Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 417 Ye Han's Enemies Are Coming

Chapter 417 Ye Han's Enemies Are Coming

Han Xiaochen: "Hehe..."

What Yehan said just now is somewhat believable.

Punish yourself lightly, huh
Of course, the most important thing is that Han Xiaochen feels that he can feel it.

Although Ye Han has been chatting with him, he doesn't seem to have a high degree of affection for him.

It can even be said that Ye Han still has those golden fingers and supernatural powers on him.

It is also very coveted, Han Xiaochen can imagine if he falls into his hands.

That terrifying energy might as well just take something away from yourself!

"Han Xiaochen, what's wrong with you? Are you scared again?

This seat is not a big tiger that cannibalizes people, what is such a girl afraid of me? "

Sure enough, Yehan's voice and himself floated in front of Han Xiaochen in an instant.

"Han Xiaochen, since you gave me such delicious food.

Then I have to give you a small reward.

This seat listens to the book and you like these gold and silver treasures very much, so if this is the case, this seat will give you some. "

Saying that, Ye Han took out a big bag from his sleeve

Through the space, Han Xiaochen could feel that every item in Ye Han's big bag was a priceless treasure.

"Yehan, these things have been with you for thousands of years, how can I want them!
Even if I want it, I can't make it!
I don't want to cause trouble there, and you don't want to think about where your thing came from. "

Han Xiaochen put on such a disgusted look

Yehan looked at Han Xiaochen mockingly

"Han Xiaochen, you think beautifully!
Do you know who are eligible to be buried with me?
These are nothing more than what I collected casually when you entered the space.

Whether you want it or not, you want to pull it down! "

Yehan seemed to be a little impatient, and seemed to blame Han Xiaochen for wasting his precious time.

Hou, in fact, Ye Han doesn't have many things, except that he has the most time!

This immortality can live forever in the world.

What kind of existence is this?

Han Xiaochen blinked lightly: "Yehan, you're actually quite funny and interesting.

But I can't believe you, you are too powerful, so strong that I don't even have the courage to gamble. "

The bag of good things that Yehan was looking for actually likes it very much, but it is for the little profit.

Han Xiaochen would never agree to taking away his freedom and even his life.

"Han Xiaochen, this opportunity is given to you anyway, it's up to you whether you want to take it or not.

Anyway, I am in a good mood now, if this period of time has passed, I can't even say what kind of mood I will be in!

And this seat will not always coax you with such a good temper. "

As Yehan was talking, a man in fluttering white clothes flew over and stabbed at Yehan's gate of life with a sword.

"Ye Han, go to hell!" The man in white clothes was fatal with a knife.

But Yehan seems to dodge it very easily every time, without hurting the fenhao
Han Xiaochen could only feel that the man in white was very strong.

It was so strong that Han Xiaochen had a terrible illusion that the man in white was definitely not human.

Naturally, Yehan wouldn't keep hitting the man in white.

After dodging lightly for a few times, he waved his sleeves and started fighting with the man.

This big guy fights, and others are not even qualified to watch the excitement.

Han Xiaochen just felt that the sky outside this space was so turbid that he couldn't see it clearly, but it seemed to be still a blood-red mist with thick dust.

But Han Xiaochen seems to be able to feel it across space.

Just how cruel the fight between the two was, there were many passing zombies around.

They were all directly crushed into powder.

Of course, it is more to follow my instinct and leave here desperately.

And those who have no time to leave, tsk tsk tsk, what do you mean by being wiped out, that's what it is called.

The two big guys waved their sleeves and didn't know how to fight.

But those zombies really turned into ashes.

"The dead fox just ate some of your disciples and grandchildren, why are you so fussy with me?"

Yehan's fight this time seemed to be very easy, he fought with the man in white.

Suddenly, it seemed that the man in white was looking for him to take revenge. In this scene, it seemed that these two people were fighting together!

"Yehan, how dare you say that my clansman, and my juniors, are almost eaten up by you.

When did you tmd change your taste? "The white-clothed man became more and more angry.

"Bai Zichen, these things are competing to be folded, survival of the fittest!

Naturally, I don't care about your disciples and grandchildren breaking into my territory.

As long as this is in the territory of this seat, is it the delicacy of this seat?
You should thank this seat for leaving you a way out, and not killing and eating all your clansmen. "Yehan's voice was as flat and beating as ever.

"Hahaha! Ye Han must let you die without a place to bury you today?"

Bai Zichen is a fox demon who has existed for thousands of years.

This mood has been calm and unwavering, but he was also angered by Ye Han's three rather shameless operations.

Otherwise, Bai Zichen wouldn't rush over to find Ye Han to settle accounts like this.

Han Xiaochen could only see and guess that it seemed that the man in white just now.

Still can't beat Ye Han, this Ye Yehan himself didn't see what kind of moves he made.

But Bai Zichen felt a little overwhelmed.

"Bai Zichen, you are not particular, you deserve to be buried alive, you deserve to be killed.

If you really feel uncomfortable, then you can fight these zombies casually, and I will definitely not blink an eye.

"Bah, Ye Han, you are shameless.

My disciples and grandchildren are all relatives who are connected with me by blood.

And for you, this zombie is just the energy that allows you to strengthen your strength.

Putting these two together, is he comparable?Yehan, no matter what, I want you to say something right today.

That is, you will never use our fox family as food and furs again. "

Bai Zichen remembered that he had just come out of the closed door for 500 years.

Knowing that all his apprentices and grandchildren have been eaten by his fellow villagers, he can't wait to kill them.

Fortunately, fortunately, this matter has not yet arrived, and it is so bad that it cannot be repaired no matter what.

"Bai Zichen, are you fucking sick?
The ones I eat are all from your tribe?You have too many poisonous people, right?

Didn't I eat up your own parents, brothers and sisters, can you behave like this?
Okay, okay, I agree, as long as your natal family doesn't come to trouble me in the future.

Don't hurt you people anymore, and we will return to our old ways! "

"Okay, okay, what you said is like a human word!"

Bai Zichen, "Yehan, I guess you seem to have forgotten again, that is, the two of us didn't belong to human beings at all!

As for you, you still have a little edge.

Isn't this zombie a human being before death, but if you want this fate, don't all the women who flatter you in the world have fate with you? …

Even though he got a little bit of an edge, he was so frightened by the person who learned about the situation.That's all you can do! "

Bai Zichen laughed gleefully.

He had heard the children tell him a long time ago that Ye Han seemed to be attracted to something.

But he racked his brains and spent a lot of effort, but the other party just didn't like him.

This is really a slightly sad story!
(End of this chapter)

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