Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 482 Killing Intent

Chapter 482 Killing Intent

"Xiaoya, what can't you see through!

For men, career is the most important thing.

And you just didn't listen to your father and me, and didn't keep your most innocent body.

Do you think Mo Qinghan would want you again without that Han Xiaochen?
And maybe his so-called pursuit of you is just playing with you? "

Lin's father shook his head helplessly. As a man, he is considered a relatively successful man.

He naturally knew what kind of requirements a man like him or even stronger than him had on a woman.

But it's just that my daughter, who is not up to date, has failed to do anything.

When a man pursues you, you can indeed be more reserved.

To get more benefits for myself, but it's not the way my daughter does things.

In this way of doing things, besides making men disgusted and walk away.

It's just playing with you a few times occasionally, and then kicking you away.

"Father! No!! No, I don't believe it!
How could Mo Qinghan not love me?You did so many things for me! "

Lin Xiaoya was still in disbelief, shaking her head frantically.

Father Lin sighed helplessly.
"Girl, if that woman Han Xiaochen didn't show up here, you might still have a chance.

But now the woman Han Xiaochen appeared, and various signs showed that.

Mo Qinghan cared 10% about this woman, Han Xiaochen.

As for Han Xiaochen, this woman has both her own energy and the forces behind her.

But they are far bigger than ours, so no matter what, you can't compete with Han Xiaochen.

But if you are really not reconciled, then you just wait. "

Lin's father is actually very unwilling, and he really doesn't want his daughter to give up Mo Qinghan's fat.

"Waiting for that father, what else can I wait for!"

Just when Lin Xiaoya was desperately beaten by Lin's father

Hearing Father Lin's remarks again, her eyes immediately sparkled with hope.

"You just have to wait until the two of them get tired of being together for a long time.

If you sneak in from behind, even if you don't get the title of Mo family's wife.

But what's the matter with you as long as you have anything to do with Mo Qinghan?Be the words of the woman behind him.

Then your future glory and wealth will also make many women in this world envy and hate. "

"Father, you said that you want me to wait first. After these two people get bored, then let me find a way to be the underground lover of a man like Mo Qingye?"

Lin Xiaoya has her own pride, she was originally a daughter of a thousand gold

She is unwilling to put down her body to be an underground lover for any man.

"Xiaoya! This time, the person who works in real time is Junjie, and you have already missed the opportunity to become Mo Qinghan's justifiable woman.

But even if you were with Mo Qinghan a long time ago.

But if Han Xiaochen appeared, Mo Qinghan would like him very much.

And a woman who can bring huge benefits to Mo Qinghan, you still have to stand aside when the time comes! "

Father Lin sighed deeply, although the Lin family looked pretty good.

But compared with that kind of real aristocratic family, or even that kind of aristocratic family.

This neighbor is really not even a fart!

But, what a pity, even I didn't find out at the beginning.

Mo Qinghan's real identity is like that...


After Han Xiaochen returned to his villa, he naturally stopped thinking about Lin Xiaoya, what else did he want to do?
What's more, for Han Xiaochen, this has a relationship with Mo Qinghan.

It is impossible to last forever, not to mention that these two people are not really together.

It's just that they feel a little good for each other.

In addition, I am lonely, and I just want to find someone to accompany me.

"Han Xiaochen, I feel that your heart is fluttering again. What's wrong?? Are you in a relationship?"

Han Xiaochen just came back here when the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant on her body made a sound again.

As expected, it was Yehan, a thousand-year-old zombie.

Who could it be?But it's not good for you, a thousand-year-old zombie, to gossip all the time, isn't it?

And you also have a handsome face that can make people angry.

It's even more unacceptable, okay?

"Yehan, what have you been up to lately? Why do you want to chat with me again?"

Han Xiaochen's answer is not what the question asked.

"Han Xiaochen, you girl is becoming more and more cunning!

You've never been this way before, cunning.

You haven't answered my question directly, are you in a relationship? "

Ye Han's voice was still calm, but only Ye Han was thinking what was going on at this moment?

But this girl Han Xiaochen is also powerful enough to be able to penetrate this interface.

Go to another world, but Han Xiaochen won't stay in the world for long, right?
Does she really want to play that deadly emotional game?
Isn't she afraid of the consequences that would be terrible to him if her secret was exposed?

"Ye Han, I actually don't know anymore, anyway, to be honest, I have a little affection for that man, right?

But it's not like you said, really with that man or something?
But to be honest, I was really in a mess and in a bad mood.

You said my silly friend Han Xinuo who was older than me.

She seemed to be just taking revenge on her ex-boyfriend, and in a fit of anger, she followed that guy Zhao Ye.

The relationship between the two of them is very good now, just like the secret oil adjustment.

Looking at her happy appearance, I was very envious.

You say me, why is the relationship so ups and downs?
It's not that no men like me, but I don't know how.

No matter which man I accept, I feel like being stabbed by a needle in my heart, which is uncomfortable.

But it is impossible for me to truly accept Mo Yan, a scumbag again. "

Han Xiaochen is also very depressed!

In fact, she was not as free and easy as he showed.

Although at the beginning of this film, Lin Xiaoya felt very happy with 1000 million yuan.

But so what?

My so-called happiness is just like a flash in the pan!
Only then did Ye Han heave a sigh of relief, but he immediately smiled wryly
It's impossible for me to be a zombie with Han Xiaochen.

What are you so happy about?

But to be honest, when I just felt that Han Xiaochen seemed to be tempted by someone.

I really had a murderous intention at that time.

I really want to wipe out Han Xiaochen's so-called favorite man directly.

But when I thought about it later, I didn't have that kind of ability to travel through the interface.

But he had to let himself punish Han Xiaochen, but he didn't know why, but he still couldn't bear it.

Ah!I think I was one of the three thousand beauties in the harem back then, but now I can get any woman I want.

Why did I suddenly have the idea of ​​this young man?
This kind of thinking is really not desirable, not desirable!
Many people say that to love someone is to make another person happy.

Why is he so damn possessive that he almost wants to control his mind.

I just wanted to control him, keep him locked up, and never let Han Xiaochen have that chance to be with other men.

I am really...

"Han Xiaochen, why should you belittle yourself, by the way, do you want to come out to play with me?
Being able to see and see in you, in the world you think, actually there is another side. "

(End of this chapter)

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