Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 350 That formation won't last long

Chapter 350 That formation won't last long
"We naturally don't have this kind of trouble now, even in the previous team, there were people with space abilities.

Just thinking of the encounters that many teams suffered because they didn't have spatial abilities, I couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

But it is also true that the smaller the team, the more severe the infighting.

Not to mention that the weaker spatial abilities will be paid less than the big team, in fact, it is even more difficult to survive! "

Yu Momo shook his head, what happened to him recently?Why did you become a virgin?
The people who are obviously the most holy, have now become hard-hearted and put their interests first.

The end of the world, isn't that how it was originally!

"Yu Momo, so many teams went out and tossed a lot of people, I feel bad too, everyone feels bad!

But the cooperation between the two parties was originally voluntary, and even the base couldn't interfere! "

Li Na naturally knew what Yu Momo was thinking?
But this spatial power doesn't trust people, so he can't be tied up by others, right?
If that's the case, this person with spatial abilities would be even more afraid to take the lead.

Han Zhennuo suddenly smiled: "Actually, when I first had spatial abilities, I was also very scared and didn't dare to tell the outside world.

But I had no choice at the time. I felt that if I didn't show some value, I might not be able to survive in the base.

Although Han Xiaochen has been helping me, but before this person is in the end of the world, it is not a problem even if my brother is always being helped.

What's more, it's the end of the world, in order to snatch a pack of biscuits, brothers and sisters can be enmity!
Now that I think about it, my luck is quite good. Although I am a little cautious when I meet those people, right?

But they never thought of hurting me, so that I can live until now. "

Yu Momo was a little dazed, remembering that Han Xinnuo and himself were not treated well in Ye Junzhi's team at the beginning.

But Ye Junzhi was considered a gentleman, at least no one was persecuting her.

Li Na patted Han Xinuo's shoulder meaningfully.

"I said Xiao Han! In fact, you are not bad, you can be considered clear about major issues.

At that time, you even concealed the fact that you have spatial abilities from your parents.

It is also difficult for you to hardly contact them. "

Han Zhennuo could only curl the corners of his lips in a self-deprecating way: "I knew from a young age that for my parents, I might have a place in their hearts.

But compared with my younger brother, it is too little, and my mother is a special one who protects her mother's family.

Anyway, for my mother, it seems that everyone is more important than me.

Just like that, how dare I tell my mother that I have spatial powers. Now that I think about it, I should thank my mother for giving me a few blows when I first came to the imperial capital.

She frightened me, but instead reminded me that I didn't dare to have any contact with them.

Otherwise, my mother...

Forget it, I won't say anything, she gave me my life no matter what, she is also my mother! "

Li Na's complexion suddenly became complicated, hey! : "Not all parents are considerate of their children.

But even if we get little care from our parents, so what, we can still make our lives wonderful, can't we? "

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! If you don't tell me, I'd forget that my mother was still looking for me when I was practicing that day, but I haven't seen her all this time!"

Han Zhennuo laughed mockingly again, as soon as his mother was given some sunshine, she would shine brightly, so she wanted to find trouble.

In fact, am I a model of those unfilial daughters that my parents say!

Maybe so? ?

Yu Momo looked at Han Xinuo very puzzled.

"Han Xinnuo, I think you need to be content. Your parents and younger brother are in good health. They are still in the base and can live a good life."

Speaking of which, Yu Momo's eyes flashed worry

"But do you know me? It's been so long in the last days, and I haven't heard any news from our family.

Although I also sent out a search mission at the base, my family has no news at all.

But it's been so long since the end of the world, I'm really worried, Han Xinuo, your mother has some shortcomings.

But do you know how much I envy you, people say that the child wants to support but does not want to be loved.

Even if your mother is really careful, don't bother with her if it's harmless. "

When mentioning family matters, Yu Momo's heart ached like a knife. This is really...

Li Na pursed her lips: "Yu Momo, how about this, you give me all the information about your family, and I will post it in the mission hall of our base for a long time.

No matter who goes out, I will send a copy of your family information to those people.

In fact, no news is good news. Think about it first.

After all, this is the end of the world, although our communication has not been interrupted.

But our place is the imperial capital after all, and all kinds of electricity have never been disconnected.

But it’s hard to talk about it outside, don’t you think so?

Not to mention anything else, within a few hundred miles of the imperial capital, can we be sure what's going on everywhere?
There are also reports that many survivors still shut themselves in their own homes, occasionally going out to hunt for food.

And those people must have been interrupted in communication long ago, and even all kinds of electricity have been interrupted.

Not everyone has the ability to go to the imperial base to survive. "

Yu Momo let out a sigh
: "Madam leader, thank you, you gave me another hope."

In fact, she didn't know why in her heart, she was afraid that her family would have already died.

After all, this mighty army of zombies, the army of zombie animals, and the mighty mutated animals and plants.

If anyone encounters it, even a high-level ability user with offensive power like himself may not be able to resist one or two!

"Yu Momo, I believe that auspicious people have their own destiny, and your family will be fine.

You are such a nice person, your family will be fine. "

Han Zhennuo looked at Yu Momo sincerely, and suddenly remembered something and said

"Yu Momo, think about it, I have supernatural powers, look at my mother, father and brother.

Although the ability is not very strong, except for my mother, they are not all ordinary people.

Even my mother and my gang have to trigger the power as soon as they use the crystal nucleus.

What do you think this means?Does this mean that the preposition of this person's body can also be inherited?

You are an aggressive fire-type supernatural being, so your family should also have this gene in you. I guess, you should also be a supernatural being, or at worst a mutant.

So, there is still great hope for them to survive. "

"Thank you, thank you both for your kind words."

This is the only thing Yu Momo can say when he can't see anyone, hey!
Alone here in the imperial capital, with no family around, I really feel so lonely.

Although I used to quarrel often, and even quarreled because of some money.

But at this time, I still hope that the family can discuss things together.

"Yu Momo, you can feel that your family is actually kind to you, and you are very happy.

But it's true, for a kind and upright person like you, how can your family be poor? "

Li Na smiled gently, "Yu Momo, I can't go out recently, should I practice hard?
You are our collective guardian!

If this crystal nucleus is not enough, you can tell me, I can ask them to use it for you first.

No matter what, let's improve the ability first, I see, how long this formation can't stop Na Tako.

There will soon be a battle between the humans in our base and the existences outside. "

(End of this chapter)

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