but even had a trace of gratitude!
Which one of these people doesn't want to die in the wilderness after becoming a zombie, and he doesn't want to eat those people who were also human before!
But they can't help themselves, they can't control themselves, and they don't even have their own consciousness!
I think they must also want to seek relief, but whoever wants to seek relief does not want to let himself die in the wilderness!

I was thinking at the time, if I were wiped out by human beings one day, it would be great if I met you, you could burn me to a handful of ashes and leave well. "

Han Xiaochen is silent, and he should be grateful. Since he can remember, has cremation been advocated and necessary in this country?
It makes everyone think that cremation is a matter of course, and it can make people go to heaven

"Mom, let's go. You see, these sweet potatoes and apples are so good. Let's go back and cook the sweet potatoes. As for the apples, go back and taste them!

I know you haven't eaten an apple for a long time! "

Although the facial expression of this female zombie is still so stiff, Han Xiaochen can tell from its expression that the taste of humiliation and admiration is coming.
"You go slowly, I have to walk around here again!" Han Xiaochen smiled
This state looks so good, it's like a paradise.

But it's a pity, at least so far, it is impossible for the outside bases to have such a phenomenon where humans and zombies coexist and live in harmony.

How can it be so easy to change this person's concept, not to mention that not all advanced zombies will have kind thoughts towards humans.

Even not all human beings would really accept zombies that wouldn't harm human beings for a while even if they had human beings.

This question is unresolved, at least for now.

"Han Xiaochen?" A slightly stiff, magnetic voice with surprise.

Han Xiaochen raised her head when she heard the sound, and she knew the person in front of her.

That is the elder brother of Bingshan CEO, Zhan Chencha, who came to solve the accident when he was in a car accident.

"Zhan Chencha? Mr. Zhan?
Did you know that your brother has been looking for you? "

No no no!Han Xiaochen looked at Zhan Chencha in front of him, although he looked like Taco, he looked very human.

But in fact, Zhan Chencha in front of him is a real high-level zombie.

And Zhan Chencha is a high-level zombie with both ice and thunder systems at level 10.
Although not as good as Taco, it is still quite powerful.

And this guy seems to have another level of ability hidden in him, but it's a pity that he can't see through it.
Zhan Chencha: "Really? You have met my younger brother Tan Hao, how is this boy doing?"

Han Xiaochen huh, twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly, and gritted his teeth hard.

Only then did he speak with difficulty: "Originally, Tan Hao is also going to go on a mission with us this time.

But before he came out, he didn't know what he ate, and his stomach was very serious!

I didn't follow, but it's okay if I didn't follow, the opponents I met this time are too powerful!
Dan Hao may also accidentally...

I think you can understand what I mean ha! "

Han Xiaochen felt that talking to Zhan Chencha was also seeking skin from a tiger, right?

The one in front of him is a level 10 zombie with dual elements of ice and thunder!

Zhan Chencha nodded, and looked at Han Xiaochen meaningfully: "Maybe I can live well, I am content!

I've been checking for Keke's whereabouts!
But you are not bad, you are a weak and seriously injured little girl!

Not only has he escaped the catastrophe that human beings easily become zombies again and again!
It's still three lines of supernatural powers, and they are all considered advanced, amazing! "

Hehe, I wanted to use my own skills, but I accidentally fell into the way of a high-level zombie and got scratched.

It happened that he awakened his abilities when he was completely infected with the zombie virus.

Although my appearance has not changed much, I also know that I may have nothing to do with human beings at all.

But the weak little girl in front of her, who seemed destined to die in the last days, could live very well in this cannibalistic last days.

Each of the three skills he awakened is not obvious, but they are all quite useful
Eye of truth?Sure enough!

(End of this chapter)

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