Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 419 Lure Her Out

Chapter 419 Lure Her Out

"Hehe, but that girl is indeed a spatial ability.

Or that kind of very rare offensive space ability!
Stop talking nonsense, let's see how you can quickly recruit this girl! "

Ye Han is getting impatient, Bai Zichen has always been a secretive guy, he's really annoying!
"Is there anything I can do, that little girl is already scared out of her wits by you.

As far as how cruel you are, this brother has learned from you for a long time. "

That's right, even those disciples and grandchildren of his would fall into Ye Han's hands if they dared to commit crimes.

This guy Ye Han has never shown mercy!
How about saying that this person can be an emperor or a zombie king!
Just this guy was cruel and suspicious when he was the emperor.

But now, this has become a superb zombie king.

Then he became that heartless and heartless cold-blooded zombie!

In Ye Han's eyes, it should be said that this guy has no one who can catch his eyes, including himself.

"It's not impossible, you go back and leave, you go to retreat.

I also felt that something was silently staring at us.

You go back to retreat, stay far away from here, if this person comes out and wants to leave, don't stop him.

Wouldn't it be great! "

"Bai Zichen, don't stand up and talk without back pain.

I'm letting go, and she'll come back?

This family has several supernatural powers, how can someone who can thrive in this last days, be truly attached to this seat! "

Ye Hanhen said helplessly.

As powerful as him, he can only be imprisoned here with inexplicable energy on his back.

Even when he fell in love with a little girl who he thought was good, he couldn't force him to stay by his side.

If there is a definite number for everything, one pour and one drink, can't any existence really be able to act according to its own will forever?
"Ye Han, if you like her, why imprison her by your side forever!
You like a little human girl doll, right?
That girl is like you said, if she can achieve such an achievement, she naturally wants to live a happy life.

Why do you want to imprison people by your side!

You are right, let her feel your heart for her.

Then she will naturally be willing to come back and be willing to accompany you well when she has had enough fun.

Your life, if you don't encounter that kind of natural punishment that is completely irresistible.

There are almost no natural enemies, and it can almost be regarded as a permanent existence.

As for how long humans can exist, ordinary humans will reach home in five to sixty years and seven to eighty years.

Even these superpowers, even these high-level superpowers.

It can exist for more than 100 years at most, or more than 200 years, right?
This is higher, I haven't seen anyone who has that talent and can practice it.

People's life is so short, why do you force me to be unhappy in this short life! "

Bai Zichen sighed faintly.

I think that I also fell in love with a human girl back then, and forced her to stay by my side.

But the time that human beings can exist is too short, not to mention that girl will be too old in a short time.

And although I said I didn't care about that kind of appearance, I didn't dislike it.

But when she saw that she was still in full bloom, she felt uncomfortable and tense.

A retreat like mine may last decades, hundreds or even hundreds of years.

How can this human being be able to accompany me!

I was forced to shut down when she was in her 30s

But when she woke up again, 50 years had passed, and she had long since left this world.

It's even because of following him with too much evil spirit.

He actually endured the pain all over his body early and left this world.

"Yehan, our kind is really not suitable for human women.

We goblins are a bit better, at least we are living beings with a heartbeat, and our blood is also hot.

As long as we want to, we can transform into human beings forever.

It also makes the human beings on the other side not feel the strange things about us.

But you can't, no matter how well you evolve, you are still a zombie.

It's a fact that never changes, you don't have a heartbeat, this blood doesn't flow.

If that human supernatural being is really with you.

Even if you don't do anything, it's just that you have a little skin-to-skin contact together.

That would do a lot of harm to that girl doll.

Even if it has now become the end of the world in the mouth of mankind.

Even your little girl is quite good at dealing with the so-called zombies they say outside.

But how can this girl not be afraid, how can she not be afraid of your existence.

Don't talk about girls, it's just you.

If I say something bluntly, it is truly unacceptable in the world of ghost eyes.

And you were the emperor back then, and there were 72 concubines in the Sangong and Six Courts at that time.

Even if you are below, you are still king
As for your 72 concubines in the Sixth Court of Sangong, isn’t it that those girls who have received education in the 21st century can tolerate it?
Not to mention that your way of thinking is thousands of years different, just like you, in the mouths of today's girls, that is a proper straight male cancer. "

Bai Zichen's words can be regarded as earnest.

It's just that ordinary human beings can obtain the miracle of life mustard space.

Who is not the darling of heaven!
If Yehan wiped out the darling of that day, he would be killed.

In the future, the punishment from heaven will be multiplied many times, right?
"Bai Zichen, what you said made me speechless!

But do you know what the loneliness of these thousands of years is like!
You are a fox, you can run around and watch the world.

As for this seat, the only place where I can move around is this part of the imperial city.

It's hard to meet a little girl who can interest me.

How can I be willing to let her go!

Immediately let her accompany me and chat.

Go around with me, even a little bit of contact between them is not willing to have me! "

Whether it was when Ye Han was the emperor or when he was buried underground, he could even come in and out freely.

But no matter what stage it was, Yehan had never had such a humble thought.

He just wanted a girl to be by her side, and even said he didn't need that girl to do anything for him.

Bai Zichen couldn't help but twitched his lips, how could the thing in front of him look like a novel written by humans.

How come it seems to be worn by a holy father!
"Ye Han, this twisted melon is not sweet.

You have to be sincere to that little girl, that little girl may not be willing to come back to accompany you.

What's more, how come you have forgotten the way you treated those females before.

You think about what is going on in this female's heart, you have to grab her heart.

Naturally, she will come to see you occasionally, not to mention that it is not easy for a human being with supernatural powers to survive in today's society.

Even with what you said, that little girl is quite powerful.

Now it is the occupied area that humans say, and this territory you occupy.

For human beings, it has that absolute allure!
Even, you can still discuss with that little girl, and take the original site of the imperial capital base.

It's not bad to build a human gathering place again!

It's up to you to testify here, if you will.

As far as those zombies mentioned by humans, which one dares to enter the territory of the Imperial City without your consent!
At that time, not only will the little girl in your mouth be able to accompany you occasionally, but so many human beings will also be able to accompany you! "

(End of this chapter)

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