Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 453 Firmly Bound

Chapter 453 Firmly Bound

"Han Xiaochen, someone, it's not good to know too much, haven't you heard of the four words rare and confused?
As for this sentence, I will give it to you, so you can enjoy it when you go back! "

Xiao Ye smiled, this damn Yehan, why did he talk to this little girl Han Xiaochen everything!

It really has been estimated for thousands of years, has he met someone who can interest him?
But it was obvious that Han Xiaochen would not follow Ye Han at all.

Ye Han did this so that Han Xiaochen could leave him with peace of mind.

It is really enough to think about it for yourself to really retreat and practice.

But with Yehan's current style, he must be reluctant, and he is not willing to force Han Xiaochen
Even if Han Xiaochen is willing to talk to him.

Ye Han didn't want to hurt Han Xiaochen, did he?
After all, how could a mortal like Han Xiaochen stand it, the one of the thousand-year-old zombie king?

You must know that Yehan is more powerful than that Hanba nowadays.

Now think about Ye Han, although he became a zombie in the end.

But this ability seems to be on the hook, and even I am jealous if it goes up!
"Hey! Xiao Ye, go get busy, I'm going to practice too.

Of course, I want to cultivate, and when I’m tired, I’ll toss around the space. If there’s something in the space that you can use, I’ll find it quickly.

Don't think how noble I am, I'm only looking at the wood-type primordial crystal you gave me.

Of course, I am willing to take it out for the sake of thanking you for protecting me.

You know, I'm not that kind-hearted idiot like a biological mother! "

Han Xiaochen didn't know why, so he didn't want to advertise himself as that kind of existence that was as pure as a white lotus flower and like a virgin.

She always felt that this so-called good person, the so-called kind-hearted and the so-called Holy Mother.

It's the kind of real Virgin, who is as annoying as that fool's relative!
"Ha ha……

Han Xiaochen, what are you doing to tell me these things?
It is very good for this person to be kind when he does not affect his own interests within the scope of his ability.

And just like what those people said, this is either a real existence that will kill your family and kill yourself.

Or is it?That is the generation who sells fame and reputation.

And I know you don't belong to these two categories, but it's because of this that I appreciate you?

Well, now, you won't keep me, I'm still very busy.

What about you, what should you do? "

Xiao Ye waved his hand. The base was injured, and many people had to watch it for themselves.

Damn it, this hateful Mo Shen refused to come here in order to fight for his master's rights.

As for myself, the deputy base leader.

He just did all the things that the leader of the base does, and it's not justified.

If it wasn't for Li Na, would I have worked so hard?
That guy Mo Shen still pretends to take advantage of Li Na every day.

But what age is this?Mo Shen looks very democratic, but he is more like the straight male cancer that was mentioned in the Internet before.

Even if Li Na is married to him, it does not belong to his private property.

But this relationship between myself and Li Na is pure and pure, and there is even a bond with some kind of world rules.

It stands to reason that my relationship with Li Na should be better than the relationship between Mo Shen and Li Na, okay?
But it's a pity, I used to be a human with the identity of a woman, and even now I want a woman's body.

In addition, his previous body has long since disappeared.

Otherwise, would you be that hermaphrodite?

In fact, if I want to give Li Na happiness, it should be better than Mo Shen.

But they had three cubs, so I couldn't intervene even if I wanted to.

Plus that damn Li Na space, when my soul body entered for the first time.

He bound himself firmly, it was the kind of arrangement that he had to obey Li Na no matter what.

Here comes the hateful restriction of not being able to do anything to force Li Na to do things
Otherwise, you yourself might have been able to make Li Na your own long ago.

What the hell kind of space is that?It has such a strong binding force on people.

But not only can't get any cheap, even Mo Shen that hateful guy.

Didn't get any cheap, right? This time I entered Li Na's space.

That space has a great constraint on him, in a sense.

Although Mo Shen is considered a very powerful existence in both interfaces, in fact.

In addition to being Li Na's husband, Mo Shen is still Li Na's slave-like existence, right?
But because Li Na is kind, she doesn't want to let Mo Shen do what he should do.

But it is true that I have heard of it before, and there are many great gods.

They will be with those who have a good relationship with them, even those who have signed a contract.

And Mo Shen does have his own independent thoughts, although he is bound by the space.

But the other selves can't know it. After all, no matter how good this space is, it doesn't belong to me.

Sometimes Xiao Ye wonders, is it that this space restricts her the same as it restricts Moshen?
After Han Xiaochen returned to his house, he really went there again.

Search all the medicines in Mo Qinghan's other place.

After searching it all, Han Xiaochen smiled, took out a first-class purified water system crystal nucleus, put it in a small wooden box for Mo Qinghan, and put it there.

"Qinghan, come and take a look if you have time, where did I put a small gift for you?

I believe you will like it very much! "

After Han Xiaochen picked up the phone and sent Mo Qinghan a message.

The corners of his lips curled into a smile, isn't he a bit stingy, just this kind of first-level crystal nucleus is already very worthless in the last days.

It is estimated that only a few catties of ordinary grain can be exchanged.

But in this interface, this level of water crystal nucleus should be regarded as a peerless treasure, right?
The eyes of Mo Qinghan, who was practicing in the secret room, flickered.

In order not to be disturbed by others, he blocks all outside information every time he practices.

But this time, he alone released the authority to Han Xiaochen.

That is when Han Xiaochen wants to find him, he can contact him anytime and anywhere.

But even so, Mo Qinghan ran his body a few more laps before slowly stopping.

Just started looking at that information.

"Ha ha……

Han Xiaochen is really the kind of little girl who doesn't want to take advantage of others.

But what exactly are good things and good gifts? "

Mo Qinghan didn't go out to drive for the second time, but put a spell on the soles of his feet that allowed him to run fast.

He also used an invisibility technique on himself, and then quickly ran to the warehouse.

This said it was full, but in fact it was empty for more than ten seconds.

Mo Qinghan has already arrived at the warehouse just now.

No need to look for it, Mo Qinghan accurately took the crystal core exuding water energy and the box into his hand.

He took a deep breath, the water system is good!
Still so clean, even he could easily be absorbed for his own use.

What's more, this kind of medicine is better than that kind of medicine, that's all, but it doesn't do any harm to the body.

Don't worry about leaving erysipelas or something!

Sure enough, my choice was right!

Mo Qinghan finally raised the corners of his lips to smile which is rare.

My own vision is really good, not only capable, but also a person who knows how to repay her kindness.

But yes, is there any difference in being loved by a woman?
(End of this chapter)

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