Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 342 I have no strength, I was killed before the end of the world

Chapter 342 I have no strength, I was killed before the end of the world

It's a pity that Taco's calculation was wrong, except for the supernatural beings who can reach level 10 or above in this base, his voice can be heard a little bit.

The remaining ones with a slightly lower level have long been unable to sense his voice at all.

The reason is very simple, there are only so many formations surrounding the imperial capital base layer by layer.

His voice has long been blocked out, okay?Mo Yan just smiled mockingly, but didn't say anything.

To be honest, there are only so many zombie armies out there that are so powerful.

Even if you go out by yourself, if you can't hide yourself.

They still have to be wiped out by their wheel tactics.

This taco is indeed powerful enough, but it has to fight against humans.

You occupy the mountain as the king and get a good place, can't you survive by yourself?
Do you think it would be beneficial if you wiped out all these human beings?
In any case, no matter how high the level of this zombie is, you can't reproduce, right?
Although there are very few humans who can reproduce nowadays, at least humans still have this possibility.

Zombies possible?Originally, he was a living dead, okay?

"Mo Yan, you are really good enough!
It's also thanks to you, yes, the force was 10 points strong before, and that force is strong enough.

If not, what you have would have been snatched into slices a long time ago, right? "

When Mo Yan was contemplating, Zhao Ye couldn't help but come over.

"Zhao Ye, you still dare to speak of me, aren't you also very powerful?

But it's just you, you have got enough now.

Your supernatural ability has grown too fast. With so many supernatural abilities, none of them are free food, and all of them can kill people! "

Mo Yan said quite meaningfully.

That's right, Zhao Ye's healing ability has also reached a very high stage.

This healing ability can not only heal people's diseases, but also make people lose their lives instantly.

Otherwise, no one dared to offend doctors throughout the ages!
"Hehe, I don't have any strength, do I dare to hang out in this last world?
What's more, if I really don't have any strength, I'm afraid those people who don't need to go outside before the end of the world should kill me, right? "

Zhao Ye laughed sarcastically, many people only saw his superficial beauty and strong strength.

But they don't understand how much pain he has suffered behind the scenes, what he has experienced behind the scenes, and how much effort and price he has paid to have everything he has today.

Mo Yan just patted Zhao Ye's shoulder meaningfully.

"King Jackie Chan and defeating the bandits have been like this since ancient times, and you are not the only one who survived like this. Isn't my experience similar to yours?

Haven't we already decided this kind of life from birth?

But don't you think that Mo's is actually an opportunity for people like us?

Before the Mo family, although our family was strong enough, it was quite difficult to do some things.

It's not like now, you can almost do whatever you want.

Haven't you ever thought that one day you will go out and stand on your own mountain, and be the leader of the gathering place yourself?

This is just the leader of a mercenary group, what's the point? "

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows: "I do have this idea, but the time is not yet ripe.

I also want to imitate the way our leader Mo Shenmo watched some day when a base went into turmoil.

Just take the opportunity to snatch it, isn't it sharper than yourself, so it's much more worry-free?
If I can lead a large mercenary group well, I can naturally hold a dick firmly in my hands.

But now that the strong soldiers outside are so powerful, this human has not yet found the most effective way to deal with them.

It's not worthwhile to go outside and make those unnecessary sacrifices, and I don't have the heart to be a holy father to the working people in the world.

Get a temporary gathering point that can protect them, and even donate food and water for them for nothing. "

Mo Yan: "Zhao Ye, I know you have always been very selfish.

But nowadays, people who are too much of the Holy Mother and Father, no matter how powerful they are!

No, they were already killed by those they helped.

Maybe every human being has a good side in his heart, but if you don't use it well, you will bring fatal harm to yourself. "

"Yeah, isn't that what it is? It's like that of my wife, if it wasn't for me to watch.

Normally, she would listen to my words almost unconditionally, so she would be killed by someone early on, right? "

"Hehe, Zhao Ye, isn't your wife a great opportunity for you?
What a pity, Mo Shen, such a great opportunity was robbed by you halfway.

It was because of the influence of this incident that he had demons in his heart. This kind of cultivation, he has not been very good at cultivation.

Now this ability level has not broken through level 10! "

"Oh! Why don't you say that Mo Shen is too self-willed!

But it's also because Mo Shen and his family have fallen down, and they haven't put women in their eyes for several generations.

Even their wife in the house has almost no right to speak in their eyes.

But I just met my wife, a woman of ordinary background, but a little bit of self-awareness! "

Zhao Ye sneered, "If I remember well, Mo Shen is in the machine now, hasn't he been out for a while?"

"Yeah, it is said that he is practicing in seclusion again, but his cultivation speed is obviously faster than before.

It seems that your wife is here, he really can't handle it, so he just gave up, right? "

Mo Yan couldn't help but smile wryly when he said this.

"It used to be said that even if the man made a mistake, as long as he corrected it or turned around, the woman would be very grateful.

There is also such a saying that the prodigal son will not change his money when he turns back, but now the world has changed.

Sometimes you make the most principled mistake of betraying loyalty, and this woman may not really stay there and wait for you.

Just like I am a vivid example, no matter how to repent, no matter how to take care of that heartless woman.

But as for his heartless woman, she just ignores what I'm doing now, and just refuses to accept me. "

"People are also afraid, you are so strong.

Then one day if you meet the so-called true love in your heart again, you will still give it to others again, who is not afraid of it.

It's okay if it's on other occasions, just change someone at the engagement ceremony, what you call someone to do.

Just like those men in our family, even if they do something behind the scenes, at least they have to give their regular wives enough face in the face.

So the problems you are encountering now are not worthy of sympathy at all. "

Mo Yan glared at Zhao Ye fiercely, "Zhao Ye, are you a woman? Why are you becoming more and more like a mother-in-law.

You still think about how to deal with these things outside now, right? "

Zhao Ye twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly, what can I do?

"Then let's do this first, our base is not short of food.

But next time you deal with politics and law, I'll put more strong venom on that formation.

This venom is very corrosive to zombies, and it is even more corrosive to this human supernatural being.

Haha, if you kill a large number of advanced zombies and advanced abilities at once

It's really cool in my heart! "

Zhao Ye laughed as if no one was around
But those who watched the excitement around did not dare to speak.

Now that strength is the most important thing, if you have ability, you will naturally have the capital of arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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