Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 415 Shattering the Void

Chapter 415 Shattering the Void
"Harm..." Ye Han didn't know what to say to Han Xiaochen's experience.

After all, the girl in front of her was too kind, compared to someone like him who was decisive and even murderous, both in life and behind him.

Not a character at all, and no way to suggest it.

If the girl in front of me is still willing to walk the right path in the future.

If you have been cultivating on the righteous path, no matter what, you can't do that kind of act of killing your father and mother.

This is the way of heaven, the invisible constraint of the way of heaven on everyone.

But Han Xiaochen is too miserable, even worse than himself back then.

But the self back then had already avenged all the revenge he deserved.

Those who offended him were all executed by Ling Chi and quartered by five horses.

Even killed all of their nine clans

Even including his biological mother's mother's family...

"Just like that, so many people jumped up, morality kidnapped my mother, and even sold me for a large sum of money in the end, and sold me to others.

But I also thank my mother for selling me.

At that time, I knew that my relationship with her was completely severed. She gave me life, and I would not take revenge on her.

But that's about it. "

"That's fine. If you really sign that kind of agreement and she sells you, then you two will be cut off."

night cold road

"Although your laws before the end of the world have such regulations, no matter what you do, you will never let go.

But as far as Tiandao is concerned, as long as your mother sells you and signs an agreement with others, if it is the kind of permanent buyout agreement.

Your law does not recognize it, but today the Dao recognizes it.

As long as she signs the agreement, it will prove that she will not have you in her life. "

"Um, Yehan, is there really such a thing as heaven in this world?
But why do I see that there are many good people who have no rewards, but evil people live freely.

Just like my biological father, he forced my mother and ruined my mother's life.

But he lived a very good life, even in the last days, he was still alive and well.

I don't know what to do with my mother, if my father hadn't forced her.

It's not that it ruined her life and she won't be pregnant with me.

I also know that my existence is a shame to her, and it even proves that she has been insulted and ruined her whole life. "


How to say this!

Backlash, one pour and one drink, has its own destiny, maybe your biological father is destined to follow the path of the devil.

And of course, this magic way is not so easy to walk, every time he upgrades, it will be many times more dangerous than you guys.

But didn't you have laws at that time?It is said that at that time, the law for forcing women was very severe.

Based on your current age, your biological father should be sentenced to at least ten years or even 20 years, right? "

"My biological mother was ashamed, even though many people knew she was spoiled.

But she didn't have the guts, didn't have the courage, and even more so because of the so-called face, she didn't dare to sue him.

Then she vented all her grievances and grievances on me. "

"You can't live by yourself, since your age has given you so many rights to women.

Then I dare not use it, I am cowardly, so what can I do! "

Han Xiaochen...

Han Xiaochen was silent. Han Xiaochen knew that he might never forget this kind of thing in his life.

"Yehan, why do you have memories of your life.

Shouldn't this zombie just gather its body, absorb various energies all the year round, and then produce wisdom?
Then what happened before you were alive should have nothing to do with you now, right? "

"This seat is different from others. The soul of this seat has never left the deity."

Yehan's voice was faint, matching the sky that had finally darkened.

It looks so cool
"Yehan, I'm going to sleep, it's getting dark today.

Anyway, I'm also a woman, so it doesn't look good when you see me sleeping, right? "

As soon as Han Xiaochen said this, the formation was also set up, and the last spirit stone was set up.

Also cut off the link between the two

"Hehe, what a hypocritical little girl.

Growing up in that environment, he didn't grow crooked, and it's true that the man educated him well.

It's just that man..."

After all, Yehan's body is a man, and his thinking has always been male, even the ancient feudal thinking of straight male cancer.

In a sense, he didn't even feel that Mo Yan had done too much in some places.

After all, he felt that all the thunder, rain and dew were the grace of the king.

He already had that kind of record, which put a concubine he liked very much into the sidelines.

Later, the concubine was picked up again.

She even revealed her dissatisfaction with him when the beloved concubine talked to herself again.

Yehan sent that woman directly to hell

Xiao Ye stopped not far away and kept watching.

Well, today's matter has been perfectly resolved, and it is still not resolved!
This guy Yehan has always been moody and aggressive, whether he was alive or afterward.

It's hard to guarantee that Han Xiaochen might have been imprisoned by him the moment he came out, or directly slapped with a paw, causing his body to wither and his soul to fly away.

This is really a false proposition, no matter what, it seems that this matter is very difficult to handle!

And why do I feel that today's matter is so weird?

Yehan had never seen him with such a good temper since he existed.

This guy doesn't like Han Xiaochen, does this guy want Han Xiaochen to make a couple with him?

No, no, this scene is too scary, even if I have existed for so long, I don't want to see it.

The combination of zombies and human supernatural beings is not a matter of species, okay?
Is it better to be tolerated by the Dao of Heaven than to combine with that monk like myself?
Han Xiaochen is going to be wiped out by that Heavenly Dao every minute.

Will they never be reincarnated?

Even if Yehan didn't want to harm her, it wouldn't work if he wanted to turn her into the same kind!
It's not that everyone has the opportunity to become a zombie.

And most of them return to ashes at the moment they close their eyes.

He also became the kind of Yehan who opens his eyes and becomes the zombie king!
God, what to do!

So is Han Xiaochen, what is she thinking?

Could it be that she felt that there was room to protect her, that Ye Han couldn't hurt her.

She can do whatever she wants to provoke Yehan
Did he even use Yehan as a trash can to confide in the object of his distress?
Han Xiaochen, you silly girl!

Do you know that if Yehan regenerates a level, it can almost shatter the void.

They can even go directly to your space and catch you.

Han Xiaochen felt very lucky that he had successfully set up the formation this time and was not disturbed or attacked by the guy outside.

Han Xiaochen knew it at the beginning, but that Yehan outside was so powerful that it was abnormal.

Everyone on my own has entered the space, and they can still attack me, causing me to suffer a small injury!
It's just that I can really do whatever I want in the space now, but I'm also isolated from the world now, so it's really too aggrieved.

What should I do for myself!

And if you want to go there, you have to wait for several days. Now I have used up the time there at least for this month.

Why!The baby is suffering in his heart, and he feels that everything is suffering!
(End of this chapter)

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