Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 376 How did you come across this kind of thing?

Chapter 376 How did you come across this kind of thing?
Han Xiaochen returned to the end of the world in a flash, and felt a little overwhelmed.

What kind of demons and ghosts are in that heaven and earth!

How is it possible that the parts on this person's body are all pieced together.

Is that witchcraft?
Han Xiaochen trembled involuntarily, as a senior supernatural being.

There are not many opportunities to really feel the danger, especially in that peaceful world.

Han Xiaochen took out the crystal nucleus to practice, but she found that she couldn't calm down at all.

That being the case, Han Xiaochen decided to go out for a walk by himself.

After all, the sky is already bright now, and fortunately, as a supernatural being, he is less tired!
"Han Xiaochen, what are you contaminated with?"

Just as Han Xiaochen was about to open the door to go out, he ran into Xiao Ye who was just about to come looking for him.
"Ah! Xiao Ye, how do you know?"

Han Xiaochen was stunned for a moment, this Xiao Ye must be too mysterious and capable.

What did I encounter on another interface?Could she even sense it?
If so, what kind of existence would Xiao Ye be?

Although her masters Li Na and Mo Shen are also very powerful and mysterious, they are really far behind her.

"Han Xiaochen, don't go out yet, come in with me."

Xiao Ye waved his hand, and the door closed automatically.

Han Xiaochen was stunned for a moment, but was dragged to the living room by Xiao Ye in a daze.

"Xiao Ye, I...

I came across something horrible..."

But what should I say?
Do I want to tell Xiao Ye that I can travel through time and space and travel to other interfaces?

Xiao Ye found out about this kind of secret, so he couldn't live anymore.

"Han Xiaochen, I'm not interested in your secrets.

Everyone has their own destiny, this is the opportunity given to you by God.

But there are some things you can't touch, and at any time, that innocent person can't be the object of your anger.

But tell me, what kind of terrifying existence have you encountered? "

After Xiao Ye came in, I was really there, sitting on the sofa
But her half-smile expression, and those ancient well-like deep eyes seemed to see everything.

"Xiao Ye, do you think this person is made up of pieces?

It's the kind of…”

Han Xiaochen felt that he had to vent and tell.

Otherwise, I will not be able to bear such a heavy pressure.

What the hell is that thing?
"Han Xiaochen, don't worry and speak slowly.

I think that I am still a little bit wise, and within the scope of my ability, I am still willing to help you. "

Xiao Ye looked at Han Xiaochen calmly, but those eyes seemed to be full of encouragement.

Looking at her eyes, Han Xiaochen seemed to be a little quieter.

"Xiao Ye, I met a terrible person.

That person should be called a person.

Every part of her body is perfect, but every part does not seem to belong to him, but he transplanted it from someone else.

How can I tell you?

This is the man who has a perfect nose, but it's not hers that grows on her nose,
And the eyes, mouth, forehead, and even various parts of the body are all pieced together.

But this person has a heartbeat, his blood is hot, and he has his own thinking.

If it weren't for me, no one would be able to see what's wrong with this person.

And they actually eat...


And it seems that no one can find it, and it is very fragrant.

If I am not a supernatural person, if I am not strong in mental power, I can control myself.

I shouldn't be able to control that temptation! "

What Han Xiaochen said was incoherent, uh, but luckily Xiao Ye understood.

"Han Xiaochen, immediately take off your clothes and shoes for me, and give me a good wash for your hair.

Use this, and I'll tell you when you come out. "

As Xiao Ye said this, he threw a strange small box the size of a fingernail to Han Xiaochen.

There seemed to be something like white grease in it.

"Oh!" Han Xiaochen really took off his coat and got into the bathroom.

Even take off all belongings and throw them out

Xiao Ye was very calm. When he touched his finger, the golden light appeared on his finger.
And the golden light shrouded the pile of clothes, after a while.

Xiao Ye's slender, white fingers grasped out of the air, and that dark gray round substance formed in the sky.

It rolled directly into her hands.

Han Xiaochen came out after taking a shower, wearing a thick bathrobe

But he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

What is that dark lump in Xiao Ye's hand?
"Han Xiaochen, this is evil spirit. Where have you been?

How did you come across something like this?
Fortunately, those evil spirits have nothing to do with you, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to practice in the future. "

Han Xiaochen shook his head: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect such a terrible existence in the world.

However, it should have been banned there, and it should not be opened again, and it will not be implemented again.

But of course such a capable existence may have run away, and even a high-level supernatural being like me can't deal with it.

If it is an ordinary person! ..."

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes: "Han Xiaochen, don't underestimate those ordinary people without supernatural powers, they may not be less capable than you.

Especially the kind that is full of righteousness and powerful force, which can deal with the kind of existence you just met.

This world is originally a mutual generation and mutual restraint, and one thing descends the other. "

Xiao Ye's slender and fair hand gently grasped the black and gray dumpling.

The black ash ball immediately ignited the black flame.

Xiao Ye raised his thin lips lightly, and blew there lightly.

The flame burned brighter.


"Ah!" In that interface, an outrageously beautiful man suddenly screamed in pain while holding his head.

What the hell is it to hurt yourself?
What kind of existence hurt himself.

How can this tracking technique split from itself be broken by people?

Still being backlashed?

That thing pinched its fingers and calculated, but forget it, it couldn't calculate anything for a long time.

"No, what's going on?

This interface does not threaten my own existence!

Could it be that weird woman who came today! "


"Han Xiaochen, it's okay, don't be afraid, in the future, if you hang this thing around your neck for a long time, you should not encounter those evil spirits.

Those things are contaminated with human life, and God will clean them up.

What's more, no matter how you practice, it is impossible to achieve great success.

Why! "

Xiao Ye sighed, there were those elves who were willing to degenerate into monsters because they didn't cultivate well, but they just wanted to find shortcuts.

On the contrary, they all brought bad reputations to serious practitioners like them.

All of them have caused human beings to have strong malice and fear towards them.

Although Xiao Ye could tell at a glance that he met these unruly colleagues, he could feel it right away.

Han Xiaochen looked at the round jade pendant in his hand and felt that the world was magical.

This thing seems to have carved some formations, as if it has some kind of magnetic field.

But I still can't see through, what the hell is this.

"Han Xiaochen, you can also use this as your amulet.

If you encounter this kind of existence again in the future, they will not be able to hurt you.

(End of this chapter)

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