Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 409 Ye Han Looks at Her Directly Through Space

Chapter 409 Ye Han Looks at Her Directly Through Space

Not to mention that he has an extraordinary temperament to the outside world, but he is also approachable to people.

Not to mention that he dresses well and knows the art of language. If he wants to hook up with a little girl, he must be able to hook up with each other.

I feel like I can become the walking hormone and attract all the beautiful girls

Such a man treats men and women very casually, after all, for him.

Almost hook your fingers, and the girl will jump into his arms
But it's a pity that I'm not the one who can make him come when he calls, and go away when he is waved.


"Little girl, what are you struggling with?

Since that man is unreliable, follow me! "

A cool voice rang out from the coldness of the night.

Han Xiaochen was distracted in the space, so he was taken aback.

My god, why did the thousand-year-old zombie king appear outside his own space, and he just stuck to the outer skin of his own space and looked at him helplessly.

Han Xiaochen opened his eyes wide in horror, his heart was beating wildly.

oh my god.

Is this space just like flat ground to that guy?

Han Xiaochen calmed down, although the thousand-year-old zombie king who looked like a human seemed to be right in front of him.

But this space still firmly blocks it, thankfully it is blocked, otherwise...

Han Xiaochen felt stupid when he thought of this. This guy had to be so capable that he could come in directly.

It hadn't taken him away long ago, and he had eaten himself up long ago.

This zombie will definitely eat people, right?But the zombie in front of Mao actually had a soul, and that soul was still in that body.

This is simply too scary, it is simply not scientific at all!

"Little girl, I know your name is Han Xiaochen, so you can also call me by my name. My name is Yehan, and you can also call me Brother Ye."

Yehan seems to be in a good mood today, facing his delicious and delicious little prey.

Ye Han felt that his heart, which had not been beating for thousands of years, seemed to be alive!

Hehe, how is it possible?His existing body has been trained into the world's top magic weapon by him.

"Yehan? Your name sounds nice!"

Although Han Xiaochen pretended to be calm, her trembling lips and body shaking like chaff had betrayed her.

I really don't want to be afraid, at least I am afraid, and I don't want to be seen by this guy.

But I can't control it, I can't control my body, what should I do if I can't control my instinct and want to tremble?
Really no way?Han Xiaochen, can you be more promising?

Your space is the safest in the world, no one or anything can come in.

Of course, if they really want to come in, they will become that physical existence.

It’s just that this thing in front of me was originally a dead thing!
Han Xiaochen yelled in his heart and found out again.

Damn, this shameless thousand-year-old monster.

If you don't call yourself an old monster, it's just beautifying the guy in front of you.

This thing has existed for thousands of years.He also let himself call him brother.

Is this evil?It's disgusting, the mother opened the door to disgusting, disgusting home.

But the key is that I am not only disgusted now, but also disgusted and scared.

God, God, hurry up and hit the thunder to take away this thousand-year-old zombie king who shouldn't have existed between the sounds of nature.

"Hehe, I'm scared, little girl??" Ye Han smiled softly
"How can you be so vicious at such a young age, Brother Ye is so kind to you, yet you still curse me.

But little girl, the God you talk about doesn't care about me.

And even the God that you occasionally talk about in your mouth, he doesn't care about me. "

That's right, neither of those two can control him, but the Dao of Heaven can control him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be sealed in this place and couldn't leave.

However, Yehan is quite an advantage, and no one has dug it out for him after thousands of years.

The imperial capital also occupies the dragon vein here, which has been nourishing it for thousands of years.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy to cultivate to such a level.

Of course, one thing he didn't say was that although he was powerful enough, he didn't have spatial spiritual roots.

This can't realize the ability of traveling through time and space, although the two of them are so close to each other, it seems like they are face to face.

But actually!These two people are separated by an interface, this is not the same world, how far do you think they are separated?

Yes, originally Han Xiaochen's space was a super small world.

Among the five elements, there is no such thing as beyond the three realms.
"Hmph! Yehan, God and God can't control you!

What are you then?Are you the Jade Emperor?Are you still the co-lord of the heaven and earth, the ruler, the emperor of Donghua? "

Han Xiaochen also felt it after a while, no matter how the guy outside jumped up.

But he doesn't have the ability to enter his own space, so he is still safe in a sense.

At worst, I think he is annoying, and I will put the formation under pressure later.

Then, for a long time, I just rest in this space.

Occasionally, go there to meet and talk about love, and look at the store before going to get some money.

This little day is actually quite beautiful, isn't it?

I just miss Li Na and their old friends occasionally
"Little girl, I don't know who the Emperor Donghua you're talking about is?

But if he can really appear, he may not be able to subdue me.

Come out, little girl?How boring it is to hide here and be a mouse!

Come out obediently, Brother Ye can give you everything you want.

Do you want to live forever?Although Brother Ye says he can't let you live forever, he can temporarily let you live for thousands of years.

Let you enjoy the prosperity of the world for thousands of years, what do you think? "

Han Xiaochen...

Yehan sneered and changed the subject, the little girl in front of him.

It's really not good to be tempted!
It's like seeing all the prosperity in the world and not caring about anything.

Just how is this possible?
"Han Xiaochen, you have received so many benefits from the so-called God in your mouth.

It's not good to be a deserter if you feel a little uncomfortable in your heart, right? "

Ye Han looked at Han Xiaochen's face that changed like a palette with a smile that wasn't a smile.

Ha ha……

Even if he couldn't get into Han Xiaochen's space, Yehan was confident that he could directly use his eyes that were as cold as ice but also like stars and seas to overwhelm him
"What kind of deserter am I, caught by you, and killed by you directly?
Or was it tortured by you as a puppet, or was it turned into some kind of zombie by you?

These are not what I want, besides what you say is what you say, I will believe what you say!

This man's mouth is a deceitful ghost, and you, you belong to the existence that people always avoid! "

Han Xiaochen also imitated Yehan's contemptuous smile
"Also! Yehan, do you think I'm stupid? Although life like ours is not very long, right?

But we also have to cherish every day! "

Suddenly thought of Han Xiaochen's foolishness.

(End of this chapter)

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