Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 400 Dad Was Injured Too?

Chapter 400 Dad Was Injured Too?

"What are you two doing? Why are you in such a mess!"

Seeing that her husband and Mo Yan looked like blood men, Han Zhennuo couldn't help but get a big head.

"Hehe, my wife, I'm fine. Hurry up and help those injured to heal."

Zhao Ye's mental state is very good, and he has recovered more than half of his current injuries.

"Okay then, hurry up and wash yourself up and give yourself some medicine!"

Han Zhennuo smiled helplessly, thinking to himself, fortunately, his ability has recovered a little bit just now.

"What about the two of you, you can really cause trouble!"

Xiao Ye also brought several healers.

After all, so many people were injured, and most of them were internal injuries.

This base can't afford to lose so many supernatural beings now, and those who disappeared last time made her feel so distressed!

"You hurry up and heal them!" Xiao Ye directed those who healed abilities directly.

"Yes, it's Deputy Chief Xiao!"

As for the supernatural beings, they quickly rolled up their sleeves to heal those people.

"Don't completely heal one person at a time. As long as you think they won't hurt the foundation, rush to heal the second person.

Then recover and give treatment to those who are not seriously injured. "

How precious and rare are people who heal abilities.

Even though the imperial base is so big, there are not many people there.

Xiao Ye couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

The girl Li Na is still there now, and she is still caught up in some things. I'm afraid she won't be able to catch up this time.

Otherwise, Li Na's light power would be much more powerful than the healing power of these healing powers!
But that guy, Mo Shen, protected her so well that he wouldn't let her get away easily!
"Xiao Ye, thank you this time!
But it's nothing to do, two masters, can you help share these? "

Mo Yan really kept his promise, waved his hand and was in this hall.

Get out the mutated animal just now and ask Xiao Ye to help divide it.

And the eyes of these injured supernatural beings lit up, even though they were injured this time.

But this base is willing to use this precious healing ability to treat everyone, which makes them very aggrieved
There were many injuries before, but how can I ask someone with healing abilities to heal my injuries!
Even in most cases, even if you are willing to give up the supplies, why don't you come here to heal the supernatural beings!

It seems that the adult who recruited everyone to take the mission this time is really an important person!

Since there is such a big face to be able to recruit the deputy leader of Motivation, and to get so many healing abilities from the base to treat everyone

"Then what about this mutated tiger, I'll get the blood out first.

Then you all share it too! "

Mo Yan moved another space and felt that he could almost put down the force, and then the tiger released the mutant tiger with a bang.

Of course, in the process of bloodletting, let the most precious part of the tiger.

Mo Yan had already dug them away with a knife, and these were of little use to him, but for Zhao Ye, they were good materials for cultivation.

Of course, Mo Yan, the most important soil crystal nucleus with the size of a washbasin, was also dug out and given to Zhao Ye.

"Everyone, don't worry, everyone has a share of what should be given to you!
What is important now is that you first heal your injuries to a condition that does not threaten your body. "

Xiao Ye also immediately uttered a voice to appease the injured supernatural beings who were about to move.

Once she said this, don't say she was really in charge.

It is true that these people have accepted the treatment honestly and no longer move around.

This is nothing, the body is important, not to mention how could the base be greedy for such a small thing like them!

"Han Xinnuo, I've given you all these things. Your husband has worked so hard to get them!"

Han Zhennuo pursed his lips, wiped the sweat from his brow, and waved his hands directly into his own space.

Her healing ability is now in a hurry
"Mo Yan, you should go wash up too, and take a good rest when you get back.

I know you are worried about Han Xiaochen, but it's useless for you to be anxious now!
And I feel that Han Xiaochen will not have an accident so easily.

At most, it's a bit aggrieved, it's just hiding in the space for a longer time. "

Han Qinnuo comforted dryly, in fact, she herself was also very worried about Han Xiaochen's

"Han Xinnuo, let me lend you a good word.

You are hiding in the space, no one can do anything to you.

But it's not a problem to always hide inside and not come out!

What's more, the millennium zombie king has an endless lifespan.

We can't afford to spend it with him! "

Mo Yan frowned, and it was indeed like what Han Zhennuo said, there was no point in worrying now.

"You should rest for a while, and recharge your batteries.

Otherwise, just like you, we just found an opportunity to rescue Han Xiaochen.

And your force is not at its peak, what if you miss the opportunity! "

Thick, Han Yunuo said in his heart that he is such a clumsy tongue, he really can't comfort people well!

"You're right, I'm leaving first!" Mo Yan nodded, now he just has to go back and recharge his batteries.

I have to deal with the blood quickly, and of course I have to exchange more powerful weapons with the system.

Han Junnuo breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the crystal nucleus and absorbed it.

She also had to let herself recover the supernatural energy as soon as possible, so that the wounded could be healed quickly!

"Hey, step aside, I'm looking for my daughter, I have business to do!"

Wang Zhihua crowded here in a panic
Obviously, an order has been issued just now, no one is allowed to stay in the public places of this mercenary group.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Han.

It is really inconvenient for you to come here. You have seen how many wounded people are here.

Not to mention there are…”

Han Zhennuo frowned, why did his mother come out and dance again?
Didn't my mother say that I don't care about myself anymore?
"Han Xinnuo, your father is injured, come over here and have a look?
woohoo woo..."

Wang Zhihua was crying outside.

She usually fights and makes trouble, but this other half is really hurt, and she can't stand it.

Even if that man fucked that normal woman.

Han Zhennuo frowned: "Okay, come on, bring my father here for me."

"Han Xinnuo, this is your own father, you still don't go there by yourself.

How can your dad move? "

Wang Zhihua's sharp voice resounded through the hall.

"Mom, how many wounded do you see here? Everyone is waiting for help!
Don't you see my face now?I've run out of energy.

I'm desperately absorbing crystal nuclei to replenish my energy, so don't keep disturbing me if I can make it!

You let them bring my dad over here, maybe when my dad comes here, I can save a little energy to treat my dad. "

Han Zhennuo first said that he is so selfish and never takes his daughter seriously!

She is a supernatural person, doesn't she know that she is absorbing crystal nuclei and her complexion is not good, if she keeps moving, there will be problems?
What's more, there are so many wounded here, and everyone is desperately treating the wounded.

How can I leave by myself?Now that I'm leaving, it's like the soldier who went to the battlefield and ran away when he saw danger, okay?

"Mrs. Han, let's hurry up and move Mr. Han here. Don't worry, we are very good at it, and we will never get hurt a second time."

The two big escorts ran towards Wang Zhihua.

"Alright then!" Wang Zhihua sighed.

Things look really serious here.

And the vice-leader is here, darling, what are these people doing?

The loud noise just now made my eardrums still hurt.

It is said that this is still a sound made dozens of miles away.

It seems that this group of people provoked it, but I just don't know how much benefit they got.

(End of this chapter)

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