Chapter 446
Mo Shen was really helpless, his wife had nothing to do with that family long ago.

But still can't let go, in fact, that family has not treated her well either before or now.

"Husband, I know!

Seeing that they are able to live in peace and security, I feel at ease in my heart.

The son wants to support but does not wait for the relatives. Anyway, I have done it with a clear conscience. "

Li Na laughed at herself, what she gave to her family was nothing more than the most basic living conditions.

Just hold the Holy Mother like my husband said!


"Nana, it's so rare that I can meet you here.

Are you here to see our leader's wife? "

Li Na came to her mother's residence and ran into Li Wenwen head-on.

"That's right, I know you live here, so I came to see you by the way.

How is your grandma?I heard that your grandma's ability has been upgraded to level three now! "

Li Na felt a little uncomfortable looking at Li Wenwen, who was much thinner than before.

The mutant Li Wenwen was actually an embarrassing existence in the base.

This is not so obvious at the beginning of the last days, but it can still play a big role.

But the ability users level up too quickly, and it is simply too difficult for them mutants to level up.

Even I don't have any suggestions for them to upgrade as soon as possible.

This is the most useless water-type ability. After reaching the third level, he can easily clean up the power-attracting ability that looks extremely powerful in his body!
"That's it? Now our base doesn't have much water shortage, just my grandma.

If it weren't for the care of you and the wife of the leader of our mercenary group.

I'm afraid it's not that easy to upgrade!

And the water my grandma put in is only enough for two people, right?

Fortunately, I go out with my family to do some missions occasionally, and I can get more points, which makes our life easier! "

Li Wenwen has experienced a lot in the last days and learned a lot about human relationships.

He even understood that there was a world of difference between her and Nana in front of her.

Although two people can stand together, they can even chat like friends.

But this level of suppression has made her deeply understand what level she is in now.

"That's right, that's fine."

Li Na nodded, it seems that her mother is not here, since she...

"Nana, you girl is here, come in and sit down."

Just as Li Na was about to leave, she bumped into her mother.

But it's a pity, my old lady doesn't know me anymore.

"Hey! Grandma Li looks pretty good on you, but you look much younger than before?"

Does Li Na naturally know herself?I love hearing people compliment her on how young she looks.

But this time, I was right. The higher the level of this supernatural being, the younger he looks.

Of course, the main reason is that the life span has increased!

"Hehe, yes, after this ability has reached the third level, my old lady looks much younger than before.

Standing in front of my old man, I seem to be 20 years younger than him. "

Grandma Li said in her heart that it stands to reason that she is proud of what she is doing now.

But my old man occasionally finds things for me.

It really made me feel very uncomfortable many times!

"How wonderful that is, your grandma!

As for us women, we still have to be younger and more beautiful to be liked by men!

It just so happened that I brought some purified water system with me when I came here, and the water system is ready, so you can keep it for upgrading! "

"How can this be done!" Grandma Li trembling, wanted to refuse but could not bear to refuse such a good water system crystal nucleus.

"What's so embarrassing about it, what is our relationship?

Grandma Li!You have to practice hard, the higher the level of cultivation, the younger you look, and you can release more water

What's more, let's add a few more contributions to the family!

Just look at your leader's wife, it's because of the high level of abilities, how favored she is in front of your leader! "

"Yeah, yes, I just licked my face and accepted these old ladies with crystal nuclei.

It's really Nana, my old lady has enough money, and I will definitely return it to you.

My dear brother, you have already helped our family so much.

If I keep trying to take advantage of you so blindly and blindly, it won't be justified. "

Your grandma has seen through herself now, instead of counting on her family.

There is also my old man who is not in tune, and those so-called relatives and neighbors.

Then why not have a good relationship with Nana, the wife of the leader of the base in front of you!

Home may be a matter of a sentence, or it may be just chatting with myself for a while.

But even so, many people will come here to curry favor with you!

"Okay, Grandma Li, Nana is waiting for you.

But if your ability has not been upgraded to level 5, then you are not allowed to pay me back! "

Li Na smiled mischievously and bid farewell to Grandma Li.

My mother is fine, as long as I'm in a good state of mind, it's not interesting to stay here for a long time.

After all! !

Forget it, before I got married, my home never belonged to me either before or after I got married.


"Han Xiaochen, you are too powerful, you are now a master of the [-]th department with dual abilities!"

Han Junnuo looked at the Han Xiaochen who was obviously much smaller than before, but looked energetic, and still carried the majestic momentum around him.

They all jumped up excitedly.

"How can you be so exaggerated, is level 15 a boss?
In the past, I might have been complacent, but now I know that this is the end of the world, but there are people outside the world, and there is a sky beyond the sky!
There are even a group of people who are uncomfortable with their supernatural powers, but they have the ability to destroy the world! "

Han Xiaochen looked at Han Zhennuo looking at himself with surprise, envy, and even a happy expression for himself.

Slightly hooking her lips, Han Junnuo has so many eyes in this girl's eyes, but there is no dislike or jealousy.

"I know this, I know that there are many powerful people!

But it cannot be denied that the two of us are actually small and powerful people, right? "

Han Yunuo giggled, and directly took out a bucket to get that high-concentration healing water for Han Xiaochen.

"Han Xinnuo, is this water for me?"

Han Xiaochen unceremoniously took a cup from Han Zhennuo's hand first.

I drank it very cherished.

"Which one should I give if I don't give it to you? I know you're coming over today.

I'm recharging my energy early in the morning!

Although it is said that using this Yuanjing to upgrade, there is almost no danger

But I'm still a little bit worried about you for no reason, just that time I got a little chance, that time when I was able to get promoted very quickly.

It was extremely dangerous back then, if it weren't for my husband, you might never see me again long ago. "

Han Xiaochen took a deep look at Han Xinnuo, which space can this space ability drill into?

I couldn't see it before, but now I can see it.

This guy Han Xinnuo is powerful enough, and this opportunity is also rich enough.

Such a good thing as the space key can be easily obtained by him
There is a limit to peeking at your own space, otherwise, Han Yinuo might sneak in when he was unprepared!
(End of this chapter)

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