Chapter 479
"Oh! Mom, are you finally telling the truth?
My comfort is really not important to you, even one of my hesitations ushered in your abuse.

Even now you have to live by me.

What would happen if my younger brother reached such a high level with my ability?
Or let my younger brother have my abilities first, and then think about how to rise to my level?

In your eyes, your son is noisy about everything, so why did you come to me?
I know you feel uncomfortable, thinking that my supernatural ability is more powerful than your son.

But this thing is given by God, you can't be partial if you want to. "

Han Zhennuo laughed angrily at his mother, a bastard.

Sure enough...

I shouldn't expect such illusory family affection.

Maybe God gave me a husband who treats me so well just to make up for me?
woo woo woo...

Husband, you just left for such a short while, the baby misses you so much, what should I do?

"Han Xinnuo, you dead girl, why doesn't God come and kill you, an unfilial thing, with a thunderbolt!"

This time Wang Zhihua was really mad by Han Xinnuo.

Han Zhennuo accuses her of partiality so clearly and anxiously, and the accusation is so ugly.

Although these were considered facts, Wang Zhihua was still furious when he was suddenly picked up by Han Xinnuo.

"Oh! Wang Zhihua, you are really my own mother, you have cursed me more than once, right?
If this is the case, you can just treat me as dead, who made you expect me to die so much?
Has a mother cursed her own daughter to die?

But it's fine if I die, no one will give you living expenses anymore, so go do what you like?

Anyway, in your eyes, you never regarded me as your daughter, or even as a person. "

Han Zhennuo was so angry that she wiped her tears
"Wang Zhihua is fine now, you can go back.

Also, pay attention to your words and deeds after you go back, if you cause trouble again, I will not try to find a way to get you again.

And my husband's mercenary regiment never kept the kind of people who eat inside and outside.

Even if you are related to me by blood, you will not be spared. "

Han Xinnuo made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Are you really going to be pissed off?
Didn't Han Xiaochen tell himself a few days ago that people need to be more open-minded.

Also stay away from those who make you unhappy.

And it was obvious that the person who made him the most unhappy turned out to be his own mother who was related by blood.

Isn't that ironic?

"Han Xinnuo, you dead girl, tell me whether you can save your Aunt Chunfen.

If you don't want to go out, you can also ask someone to take your Aunt Chunfen to their mercenary group? "

Wang Zhihua is in a hurry now
"Impossible, you clearly know the stakes in this.

You still let me do this kind of thing that makes my husband unhappy, why are you at ease? "

Han Xinnuo refused if he wanted to, not to mention how many cruel and inhuman things that woman Yang Chunfen has done to Han Xiaochen.

Speaking of now, that woman Yang Chunfen didn't mean to harm Han Xiaochen.

Will that woman Yang Chunfen end up like this?
Even he was almost cheated by Yang Chunfen back then!

For this kind of almost killing me, causing my good best friend to be in depression all the time.

Even this woman is the kind of slut her husband once raised by his deadly enemy.

All these incidents show that it is absolutely impossible for him to take that old and cheap dead woman Yang Chunfen into his mercenary group, okay?

"Han Yinuo, you have really grown up, your wings are hardened, I tell you today, you have to do it for me.

You must rescue Yang Chunfen immediately, otherwise I will sever the mother-daughter relationship with you.

I will never recognize your daughter for the rest of my life. "

Wang Zhihua didn't do it once or twice to threaten his girl with harsh words.

"Really? Are you sure? Okay then?

From now on, I have nothing to do with you, come and see me off. "

Han Zhennuo immediately shouted sharply.

Sure enough, two burly men came in within a second.

"Wang Zhihua, please leave here." Both of these two burly men had a strong evil spirit.

This made Wang Zhihua shiver involuntarily.

"Han Xinnuo, do you really want to be so heartless? I'm your own mother, are you really not afraid of being poked in the back by everyone?"

Wang Zhihua was still unbelievable at this juncture, looking at his daughter.

"What do you mean I will be poked in the back? With your publicity, I have lost my reputation a long time ago, okay?

Since I have had a bad reputation for so many years anyway, I might as well just really do this kind of thing again.

A Biao, A Hu hurriedly see off my guest.

If this woman makes a little mistake in their mercenary group, I will kick her out directly. "

Han Xinuo didn't know why, but he suddenly felt so bored with Wang Zhihua.

Ah!Then I will be a daughter like Wang Zhihua said in the future, right?

Otherwise, I can't be in vain, isn't this bad reputation?
Only then did Wang Zhihua get scared, "Wang Zhihua, our wife is trying to save face for you, you don't want us to drag you out, do you?"

A Biao's voice was as cold as the ice cave in nine cold days.

He and Ah Hu were specially stayed by Zhao Ye to protect Han Yinuo, of course in a certain sense.

The two of them are also the ones who do all kinds of things for Han Yinuo that he thinks are difficult.

In terms of strength, Han Zhennuo's ability level is much higher than the two of them.

But in terms of combat experience, Han Qinnuo couldn't compare to these two.

Just these two people rolled over from the bloody storm before the apocalypse, let alone after the apocalypse.

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go, Han Xinuo, you will regret it one day.

People say that this son wants to support but will not be loved, but what about you?how did you treat me "

No longer willing to be angry again, no longer angry.

Wang Zhihua still left here.

"Han Xinnuo, it's not like you don't know Yang Chunfen's true identity.

You are so cold-blooded, do you think Han Zhaodi would be as cold-blooded as you?
If you were kind, you would save Han Zhaodi's mother, Yang Chunfen.

Han Zhaodi may not care now, but in a few years, Han Zhaodi will definitely thank you very much.

You two get on so well, and Mom knows you've always valued friendship.

What do you think you are doing?You are so ruthless just to fight against your mother and me, do you think you deserve it? "

But no matter what Wang Zhihua shouted?Han Xinuo just made up his mind and didn't say a word.


It turned out that my mother thought so.

For the sake of their son, the parents even squeezed the daughter to death.

Even if this daughter is almost killed, as long as this daughter has a sigh of relief, you still have to be grateful to them, right?

It's enough to do the duty that should be done, but it doesn't mean that I have to return all my lives to these people, right?
Regardless of whether Han Xiaochen would blame himself in the end, anyway, he would never save that damned woman Yang Chunfen.

But maybe Han Xiaochen didn't really have any kindness towards that woman Yang Chunfen, did he?

I hope not!This Stockholm Syndrome thing.

Han Xiaochen must not get it?

What does it feel like for people who abuse themselves, this is simply disgusting, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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