Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 477 Adding More Mysterious and Dangerous Psychic Ability Users

Chapter 477 Adding More Mysterious and Dangerous Psychic Ability Users

"That's good, that's good, I'm just worried that you are too kind and will be tricked by that person when I don't pay attention.

Yu Momo and you are my best friends, but I don't want you to force yourself because of me.

I also don't want those people to think that you have a particularly good shot, as long as you sell badly, you will treat those people.

I know, you are usually very tired, so don't say anything else, just how many people are there in your mercenary group?
There are even many who want to drink some of your diluted healing water.

As for you, sometimes you are in a dilemma. After all, you are only one person, and your husband is very busy every day. "

Han Xiaochen sighed softly, he was obviously a few years older than this woman Han Xinnuo.

But why do I always have to worry about whether Han Zhennuo will be cheated by someone, tricked or harmed by someone?

"Han Xiaochen, it's good that you can understand me, and there's more!

If you can, give me more supplies, but for the time being, the crystal nucleus will be owed.

I'm worried that my husband is too busy, what if there is something missing in our mercenary group?
And you know, I also have a mother who is not worried, and I would not care about her in normal times.

Then you said that if my mother is really in trouble, can I leave her alone?

No matter how bad she is, she gave birth to me.

Of course, I just let him fill his stomach within my ability, instead of agreeing to her rude request. "

Han Xinuo was a little shy when he said this.

It's really hard to say it out loud.

"What's the matter?
You follow me to release a bag, and you search for a bag in your space. "

As soon as Han Xiaochen said that, he took some food and even food out of the space.

Han Zhennuo was stunned for a moment, but quickly put these things away in his own space.

Han Xiaochen was also considered generous enough to release a handful of supplies worth nearly 10 yuan to Han Zhennuo.

"Enough is enough, Han Xiaochen has been able to use me for many years."

Seeing that Han Xiaochen was about to take a stance, Han Xinnuo immediately stopped her.

"Han Xinnuo, if I can give it to you, it means that my place is still rich.

Can't you also feel that my space is very large?

And I believe in the reputation of you and your husband. Of course, if you are really tight, you won't give it to me, and I won't blame you. "

Han Xiaochen released a few more boxes of delicious canned luncheon meat and compressed biscuits to Han Zhennuo before he stopped putting supplies out.

Of course, the most important thing is that Han Xiaochen released a few boxes of that cream cake to Mo Yan without paying attention.

Of course the cake was just a normal cream cake, not the kind of big cake people use for birthdays.

Of course, this cake tasted very good, and it was before the end of the world.

Han Xiaochen spent a special sum of money to ask that cake shop to make such a large batch just for her?
"Hou! Han Xiaochen, I love you so much, why don't you tell me?

You still have cream cake here, I am so greedy that my mouth is watering every day. "

This is what you want to be full of warmth, right?Han Xinuo has nothing serious to do in this mercenary group, so he naturally wants to eat something gluttonous.

"Oh! My space is very messy, and it's normal for me to forget it for a while.

Look at me throwing things out for you, and you can feel how messy my things are.

I can also look for it, but he is not particularly exhausting my mental strength.

You also know that it is not easy for me to cultivate my spiritual power, just like you. "

Han Xiaochen just raised his eyebrows lightly, as if you knew it.

Han Zhennuo curled his lips, isn't that right, this space power user is not as capable as those people imagined.

Things in this space will be piled up in a mess.

It would be very tiring to tidy up with mental power, especially since they were not psychics in the first place.

It is very difficult to cultivate such a little spiritual power.

"Han Xiaochen, do you know that this psychic is actually very powerful.

The most powerful kind can control people's minds.

Now that I think about it, I'm really lucky that I didn't meet that powerful psychic power user.

Otherwise, it would be me, who would have to be turned back by them. "

"Yeah, I think we space power users look very powerful.

But we really don't even count as farts in front of this psychopath.

It is said that after this spirit-type power user reaches level 8, even the lightning-type power user is no match for him! "

Han Xiaochen was once able to see the powerful attack power of this psychic supernatural being.

Only then did I realize that I had really underestimated them before.

This spirit condensed into a knife and pierced directly into the opponent's head.

This moment can destroy the opponent's brain. The scene at that time was so bloody.

Han Xiaochen still shudders thinking about it now!
"Han Xiaochen, I always feel that there must be several psychic powers in our base.

But those people hid it so well that they didn't dare to announce it to the public.

But it's true, their ability is too scary, and it's even more dangerous than our space ability after being discovered!
It's really a group attack, everyone wants to destroy their rhythm!
After all, no one is willing to be mentally controlled by this spiritual favorite! "

"Isn't it? No one is willing, but there are people who will be deceived and cheated unknowingly.

But it can't be said that all psychopaths are bad, right?
But it's the kind of supernatural beings that are too dangerous for most of us.

Just like an ordinary child encountering a full-grown tiger.

And after the tiger met the ordinary child, it didn't think about eating the child.

Anyway, if the child is with the tiger.

This life is threatened all the time.

Try to let the tiger kill the child with a paw in a single thought, and the child becomes the tiger's appetizer with one mouth. "

Han Xiaochen frowned, always feeling that these big guys around him were playing very slippery.

If you don't say anything else, just talk about Mo Yan, that's just one.

And the current leader of this base, Mo Shen, seems to be very good at this aspect.

It can even be said that Zhao Ye managed his super mercenary group in such an orderly manner.

I always feel that there is something tricky about it, but those men originally had several abilities with extremely strong attack power and extremely high level.

Is it still possible that they have a share of that terrible psychic ability?
Or is it just that they have cultivated some spiritual power like themselves!
Especially that Mo Shen, who is usually mysterious and unpredictable, but all the people in this base.

They all worship and obey him very much!
But if I want to figure out where Mo Shen has a flaw, I still take it seriously, and I can't think of it at all.

However, it seems that what Li Na possesses is even more powerful than her own.

And Li Na's husband will be even more powerful, is this normal?
"Han Xiaochen, are you thinking about someone with psychic abilities?

Hey, sometimes I think that way too.

After thinking about it, I figured it out, who is it?And which one is not so what?
Do you think there are fewer risks we have to face now?

Everything is nothing more than getting soldiers to cover up the water and the earth. "

Han Xinuo covered her mouth and smiled
(End of this chapter)

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