Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 366 She Looks Like a Little Lolita

Chapter 366 She Looks Like a Little Lolita

"What is my wife thinking? It's almost time for us to go back." Mo Shen looked at her tenderly

"Alright then, husband, let's go back first.

I want to write some good ideas, let's discuss it when we get home. "

There was a strange light in Li Na's eyes.

Mo Yan glanced at the couple with burning eyes, and then began to busy himself with his own affairs.
This sits in the car,
"Honey, I'm thinking, if I throw some meat soaked in Lingquan water into the lost group, will they kill each other!"

Mo Shen was silent for a while.

"Maybe? But it depends on how much control Taco has over these beings.

If they are completely controlled, these people will not dare to snatch the water from the spiritual spring.

However, this method can also be tried a little bit.

But this matter has to be discussed in the long run, don't say anything else?
After all, it wouldn't be fun if you, the tower provoked by Lingquan, desperately included those formations outside the base.

There are so many living people in this low-poison base, this kind of joke can't be taken.

I think so, it's better to find that Han Xinnuo! "

"Ah! Husband, isn't this good? I don't think she has the mentality to complete such a task, Han Yunuo!

Zhao Ye, the Zombie King, is too difficult to deal with, what does she have? "

Li Na didn't quite agree with Mo Shen's idea.

Mo Shen twitched the corner of his mouth strangely.

"Isn't this woman able to enter other people's space directly through some spiritual energy?
Didn't you go in there last time?
It's better to let that woman enter again, and then throw a bullet directly into the space of Taco.

In that way, wouldn't everything in that space of Taco be reduced to ashes?

I guess, the members of our mercenary group were assimilated by Tucker a long time ago.

Even if they come out, they will be enemies of us humans.

What else do you need?

Don't say anything else, do you see that there are no high-level zombies attacking this base now, and there are also high-level human superpowers?

They were no longer in the category of human beings, and they were simply the puppets of Taco, the zombie king.

I even suspect that there should be no one in the Tacona space.

It should almost be released.Otherwise, you would also think that he has so many high-level people and high-level supernatural beings to attack our base in turn. "

Mo Shen poked his chin and said.

Li Na still disagrees: "But I always feel that this matter is too risky and the success rate is too low.

It's not easy for that girl Han Xinuo to live so big, so don't play her to death.

Also, you already feel that there is nothing in the space of Taco, so why blow it up?
What's more, how could Han Xinnuo have such great confidence to return to his own space at the moment of detonation!

If it's because of the explosion, the power is too powerful, and she won't be able to go back? "

Mo Shen looked at his wife helplessly, he was used to being cruel and ruthless.

Even though he was familiar with this woman's life, he didn't care much about it.

"Hehe, wife, now is not the time for you to be kind.

Even if Han Yinuo really sacrificed, it was only herself.

But what if this succeeds, it will save hundreds of thousands of people in our base!
No matter what happens with this deal, it’s not a loss! "

Li Na glared at him: "I think you should stop thinking about it, I definitely disagree with that girl.

Once she is afraid to hide in the space and never come out again, what can you do to her.

She doesn't like this kind of thing, and you can't control it. "

Mo Shen shrugged: "I'll be responsible, tell them this suggestion, whether they did it or not, that's their own business.

But what you said does make sense!
If it doesn't work, then we'll just follow the zombies!
Anyway, we got so much food from there, and that woman Han Xiaochen also got a lot of food.

Not to mention that there is still such ample reserves as before, just this base, who has been besieged for a year and a half, this person is fine.

But it's hard to say whether it will be crazy, since it is so.

Let's quickly let those wood-type supernatural beings grow food and vegetables, shall we? "

"You're pretty much the same," Li Na curled her lips.

For some reason, Mo Shen looked at her with a half-smile

"My wife, do you know? What I was most afraid of back then was that once you got angry with me, you would hide in the space and couldn't come out.

Back then, I was in a hurry, and there was nothing I could do about you!
The space thing is really powerful!

People who feel like they have space, especially those who can fit themselves into it.

All of them are favored by God!
I just don't know if these people can seize the opportunity.

This gift from heaven will always mark a price for you in secret, so I think these people should charge forward in times of crisis! "

Li Na sighed: "It's not as good as you imagined, it gives you space, I worry about it every day.

No matter whether there is such a thing in the end of the world or after the end of the world, it is actually not a very good thing.

It's really cool to make a fortune in silence, but if someone finds out, it's not good.

I think it's better to have those powerful attack skills!

This is one's own ability, and no one can take it away, unlike space.

Those whose attack power is not strong enough may be imprisoned by the male forces and used as that large space ring.

That's the way people are treated.There is no special ability in any space that will feel good.

As far as this high-level ability user, and those who heal the ability, accidents are not uncommon! "

"Hehe, there's no way, you can't let all the good things be taken by you!

Go back, wife, today is our child's birthday!
Come here for a walk, it's enough to give them face. "

"Yes," Li Na nodded.

"I'll leave all the food for Xiao Ye first.

Just when did I become such a virgin, and now this business is a little bit at a loss! "

"You will lose money, you can't lose money!

Now I have some feeling in the dark, that is, if we save many lives, it seems that there will be other benefits for cultivation.

Although I am not a good person, but in this stage of human life and death.

I am still willing to do my best to help them, and live as long as I can. "


Finally in the evening, Han Xiaochen's ability and level were finally consolidated.

This time the effect was good, and the wood ability was directly raised to level 9.

And this space ability has also been upgraded to level 8, the benefits she got this time are really great.

Han Xiaochen stretched his waist, saw all the purified crystal shells around him disappear, and smiled contentedly
The ability level has improved his mental strength and is much stronger than before.

Han Xiaochen knew that his mental power was strong, and it would be much easier to control any mortal in the future.

Suddenly a stench penetrated into Han Xiaochen's nose, and Han Xiaochen suddenly realized that his body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of oily feces.

Han Xiaochen quickly got into the space and washed himself several times.

Make sure the smell is completely gone before you stop, oh my god, this is really disgusting.

The stronger the ability, the higher the sensitivity of the facial features, okay?This crime is really not for human beings.

It's just that Han Xiaochen looked at himself in the mirror, seemed to be a little smaller again, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

The current self is just like that sixteen or seventeen-year-old little loli, and she really doesn't have that kind of intimidating courage at all!
(End of this chapter)

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