Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 348 No Snowflake Is Innocent

Chapter 348 No snowflake is innocent

That's all you need to pay several times or even dozens of times the previous price.

It's really a rat droppings that ruined a pot of porridge!
In fact, to be honest, the person who killed people and healed people with supernatural powers really deserved to die.

But it was unbearable that so many people were implicated, and they protested just because of those people.

But the leader's wife Li Na stood up and said that.

During this avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

Those people either participated in the activities before or chose to cover up and turn a blind eye.

This will cause the base's precious and kind-hearted healing system user to lose his life.

If these people are not dealt with, how can there be people with healing abilities who dare to serve and cure everyone in the future?
But it was just that kind of thunder method that chilled the hearts of those who healed the supernatural powers.

There are too few people who are willing to help treat people.

"Yu Momo, what are you doing?
It was Ye Junzhi who came to thank me, so what is your thank you for helping me?
But, I'll tell Ye Junzhi that I'm only willing to help treat him for your sake.

Let's see what he has to say then?

But Mo Mo, you are so good, why do you like Ye Junzhi, a guy with a deep scheming and a dark heart?

No... not only that, he was also mercenary, look at me when I was temporarily in his team.

Ye Junzhi just saw that I was not that strong, so he let me be bullied without even saying a word of justice.snort! "

Han Chunnuo tilted his head and snorted coldly.

"Hou! Han Yunuo, you should thank Ye Junzhi!
If he hadn't done that at the time, would you have been lucky enough to meet your husband like this?
In fact, the situation of Yejun Zhinali will happen in most teams.

It wasn't like that with him alone. After all, the women's space was so powerful at that time, and it was too important to her.

As for you, you just have an ordinary pet space, so who would have thought that you could develop so well!
Most people are like this, you don’t have to feel too hurt! "

Han Xinnuo's words were a bit blunt. No matter what, Ye Junzhi is the white moonlight in Yu Momo's heart.

Yu Momo naturally felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this, so sometimes you can't be too straightforward when talking to your friends, and you can say whatever you think.

It's just that Yu Momo is the kind of careless person who doesn't take anything to heart.

So Yu Momo said again, "However, Han Xinuo, now you have come back for revenge.

When Ye Junzhi is being treated, you deliberately let him suffer for a while longer, and you will get angry. "

Yu Momo's eyeballs rolled, and he came up with a ghost idea, and it was true that Ye Junzhi's actions made Yu Momo feel uncomfortable.

It's just that Yu Momo couldn't stop being ruthless, so he just watched Ye Junzhi suffer, and even said that he might lose his life at any time and just sat by and watched.

Anyway, even Ye Junzhi, a big man, is not afraid of pain.

Anyway, as long as it can be cured, Ye Junzhi should also be taught some lessons. Maybe this will make him not be so mercenary in doing things.

Obviously looking at a man like Dixian, but he does things like most people, even more calculating than most people.

"Hee hee, I think you can have this! Don't feel bad then!

Haha, Ye Junzhi, you just wait for my aunt to take care of you, right?

Ha ha!This can make people cry and howl, I have to give you the crystal nucleus, and I have to say thank you!

Thinking about it makes me feel so cool.Hahaha! "

Han Zhennuo was amused by this, and began to joke silently.

He even stared at Yu Momo carefully.

See if Yu Momo is really distressed, or a little angry.

Li Na just got the news when she entered this restaurant.

What came into view was Han Zhennuo smiling like a lunatic in front of him
Li Na was a little annoyed, how could she think that this silly girl is a good one!

This guy is crazy, tsk tsk
"Li Na, why are you here? You also heard the rumor that I'm going to open a restaurant, right?"

As soon as Li Na stood here, Han Zhennuo and the two of them naturally sensed it.

Immediately, Han Zhennuo happily walked over, and pulled Li Na to the seat.

"Yeah, I just came out of this practice, and I heard that your place is very lively, so I'll come and have a look!

Alas, I can't go out now, it's really boring!
I don't know when the group of damn zombies outside will be wiped out! "

"Madam leader, you are very confident!
As long as you think that those zombies outside can be wiped out, and the people in our base can live well, I feel a lot more comfortable in my heart.

For nothing else but your confidence, the people in our base must be able to keep their hearts in their stomachs. "

Yu Momo sighed a little, no wonder this family can be the leader's wife.

This looks beautiful and fresh enough, and the skills are amazing!

As for the means, it is not bad, but the main thing is to look harmless to humans and animals.

Of course, Li Na also has the most basic kindness of human beings, and she has not lost it even in the last days.

"Miss Yu, I heard that you are very skilled!"

Li Na was smiling, as soon as she smelled the aroma of the leftovers from the food they ate.

Li Na knew that these foods came from Han Xiaochen's space.

It seems that this girl Han Xiaochen can't sit still at home, and she just doesn't want something to happen. This is not reconciled.

But forget it, why not just open a restaurant?

It just happened to give these people in the base a good meal, and it can also relieve the flustered mood of those people.

In the end of the world, this person naturally has wine today, isn't he drunk today?

"Li Na, come here, I still have some delicious food here, please have a good meal!"

Han Xinnuo just wanted to take something out for Li Na, but was stopped by Li Na.

"Don't, don't, Han Xinuo, do you think I will be short of your food?

Besides, what's the order now, I've already finished eating, okay?

How about this, let me know when you open, and I'll get someone to cheer you on.

But as old friends, at least you have to give me a 6% discount! "

"Ah! 6% off? Li Na counts you as cruel! But because of your identity, I reluctantly agree!"

Han Xinuo immediately made a very sad and heartbroken expression.

"Hehehe, Han Xinnuo, you look so cute.

How about giving me a 5% discount? ? "

Li Na smiled very cheerfully now, she has been very happy recently.

Her husband, Mo Shen, has successfully cleaned up that terrible master, Qian Wang.

That Qiantian honestly stopped making demons and even helped them.

Although it is said that the outside world has mixed opinions on their approach, right?
But the thousand kings of the family are going to use themselves as a furnace?

If I don't show my fangs again, what will I become?

Fortunately, the thousand kings were not in danger, and the old man could think about it, he was still so energetic after being imprisoned.

What's more, Li Na's own strength has advanced very quickly, and her abilities have also risen very quickly.

Although it's not as fast as Han Xinnuo's space ability, it's still pretty good.

"Li Na, we just talked about it, I should really thank you!

Thank you for punishing those murderers who killed those who healed abilities so severely. "

Needless to say, Han Qiannuo naturally also knew about that matter.

"You don't have to thank me about Han Xinuo, it should be done.

No matter who it is, I will never allow that kind of thing that mutilates people with supernatural powers to happen

(End of this chapter)

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