Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 455 So what about the reversed way of heaven?

Chapter 455 So what about the reversed way of heaven?

He really wanted to heal this precious space in front of him, and he held it firmly in his hand, whether it was the water element or that beautiful female ability user.

But it's a pity that Zhao Ye's mercenary group is bigger than his mercenary group.

Zhao Ye is not something he can offend. His mercenary group, in terms of strength and strength, can be regarded as a name in the base.

But it happened that Zhao Ye gave him a hard head.

But the Han Zhennuo in front of him is too weak, with his own force and the bodyguards behind him.

How could it be impossible to deal with a useless woman like myself!

So it seems...

You can work well on your own!

"Han Xinnuo, what are you doing? I just heard that you are being stalked by a crazy woman, I still don't believe it!"

Han Xiaochen walked over smiling like a flower, but his voice and tone were full of sarcasm.

"Han Xinnuo, I know you are kind, but kindness is not such a way, is it?

Although this aunt looks about 50 or [-] years old, she is obviously very strong.

Don't be tricked by others again, in this last days, there is no room for people to be too kind! "

"Aunt, please let me go, if you don't let go, don't blame me for being rude to you!
And that uncle, I know you are the head of a mercenary group, but you have to show some face, right?
Don't you think we dare not do anything to you in the base, don't you?
Although we don't take the initiative to provoke trouble, if you take the initiative to provoke me and pester me again and again.

I will still turn against you. "

When Han Xinuo said this, there was a slight shock, and the woman Yang Chunfen fell hard.

"Han Xiaochen, that woman said you were her daughter!
I don't know who you look like, why are you always missed!
In fact, it's her daughter, I've seen it before.

Thin and pitiful, she disappeared later. I wondered if I would be assassinated by this patriarchal woman! "

Damn it, since Han Xiaochen has already fully expressed his attitude, he doesn't want to have anything to do with that woman anymore.

And why should I, why bother to fill in the confusion for Han Xiaochen.

What's more, to be honest, I am also tired of this hateful woman Yang Chunfen, okay?
What the hell is this woman!
It will only fry the persimmon until soft!

"Han Xinnuo, you shameless little slut, how dare you touch me!
Would you be where you are today without my daughter? "

Yang Chunfen is cursing but direct, so she doesn't want to hug Han Xiaochen

Han Xiaochen's insignificant figure immediately made Yang Chunfen pick a dog and eat shit.

"Ha ha……"

The melon-eating people around here laughed very unkindly

At this moment, Feng Biao just folded his arms so leisurely as if he was watching a play.

But he didn't say a word, and he didn't express any attitude.

But it's true, what can Feng Biao say to Han Xiaochen?

"Han Zhaodi, you son of a bitch.

I am your mother, how dare you deny me, beware of being struck by lightning. "

Yang Chunfen didn't learn anything else, but she learned that this shrew is sitting on the ground and messing around!

"Crazy woman what are you doing?
Get out of here now! "Han Xiaochen's voice was as cold as ice.

"That is Captain Feng, right? Is this your woman? What do you mean by letting your woman pester the two of us?"
You are easy to bully when you think of us space powers, right?Do you think we have no background! "

Feng Biao shrugged his shoulders, "Girl, no matter you are Han Zhaodi or Han Xiaochen, you are still in my blood!

The higher the level of this supernatural being, the harder it is to cultivate!

No matter what, you girl also owes our parents karma.

Would you exist without us? "

Naturally, Feng Biao had already known what Yang Chunfen had done to Han Xiaochen, but in fact he didn't care about that kind of thing at all.

Of course, there is nothing you can do if you care about him.

After all, he's the kind of person who doesn't understand what family affection is all about?

But right now, I just feel that Han Xiaochen is getting more and more powerful, and his dual-element ability has reached level 15.

What kind of a top existence is this, and this existence is still his biological daughter.

If he doesn't take advantage of it, then he will really be sorry for Feng Biao's terrible reputation since he was a child.

"Tuan Zhang, please have some self-respect, and take your woman out of here as soon as possible.

I don't know you, let alone your woman.

But I have heard Han Xinuo tell me about your woman's deeds?

Tut tut...

At that time, I was very curious about such a woman with corrupt morals and an extremely vicious heart.

How could God let her become a mutant!

Although the poor child's biological father, Li Ying, was hacked into pieces, it is not an exaggeration.

But after all, is it really rare in the world for a mother to treat her daughter like that?

But I thought that the poor girl's real biological father, who had committed a great crime, would have been punished and died long ago, right? "

Han Xiaochen's mocking voice sounded again.

At this time, even if Feng Biao really started fighting with him.

Then Feng Biao is absolutely impossible to be her opponent of Han Xiaochen.

This is strength, a strong and powerful strength of a woman.

He can protect you from all aspects of harm, and he can also tell you that you have quite a hard fist.

You can not be bewitched and threatened by anyone.

Even if those two are...

But those two people are enemies to Han Xiaochen.

This is an enemy who will never get in touch with each other forever. If these two people do things too much.

Han Xiaochen can guarantee that he might not be able to bear it and kill his relatives righteously.

As for what to do after this great righteousness kills relatives?Or is it true that there is a Dao of Heaven in this world, and Dao of Heaven really wants to clean up himself.

Han Xiaochen said that if he was pushed into a hurry, he would not care about it at all.

Han Xiaochen didn't realize this until he got to know Yehan.

These roads lead to Rome, and it is not necessarily necessary to walk the road to goodness.

It is necessary to live by following the so-called human ethics standards of human beings.

What's more, if the way of heaven really exists, if anyone is to be punished, why not punish these two people?
Especially this Feng Biao, how many girls have been mutilated, and how many girls have been put in a situation where there is no redemption.

I happen to be such a person, but I became a high-level supernatural being, and even became the leader of a large mercenary group.

Just thinking about it makes people feel very uncomfortable!

If you hear that you don't agree with your righteous killing of relatives and fighting for justice for so many victims, you even want to clean up yourself.

Then you will be reversed, so what about this way of heaven?
Look at how this woman Yang Chunfen yelled?
It seemed to indicate that this was settled, as if Han Qiannuo was settled by himself.

But in fact?Is it really possible for her to succeed in this idea?How is that possible?

Don't say that it is completely impossible for him to accept him talking to her.

Even that extremely weak Han Zhennuo was just for her parents and younger brother who had always treated her badly.

Let them have the most basic life, let them live on

But suddenly, this woman Yang Chunfen's complexion changed drastically, and she spat out a mouthful of blood from her chest.

Obviously, this woman Yang Chunfen suffered from that terrible plot.

(End of this chapter)

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