Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 468 Adding Geng is Repaying Your Kindness

Chapter 468 Adding Geng is Repaying Your Kindness
"Husband is not as useless as you think, is he?

But that's right, I seem to be a little too dependent on you. "

Li Na stuck out her tongue a little shyly.

Only then did he take out the iron-sharpening dagger in his hand and slashed the woman Jia Ningxiao's middle finger severely.

I haven't been the weak woman who gets dizzy when I see blood, okay?

Immediately, Jia Ningxiao's blood, which was visible to the naked eye, frantically flowed towards the green bracelet that Li Na took out as the carrier of this space.

And the blood flowed more and more, and the bracelet became brighter because it absorbed more and more blood.

Mo Shen frowned, seeing that it was his wife, she wanted to give the space in her hand to that woman, and let that woman recognize the meaning of the master!

But Xiao Ye didn't have the need to cheat his husband and wife?

What's more, it's just that space bracelet, which both my husband and I can't recognize.
Jia Ningxiao's face is getting paler and paler, but the blood left on her body is indeed increasing, and she looks like she is about to faint

Xiao Ye gently tapped Jia Ningxiao's forehead, and Jia Ningxiao seemed to be more energetic.

But Jia Ningxiao's middle finger has been crazily sucked blood by that bracelet
It seems that Jia Ningxiao's blood coagulation function has disappeared.

"Li Na, Mo Shen, you two also drip a drop of blood on this bracelet, hurry up!
I also want blood from your middle finger, hurry up, don't be dazed, especially you, Mo Shen!
Don't you want this woman's space?This is going to be fast right away. "

Xiao Ye hurriedly urged the two of them.

If Mo Shen didn't talk nonsense, he would bite his middle finger and drop a drop of blood into the bracelet.

"Li Na, hurry up too, this would not be possible without your blood."

Li Na nodded quickly, bit her middle finger through her teeth, and dripped a drop of blood on the bracelet.

Oh my god, even if I am a supernatural being, if I bite my finger, it will still bleed from the bite, but it will still hurt like hell, okay?

Jia Ningxiao felt more and more cold in her body.

It seemed that something extremely important to him was slowly disappearing.

Isn't that right?Shouldn't it be like this?

Jia Ningxiao felt that the coldness on her body was getting stronger and stronger.

Her face also became more and more innocent.

"Jia Ningxiao, don't worry, I will never let you die, but you will never live."

Jia Ningxiao turned her head and looked at Li Na
"Li Na, take out a raw blood pill and throw it into that woman's mouth."

"Oh!" Li Na watched as the bracelet was firmly attached to the middle finger of a woman in Jia Ningxiao.

Only then did I take out so many small bottles of hemostatic pills from my own space
Carefully throwing one grain at a time into the mouth of this woman, Jia Ningxiao.

Jia Ningxiao was feeling uncomfortable at the time, breathing vigorously with her mouth open.

This saves Li Na from having to open that woman's mouth.

Jia Ningxiao suddenly felt bad and wanted to spit out the pill.

But when this elixir met her mouth, it turned into a warm current.

It flowed directly into her stomach, and seeing this bracelet sucking blood made me even happier.


This is in the center of the imperial capital in the occupied area, Taco, the zombie king who is too powerful in front of human beings.

His complexion changed drastically, and he rolled in pain
Bai Zichen frowned, just about to move.

"Bai Zichen, you fucking, you thousand-year-old fox demon, this seat was your ancestor back then.

Don't meddle in my business! "Xiao Ye's voice came over immediately.
Bai Zichen shrugged his shoulders: "Ye Dian, I'm not afraid of you if I don't do anything this time.

I just think that you have repaid your kindness for saving Lao Tzu back then.

Otherwise, as you are now, I can crush you to death with just one finger, do you know that? "

Bai Zichen's venomous tongue was not good, but he still listened to Xiao Ye's words.

"Bai Zichen, I already know that you are the most obedient, and you will benefit later.

As far as I know, after that space is completely taken away, there should be good things in it that allow you to practice quickly! "

"That's about the same, I'm waiting for you here!"

Bai Zichen actually didn't care much about the so-called good things.

After all, to put it bluntly, he didn't want his cultivation to improve too quickly.

Damn, there are too many catastrophes encountered when practicing as a goblin.

In fact, if you can live forever, who would like to be struck by lightning every day?

Who knows which time the lightning struck too hard, and wiped out his own soul in smoke!

Li Na naturally felt the chat between Xiao Ye and that.

"Xiao Ye, you know that monster!"

"Yeah, we've known each other for thousands of years, and you're the younger brother who isn't even worthy of carrying my shoes.

But now it can completely suppress me by force.

Fortunately, this fox clan is not that kind of killing innocent people indiscriminately, nor is it that kind of grateful.

Otherwise, today's matter would not go so smoothly!
The bastard you called Taco is now working as a handyman for Bai Zichen, a thousand-year-old fox demon. "

Xiao Ye twitched the corner of his mouth in a complicated expression.

Is it because I didn't disappear in the first place, so I have to thank God well!

Doesn't this Yaozu have to die every time they encounter an upgrade?
Maybe one needle and one eye really have a certain number, this heaven is much harsher for the monster race than anything else!

What's more, he was plotted against back then.

"Xiao Ye, don't worry, think about how weak you were when you had this body, and how strong your force is now.

I believe that in the near future, you will definitely be the big sister on this interface. "

Li Na came to comfort Xiao Ye
At this time, Mo Shen's eyes were as deep as the stars in the sky.

There seems to be endless changes, and it seems that there is no change at all.

All of a sudden, Jia Ningxiao exuded such a bright, laser-like light.

But suddenly disappeared, Jia Ningxiao's whole body was dying like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Two words came to Jia Ningxiao's mind, it's over, for the most important thing to her, she felt separated from her soul and body.

And the bracelet exuded dazzling light and hung directly on Li Na's wrist.

Not to mention that, Li Na and Mo Shen were also exuding a dazzling but unusually soft light.

The lingering, what they didn't find out was.

Everyone in the entire imperial capital base was quietly enveloped by this kind of soft light.

People who are not sick feel more relaxed in their bodies.

But the sick person felt that his condition was gradually improving.

There are even several human beings who are already terminally ill, and their lives are gradually out of danger.

Not to mention that the flowers and trees in the base became more and more lush.

This is what Xiao Ye really wants to achieve. In this way, not only Li Na and Mo Shen can get great benefits, but also this space for life.

I can be regarded as indirectly saving a lot of names in this base, even because of what happened just now.

That is because the strong energy emanating from the space art actually nourished the entire Christian base.

Is this a supreme merit for her?

Han Xiaochen, who was in his sleep, suddenly escalated.

The three-phase abilities have all been upgraded to level 16, which is still an unusually smooth upgrade.

Of course, other supernatural beings who stepped into the door also upgraded through this light.

(End of this chapter)

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