Chapter 470 Charm
"Actually, it's okay, and it doesn't look much smaller than before.

This is just a three-line ability, but it's just a level up! "

But Han Xiaochen is currently on a tangled and depressed journey.

Her own communicator rang without hesitation.

Han Xiaochen smiled helplessly, and picked up the communicator.

Just at this time the communicator was hung up.

Then there was an overwhelming amount of information entered into his own communicator.

Han Xiaochen clicked on one by one.

"Good news, great news, great news, those supernatural beings who disappeared from the base.

With the unremitting efforts of Chief Mo and his wife, they have successfully rescued and returned. "

"Han Xiaochen, what are you doing? This base has been blown up, why don't you go and have a look?
Also, I don't know why, but I feel that the wound on my body heals inexplicably quickly? "This is from Yu Momo
"Han Xiaochen, do you feel that there is something abnormal about your body, or do you feel that you have received some great benefits for nothing.

Let me tell you, my husband's ability has been upgraded for no reason.

And mine is the same, especially the water system has been upgraded to level 17.

This space ability is also good, and it has also been upgraded.

I don't know what's going on, it's like I took advantage of it.

Later, my husband went to our mercenary group to find out, it seems that there are many supernatural beings who have been promoted to such a level!
do you know?Even the level of my mother, a supernatural being, has suddenly risen to level 4 in character? "

Although Han Junnuo was just a sent text, Han Xiaochen could feel it just by looking at such escaped text.

Han Junnuo was pleasantly surprised and excited, and even had a faint sense of anticipation.

This kind of expectation turned out to be the hope that he could also get such great benefits!

"Han Xiaochen, I have the key and I have to leave the imperial base for a while.

In my room, I left some materials for you to cultivate.

If you need it, you can get it. This password is the day of rebirth I gave you.

Mo Yan who loves you forever but will never force you. "

Han Xiaochen frowned, why did Mo Yan leave again?Where are you going again?
But forget it?This guy Mo Yan has always been elusive.

Just don't know why?Why did I feel so uncomfortable when I heard the news that Mo Yan left here?

"Mo Yan, be careful all the way!

I'm here to wish you immediate success in whatever you do! "

Han Xiaochen resisted the soreness in his heart, typed out such a sentence with his fingers flying, and Mo Yan sent it out.

Mo Yan was sitting in a speeding car at this time, when he saw the communicator in his hand beeping.

When he saw that piece of information again, Mo Yan was so gorgeously distracted.

Accidentally, several high-level mutant animals were smashed into pieces by this car.

As expected, Mo Yan's car was specially made, and it definitely existed thousands of years beyond this interface technology!

Otherwise, if this is an ordinary vehicle, even if it is a high-protection military armored vehicle.

It may not be possible to directly torture so many mutated animals to ashes!
Mo Yan smiled wryly, and continued to concentrate
This car can actually transform into a speeding car directly.

But it's a pity, if this car flies, if the mutated bird in the sky hits head-on.

That kind of huge airflow will be formed again, and although this car will not be damaged, it is not so good for Mo Yan with a mortal body.

Not necessarily invulnerable, either.


"(⊙o⊙) Wow, Han Xiaochen doesn't know why, it feels like you are young again?

Congratulations, all your abilities have reached level 16. "

Han Xinuo cheerfully hugged Han Xiaochen for two circles.

Han Xiaochen was arrested just when he arrived at Han Zhennuo's residence.

Han Xinnuo was hugged in a horrible way, damn it
Han Xiaochen has also felt that Han Xinuo's strength has become stronger and stronger recently.

Han Xiaochen deeply suspects that this guy, Han Xinuo, has accidentally awakened, and the power has mutated.

But with such a sweep of his own eyes of reality, there is no change in Han Xinnuo's body?

Could it be that he was about to awaken, and his power mutated without any lessons, so he couldn't see it?

"Thick! Han Yunuo still has the nerve to talk about me, you look very young now!

Also, your supernatural ability is not inferior to mine, so you have benefited too?

But I really don't know what kind of energy it is.

Why do the people in our entire imperial base get such benefits? "

Although Han Xiaochen, who has been turning back and forth in his heart, is even more excited to see Han Shaonuo!
It's normal for Han Xinuo's ability to change, but the key is when You Han Xinuo and Han Xiaochen just met her.

This temperament seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the current Han Luonuoke does not have the rustic and village temperament of before at all.

And it becomes this appearance that can be felt.

The woman in front of her has become that little fairy full of pure spirit!

"Hey, don't show your affection, you two, it won't work.

You've been showing off for a while, okay? "

Yu Momo rolled his eyes indecently, there are no such two, and they are still holding each other's feet like this

Just when I came here, I saw these two women being so indecent, bouncing and jumping together.

Could it be that he is getting old?
Yu Momo was very suspicious, and glanced at himself in the mirror.

I am not old, I even look younger than before the end of the world.

His own figure is even better than before the end of the world, even more convex and warped.

As for this face, it is so tender that water can be squeezed out, but it is full of charming light.

Why is this the type that is becoming more and more charming?
"Yu Momo, you are not bad, the injuries on this body are all healed, and it feels like your abilities are loose.

If you think you have to work harder, it will definitely be no problem to upgrade to another level! "

Han Xiaochen bared his teeth at Yu Momo in embarrassment

"Yu Momo, why do I feel that you are becoming more and more charming!

Now, if you become my Shang Dynasty, then what's the matter with Su Daji? "

"Han Xiaochen, look at your little mouth, be careful I'll tear it apart.

You don't arrange people like you, and you say that I am more charming than Su Daji.

Don't you call me a vixen clearly? "

Although Yu Momo said so, there was no sign of anger at all.

In fact, it belongs to the world, which woman doesn't want to turn herself into a vixen who is enough to fascinate all men in the world!

"Yu Momo, it's true that not only Han Xiaochen, but even I can sense that you seem to be emitting that strange light.

What is this light?I can't tell, but I can feel the endless charm that surrounds you.

It's not just that all the men in the world will fall for you.

Even us women who are also women are deeply fascinated by you!

Yu Momo, let's talk about it, our best best friend.

You can't be like those plastic sisters, trying to charm each other's men! "

Han Xinuo blinked and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Yu Momo, do you know that you stand in front of me with such a charming and charming beauty?

I seem to be reflected by you as this dog's tail grass! "

(End of this chapter)

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