Chapter 372 Deception
Han Xiaochen didn't expect that when he finally fell asleep,

Mo Yan came over silently
It's just that this guy didn't say anything, but instead placed a lot of crystal nuclei that she could use beside her bed
And it seems that these crystal nuclei were used to fiddle with her bedside, not only filled.

It seems that this arrangement is still like some kind of formation.

Not to mention anything else, the energy of the wood and space systems around Han Xiaochen became more intense, but they did not cause any harm to the body.

Where is Mo Yan?After doing all this, he still didn't say a word.

Sitting on the edge of the bed and watching her quietly, Han Xiaochen seemed to feel that something was watching him.

But I just feel too sleepy and tired, and it's too comfortable to fall asleep, and I can't bear to wake up!

"Hehe! This little silly girl feels weird, go to sleep, this little thing is exhausted these days, and I feel very nervous every day."

Mo Yan raised the corners of his lips to smile, but he didn't even realize that he was pampering Han Xiaochen now.

Mo Shen can really sit still, but I don't know how long he can maintain this posture of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

This base can't always be surrounded by zombies, can it?
Obviously, they have found a way to deal with the group of monsters outside.

But Mo Shen refused to give orders, and Mo Yan felt that there was no one else.

But indeed, that method is indeed too cruel.

Once used, there will be no grass in the far places around, and there will be quite strong radiation for many years.

But now that the zombies have come out, they have already ignored them. Are you still afraid of those?

Is environmental protection so important?
But it is also true that if the people in this base go out on missions, they will have to wear deep protective clothing.

And there is no guarantee that these points will not be affected.

Why!Taco is not that we can't deal with you, but for the sake of most creatures.

I don't want to do too much evil
Mo Yan sighed, and sat here quietly for a while.

He just turned around and left. Of course, he would make everything right when he left, so that it would be bad to save Han Xiaochen from being intruded by unknown creatures.

It's just that Han Xiaochen can't practice in that so-called space?
It seemed so, otherwise Han Xiaochen would not have slept outside dangerously by himself.

But this girl is lazy enough, and she will really find shortcuts for herself.

Sleeping next to the purified crystal nucleus, even when a person sleeps, the body will slowly absorb the energy of the crystal nucleus.

This is really a good idea, but ordinary people can't afford this kind of treatment.

After all, although the purification crystal nucleus is much cheaper than the previous price.

But most of these supernatural beings are not enough for cultivation, let alone piled up all of them.

It is reserved for this category, which is similar to the effect of health preservation.

If Han Xiaochen's wasteful behavior is discovered by other supernatural beings, they will definitely be mobbed and attacked, right?

Han Xiaochen quietly opened his eyes when Mo Yan had just left here completely.

But she couldn't help crying, Mo Yan just came to this villa.

Han Xiaochen sensed it early, she is also a high-level supernatural being, how could she be so careless?

I was just deceiving myself and others just now! !
She looked at the crystal nuclei all around, and they were all exactly what she needed.

The gaze was very complicated, but he just sighed lightly.

Pulling these crystal nuclei together, he even entered the space with a flash of himself.

In such a short period of time, the space kitchen has cooked a lot of meat from mutant animals.

Even packed it directly in the lunch box.

Han Xiaochen looked at these lunch boxes and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Is this also destroying the environment, and there is enough luxury.

After all, this lunch box, or whatever it is, is extremely precious in the last days.

However, the manufacture of this lunch box is quite simple, and it is also made from the waste materials in the kitchen of this space.

This can be regarded as waste utilization by myself, even if those who eat don't mind, it's no problem to eat this lunch box.

Although the taste of this lunch box is hard to describe.

But if compared with the kind of potatoes and sweet potatoes that feel like eating dirt, the taste of this lunch box is not so difficult to swallow.

Han Xiaochen sighed and put these into the storage bag first.

In a flash, he arrived at the interface over there.

There is still a limit to what I can put in this space now, otherwise, with a wave of my hand, everything can be put into my space.

The weather here is not bright yet!
Han Xiaochen first came to the yard to see that the flowers and plants were growing well.

He waved his hand again, and put a lot of flower pots with soil on the ground.

For these precious flowers and plants, hold the scissors and cut the branches one by one

Then insert all the branches one by one into the flower pot.

Adding water and nutrients will also send out a group of wood-type supernatural powers.

Han Xiaochen knew that these flowers and plants had already grown tiny roots, and they would not die.

Then I personally plant these flowers and plants that have grown and can be sold.Full income space.

Then he drove directly to his shop.

This is placed in one of the empty warehouses, and the accounts are written one by one.

"Boss, you came so early!"

The chubby store manager Zhang Chunchao was the first to come, "Yeah, the early bird gets the worm, and he delivered some more goods.

I look pretty good!

If you don't like these gains, someone will send them to me in a pickup truck later. "

Han Xiaochen smiled, the store manager he hired is quite qualified, and the accounts have never been bad.

Various marketing methods are also quite good.

"It's the boss, but you, the boss, are too hardworking. You have sent new flowers and plants here so quickly."

Zhang Chunchao naturally went into the warehouse to look at these flowers and plants.

It's a joke, she is the store manager, she has to build the tree and enter it into the system.

These flowers and plants of my boss are not very expensive.

If one pot is ruined or one pot is missing, they will lose their salary.

"Boss, there are so many high-end flowers and trees, I dare not say that our business is the best here.

But I am sure that the quality of the flowers and plants here is the best, and they are also the most tenacious. "

Hehe, my little boss is also pretty good.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the employees don't make that principled mistake and don't cheat on the accounts.

The flowers and plants were not well maintained due to occasional mistakes, and the boss never scolded them behind their backs.

It's just that the boss will take back the flowers and plants silently, which is the real reason why he can persist here for so long.

Otherwise, this boss is a shopkeeper, if he is fined every day, especially for this kind of high-end flower shop.

Which clerk doesn't have the guts to do it here often!
But my own boss also has it, which is powerful enough.

He carefully observed the flowers and plants that they didn't feed and looked sick.

In the end, they were cured by their boss, and they got it back again.

He has been playing with these flowers and plants for a long time, and he knows every pot by this chance!
"You! Recently, you have been busy again, and it will be Labor Day soon.

In this way, the basic salary of you and all the shop assistants will be paid three times within these 7 days.

As for the commission, three percentage points will be given to your family, and you can use it freely!
As for you, this commission adds 6 percentage points to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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