Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 361 Control Symbols

Chapter 361 Control Symbols

"Han Xiaochen, you are too good, you still have so much corn!
No, this is the crystal nucleus, and you can also sell the purified crystal nucleus.

Definitely give you a good price. "

Xiao Ye doesn't seem to be very busy recently, but this time he actually came over in person
But it's a pity that Li Na and Mo Shen haven't come out recently.

Han Xiaochen curled his lips: "Okay, but we still have so many crystal cores in our base, can you exchange them with me?"

"Hehe, Han Xiaochen, don't worry, this base can do whatever you want!
Except you want to go out now, I can get you almost anything you want.

Especially the crystal nucleus, you can have as much as you want, as long as you have the ability and something to exchange with us. "

Xiao Ye had a half-smile, those eyes seemed to be able to look straight into the soul of a person.

Han Xiaochen trembled, Xiao Ye's tricks were too scary.

It seemed that when she stared at her like this, his vest was about to fall off.

"Han Xiaochen, you are a good person, and you are also a person who knows how to be grateful and knows cause and effect.

Because you took out more food, you can make many people's lives better, and even indirectly improve the lives of many people.

And these gods will turn them into blessings and return them to you.

Although it is the end of the world, human beings cannot completely lose their conscience.

No matter what you do at any time, you can't do it absolutely.

You have to stay on the line. "

Xiao Ye seemed to be making a point, and it seemed that the point was also a warning.


"Mo Yan, I have something to do with you." After much deliberation, it would be better to ask Mo Yan for this kind of matter.

So a phone call called Mo Yan to his small villa.

But he despised himself a little in his heart, what did he take Mo Yan for?

Is it the thing that comes when you wave it, and it goes when you call it?

But Mo Yan has a very good attitude, so he came over directly.

In fact, Mo Yan has been busy going outside to collect crystal nuclei recently.

Busy to clean up the army of zombies that Taco brought is also very busy.

Although they have actual combat, they use their mental power to block Taco.

He also helped Zhao Ye infiltrate the venom into the formation.

Then I always think about how to repair the formation, and then use the crystal nucleus to exchange for a more powerful formation.

This matter is easy to say, but it is not so easy to actually do it.

"Chenchen, tell me, what do you want this time!" Mo Yan rubbed between his brows, his eyes were very indifferent.

This woman, you can't keep chasing her behind her ass.

This woman, sometimes the more you chase after her, the more he avoids you.

Of course, the important reason is that he is too busy now, and he doesn't have the time or thought to make Han Xiaochen happy.

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows: "Mo Yan, I want to ask, how can I control an ordinary person.

Control his thoughts, let him not have any malice towards me, and even let him completely obey my orders.

But the best thing is to make this person look normal to outsiders. "

"Chenchen? What do you want to do? Which one do you want to control?"

Mo Yan's expression was indifferent, but there was a storm in his heart.

The reason why Mo Yan dared to stay in the imperial capital so calmly and not go back to his base.

His most important one is to control the thoughts of the main leaders of this base.

Make it impossible for those people to betray him forever!

But this kind of control is a forbidden technique, if someone finds out, it's fine.

Although he also felt that there were other people besides him who would also use this method, even more proficient than him.

"It's a very important person anyway, but that person is an ordinary person.

I am now considered a high-level power user, and I have spiritual power myself.

Don't think that I don't know that you have spiritual power, I think you must know something.

If the willpower of the supernatural person is particularly strong, we can't deal with it, but if it's an ordinary person, it should be fine, right? "

"Chenchen, why do you feel that you are tired of cleaning the house by yourself and want to find a servant?

Do you feel that you have too many secrets and worry about being betrayed? "Mo Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Don't talk about it with me, it's useless, just say you don't care, right?
What do I have a lot of secrets! "

Han Xiaochen felt like the poor fox who was caught just after showing its tail.

"Hehe, my Chenchen has grown up and knows how to guard against others, which is a good thing!

But this is...

Well, here's something for you. "

Mo Yan said as he took out a spell that was only the size of a baby's palm from his interspatial ring.

"Chenchen, this is a master-servant contract talisman, drawn by those stinky Taoist priests.

But this thing can only control those ordinary people who have no mental power, and this still has to be the case when you have strong mental power.

And this spell can only play a supporting role.

If you want to control anyone, it is easy, first control that person.

You first put a drop of your own blood on this spell, and then imprint your spiritual power on this spell.

Then pat the person you want to pat and take a drop of blood from him.

Then use your spirit to tightly wrap around this spell and that person.

Give it a try when the time comes, I think it should be fine with your current mental strength.

But be careful, if the opponent produces mental power, or the spiritual consciousness is too strong.

There may be a backlash. "

Han Xiaochen picked up this thing and was silent for a while.

"Mo Yan, don't you think it's vicious for me to ask for this kind of thing?"

"Hehe, when are you still talking about being vicious or not!

No matter what, you must first let yourself survive before you can pay attention to kindness.

Besides, kindness doesn't need to be released to anyone.

Too much kindness is stupidity, and today's stupidity will cost you your life, or even make you miserable. "

Mo Yan twitched the corner of his mouth coldly.
Han Xiaochen curled his lips, feeling that he really couldn't figure out what kind of trouble Mo Yan had committed.

It just felt that Mo Yan seemed to have a lot more evil spirits on his body.

But how could she think of this formation, because tens of thousands of high-level zombies have already died outside of Mo Yan's relationship.

What's frightening is that the formation still has a strong corrosive toxin.

The high-level zombies outside, or high-level supernatural beings, as long as they come into contact with it, their bodies will be corroded into blood.

How miserable it was, Han Xiaochen couldn't feel it just by looking at it once or twice in the base.

"Chenchen, if you can, don't come out and stay at home to practice, right?

The current situation outside is too complicated for a simple girl like you to go out and deal with it.

By the way, these are for you. " Mo Yan said as he threw a small space ring to Han Xiaochen
After dripping blood, Han Xiaochen contacted with mental power and opened it.

It turned out that there were many bottles of pills and some hot weapons.

"Chenchen, take care of those two green bottles here.

It's a healing pill, but it's best not to use it unless it's an extremely critical situation.

This is for saving your life, but this healing elixir itself also contains toxins, and it is not good for your body if you use it too much.

And the rest are bigu pills. I don't need to say what this bigu pill is, you should understand it.

Well, I'm too busy now to stay here with you.

Take care of yourself and protect yourself! "

Mo Yan said that this one dodged and went out.

Han Xiaochen was stunned, oh my god, why do Mo Yan and these people seem to be much better than him.

Now these golden fingers belong to the wholesale sale, does everyone have a copy?
(End of this chapter)

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