Chapter 465

"Mo Yan, what do you know, how do you know that the things you learned were not added by others.

That guy named Ye, who has always been scheming, abandoned me and even poured dirty water on me.

But don't you claim to have loved me for many years?
But how could you just believe the plot that the surname Ye set up to harm me? "

How can you admit this to yourself?

His daughter was not of his ex-husband's species.

This became the real reason for her ex-husband's blatant betrayal and kicking herself out of bed!

"The one you gave birth to, the one that's dead now.

Not your ex-husband's seed, is it?

If you were conceived before marriage, that's forgivable.

After all, unmarried men and women are unmarried.

But that cub was conceived two months after you got married!
And your daughter!She is very healthy, and it is impossible for her to be born prematurely, and she was born two months prematurely. "

Mo Yan stared at Jia Ningxiao with a half-smile

"I'm really curious that you hooked up with that person in marriage and had sex with him. Is your heart so stable?"

"Mo Yan, I was forced by that person, how can I, a weak woman, offend that godfather who is regarded as the king of Taoism!
Am I forced?But my husband clearly knew about that kind of thing, but he just refused to let me out.

woohoo woo..."


How can I break this matter with a woman like you!

If that person named Ye knew that he had done such a thing, do you think that person named Ye could keep you for so many years? "

Mo Yan suddenly felt tired and felt that he really deserved it!

This is obviously a woman who is full of lies, witty and shameless, with a deep scheming and vicious heart.

But such a thing actually became the white lotus in my heart for so many years.

I am also really...

"Mo Yan, this person makes mistakes, doesn't he? Haven't you men had many women?
I know you are very powerful now, but I have what you lack the most.

You have to have me, a real spiritual person..."

Mo Yan waved his hand and rubbed his brow again.

"Mo Shen, since you have been standing outside for so long, you should come in."

"Ha ha……

Mo Yan, it's rare that you are so generous!

But I am very satisfied with the gift you gave me this time! "

Mo Shen walked in gracefully and closed the door by the way.

Jia Ningxiao looked at the extremely bright smile on the corner of Mo Shen's mouth.

But this whole body couldn't help shivering.

This Mo Shen was much more ferocious than Mo Yan, as if he was being targeted by him.

I am about to fall into hell!

"Jia Ningxiao, did you take the initiative to hand over the things? Or do you want to wait for the leader to punish you!

However, rare specimens like yours should be very welcome to my research institute. "

Mo Shen didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

Jia Ningxiao is not stupid, she knows that what the man in front of her said is true.

But if he handed over this thing, would he really die?

Even if I was beaten by that Tucker who became a zombie, I would still like to live in this world!
How can you think that you will lose your life immediately.


This is if the leader of the base throws himself into this research institute and makes those people open up their research.

Why don't you just die yourself?

"Jia Ningxiao, this leader is very busy every day, but I don't have time to grind my teeth with you here.

I'll give you 1 minute to think about it. "

Mo Shen has no affection for Jia Ningxiao at all.

And Mo Shen felt that if he killed this top green tea bitch who had harmed so many people.

It can be regarded as accumulating a little merit for the people of the Mo family, right?
"God Mo, Chief Mo!
I am willing to dedicate everything I have to you, and only ask you to save my life.

I really can't take this thing out, it's all bound to my soul.

But if I am a woman, don't all those things belong to you?
If you are worried about me, you can send someone to watch me.

Really, I am willing to do anything for you, as long as you can think of it, I can do it for you. "

I have to say that Jia Ningxiao still has a strong desire to survive.

"Mo Yan, since Jia Ningxiao gave this gift to me, Mo Shen.

So it's not appropriate for you to poke here now, is it? "

Mo Shen turned his head and looked at Mo Yan with a half-smile
Mo Yan...

Mo Yan pretended to cough twice.
"Ahem, Mo God, you can do whatever you want, this villa belongs to you today.

I don't expect other places to rest. "

Mo Yan didn't want to watch how Mo Shen entertained Jia Ningxiao.

After all, this kind of thing looks hot, especially the woman I have been thinking about for so many years.

"Oh! Thank you, Mo Yan!"

The sarcasm in the corner of Mo Shen's mouth became stronger and stronger.


Just don't bother me..."

Mo Yan pulled the corner of his lips stiffly and went out, damn it
Recently, I have been ripped off by Mo Shenya a lot.

What are you talking about like yourself? His base here is small, and he can't let go of himself.

Oh shit……

The former base leader had a very good relationship with him.

If he could come here, he would welcome him along the way.

Mo Shen is a good bastard. On the surface, he has a good relationship with him, but secretly he often finds fault with him.

What else did he say? It was his wife who disliked him.

If I live my life too smoothly, Mo Shen's wife Li Na will feel uncomfortable all over.

So Mo Shen said whether it was uncomfortable to look at his wife, or to look at himself.

He decisively chose the latter, and even said that keeping himself at the map base was a great pressure from his wife!

Oh shit……

It was the first time that a man described this henpeck so freshly and refinedly.

Does this bastard Mo Shen really think that he loves staying here at the imperial base?
If Han Xiaochen wasn't here, he wouldn't hesitate to take a step here, okay?

"Mo Yan, where is my husband?"

As soon as Mo Yan came out, he ran into Li Na who was looking for him in a hurry.

"Li Na, your husband is in my villa!
What do you want to do!
But I advise you, woman, to be magnanimous in everything.

A dragon and phoenix like your husband can become a king no matter where he goes.

Isn't it normal to have more women around here?

Look at the emperor, which one has only one queen by his side?

As long as you are tolerant and magnanimous, you, the queen's throne, will continue to do so. "

A dead fellow daoist is not a poor daoist, Moshen, you fucking always trouble me.

Don't blame me for wearing small shoes for you now.

Mo Shen...

Mo Yan, is this shit a human thing?

Li Na looked at Mo Yan with a smile
"It's good that my husband is here, and you can lead me the way.

If you really find the scene you mentioned, then we will analyze specific issues in detail. "

Mo Yan...

Why is it different from what I thought? I didn't expect that Li Na, a woman who seems innocent, can pretend to be very good!
"Mo Yan, why are you so dazed, hurry up and take me to my place, I have a very urgent matter to control my husband!

Really, this matter is very important, and it is related to the lives of many people! "

Mo Yan just glanced at Li Na indifferently, as if Li Na suddenly became very anxious.

"Go down here by yourself. There is a Chinese painting in the basement of the fourth room. The rose in the man's hand is the door of the dark room."

(End of this chapter)

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