Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 374 The Weird Heaven and Earth

Chapter 374 The Weird Heaven and Earth

"Beautiful lady welcomes you to heaven and earth."

All the beautiful waiters in the heaven and earth are wearing that simple cheongsam
But don't know why?Han Xiaochen felt weird when he first stepped here.

In particular, this beautiful waiter seemed to be exuding a vague evil spirit.

"Do you have any delicious food here? I heard that your place is very famous, and I came here because of the name." Han Xiaochen walked in without any hesitation.

Are you here to consume?It was originally God, not to mention that their consumption here is definitely worth a lot of money.

The price of this dish looks like an ordinary dish is about [-] to [-]!
"Miss, there is a rule when eating at our place, that is, you must take a shower and change clothes first!"

The beautiful waiter drew such an irresistible smile from the corner of his lips

But it's a pity that Han Xiaochen is a high-level supernatural person with spiritual power.

Han Xiaochen said that her little trick was completely useless to him!

"What's the cost? God doesn't know the customer?
Hurry up and introduce to me the delicious food here, I think you don't want to do it anymore or what! "

Han Xiaochen was not in a very good mood, so he came directly to bully others.

After all, she can use Li Jiachen's identity to bully others here!

The main reason is that the seemingly beautiful waiter in front of him is very strange!

Han Xiaochen really looked at it with one eye, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even weirder.

The heart of the woman in front of her seemed to be beating, her pulse was also beating, and the blood in her body was also flowing.

It's like a living person, but this woman's peach eyes and high nose bridge.

That beautiful little cherry mouth and that sharpened chin both have that deep oddity.

Han Xiaochen is sure that she has a perfect figure and an absolutely iconic face.

It doesn't belong to another person, or even a part of this woman's body.

It seems that they are all pieced together, but which parts are selected to be the most perfect and the best.

What is this woman?This has never come across such a thing in the last days!

Interesting really interesting!

In particular, there is an inexplicable energy in this woman.

This day, Heaven and Earth has always been a big bully at the shop, and the price of his dishes here is also considered to be the highest in the country.

But there are a lot of people desperately trying to squeeze in here, come here to eat and enjoy!
"Miss, do you know who is behind the scenes here?
There are rules in the heaven and earth, if you don't cooperate, you can leave here. "

Obviously what he said was very hard and forceful, but the beautiful waiter looked at her with a smile like a flower and said softly

"Believe it or not, I shut down your shop with a wave of my hand, believe it or not, I smashed your shop with a wave of my hand.

There is a boss behind the scenes!
Then why don't you see if it's your boss behind the scenes, or the people behind me? "

Han Xiaochen looked at the waiter coldly, like looking at a zombie in the last days

Wang Lingling didn't know why, so she gasped.

Did you encounter a stubble today?
No, no, no, my master is so powerful.

No one dared to break the rules here, but this woman just wanted to eat something, so what if she made an exception once?
But this woman seems to be very strong, she just looked at herself that way.

It was as if he could look at himself with chills, and that look seemed to make him disappear in an instant.

"Miss, why are you doing this? You are here to consume, not to beg for anger.

This small shop allows you to bathe and change clothes, so that you can experience the pleasure of dining more.

If you don't want to, forget it.

Here is the menu, what do you want to eat?
If you're going to trust me, how about I serve you some dishes?
Guaranteed to make you eat it full of praise! "

"If you were so open-minded this morning, wouldn't you be fine?"

Han Xiaochen sneered at the corner of his mouth
"Miss, can you go to the No. 4 box for dinner?"

Wang Lingling gasped, how could this little woman in front of her be more terrifying than her own boss' aura!

But it shouldn't be. Didn't my boss say that he has escaped from the Three Realms?
Han Xiaochen glanced at Wang Lingling with a half-smile
"Is this necessary? I'll just sit in the hall and eat.

But didn't everyone say that there are no empty seats here?Why is there no one in Qing Dynasty! "

There are not many tables in this hall, and there are only 4.

I don't know what the owner of this store thinks.

Han Xiaochen came directly to table No. 1 and sat down carelessly.

I have to go to the No. 4 box by myself. Originally, I didn't care about the auspiciousness of these so-called brand names.

However, Han Xiaochen smelled some danger of burns in it.

And as soon as I came to this heaven and earth, I felt very evil!

what on earth is this kind of happenings?In this peaceful age, there will indeed be some places where the sun does not shine.

But why is this heaven and earth so evil?

Then... that's fine!Wait a minute, I'll serve you the food right away. "

Wang Lingling sighed, in this case, she could only give the other guests' food to the lady in front of her.

The young lady in front of her is really delicious, but that one is very delicate and tender!
Han Xiaochen sat on this rather elegant table No. 1 in such a leisurely way.

Immediately someone brought her a very elegant tea set first,

After a few minutes of manipulation, I poured her a cup of that fragrant heart-lung-invading tea
Han Xiaochen glanced down, there was something wrong with the tea.

It's even more domineering than the so-called snowy green tea in the last days!
If it wasn't for being a supernatural person, if it wasn't for having the eyes of truth.

Then you will never discover the trickiness of this tea.

This store is really not easy!This tea can also be seen, is it a magic plant?

It's just that in this peaceful world, how could such a thing appear?
Even in the last days, I have never seen this thing before!

It's just that in some occasional reports, I heard people say that I have this kind of magical plant that can weld in some places.

It is said that many supernatural beings died suddenly after hearing about it!

This is hundreds of times, thousands of times more harmful than ordinary mutated plants!

"Go down, I don't need anyone to serve me here, so bring me this dish quickly, I've been hungry for a long time."

Han Xiaochen's face was sombre, and he immediately chased him away.

"It's Miss." Another waiter cried out secretly in his heart.

This newcomer is not a good stubble!

It seems that the master is going to fail this time, and he has to lose money?

Han Xiaochen squinted his eyes, feeling more and more that something was wrong here.

The owner of this shop is so crazy that there is not even a camera in this shop.

Han Xiaochen brought the teacup to his mouth, but let the water in the teacup be thrown into a specific vessel in the space.

But make such an illusion to dry up the tea

But all of a sudden, this nose smelled a fragrance that made your appetite burst.

It is actually a hundred times more fragrant than the meat of those mutated animals made in the kitchen of this space.

"My beautiful lady, the first dish is here, this dish is the famous pork knuckle noodle!

Our pigs grew up eating century-old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, and drank mountain spring water.
Try it, you won't be disappointed. "

The price of this dish is indeed expensive enough, but it costs 2 yuan for an ordinary pork knuckle noodles.

"Okay, you can put it here first, and the next dish will be served quickly, but this smell is really delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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