Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 486 Irreconcilable!

Chapter 486 Irreconcilable!

"Oh! No!! I know Yehan, you must like me in your heart.

We have long since ceased to belong to the category of human beings, so why do you care about the issue of this race! "

Alalina said a little depressed.

I am the most noble white race.

Even before she was alive, she was a peerless beauty whose status was very precious and sought after by many men.

But I just fell in love with Yehan, the yellow man, the zombie king.

Because Anlarina could feel the domineering aura emanating from Ye Han.

You can't get rid of the zombie of the individual species that you know after becoming a zombie.

Alalina is born to like the strong, whether in life or after death.

At least in Anna Linna's view, Ye Han is the strongest existence in the zombie world, even in this interface she knows.

And only the most powerful existence in this world.

Only then can she be worthy of her, the most perfect and most powerful stunner in the world, Anna Linna.

Analina has a little bit of Xiangxiang with Ye Hanben, that is, although she is a zombie.

But this ordinary human can't see any zombie characteristics on them at all.

The body is soft, and the eyes even shine.

And it can walk, run and jump like a human being.

Of course, the most important thing is that they are so powerful.

Even the most powerful poisonous abilities in the world will not be their opponents.

And of course, if they fight against the enemy.

If one day you are too lazy to do anything, as long as you release a little bit of corpse poison, the opponent can be killed immediately.

"This racial problem seems to have appeared when we first existed, so how could it not exist?
No matter what this seat is now, or what this seat is.

They're not interested in you at all. "

Not to mention that the current Ye Han has developed a strong interest in Han Xiaochen.

Even if Han Xiaochen hadn't appeared, Ye Han would not have any interest in Allalina who often came to dance by his side.

"Yehan, you will regret it, even if you can't accept me now, the only one who is destined to be by your side in the future is me.

But since you like that little rabbit so much, would you like me to catch it for you?

Save it for you to play with! "

Not only was Anna Lina not angry, but she sneered.

That's right, in her eyes, Yehan just likes that Han Xiaochen so what?

Once there is skin-to-skin contact, Han Xiaochen will not live for long.

If Han Xiaochen dies, the chance of becoming a zombie is not zero, but it is only a few hundred thousand, or even a millionths of a million.

What's more, even if Han Xiaochen really became a zombie, most of these zombies have no soul.

It even takes hundreds of years and thousands of years of evolution to look not so ugly.

It's not like myself, when I close my eyes and become conscious again, I have already become a zombie.

It can preserve all the memories of this human being, and this body, although it belongs to the category of zombies.

But except for the lack of heartbeat and body temperature, it is exactly the same as human beings.

That is incredibly beautiful, not something that can be compared to the lowest kind of zombies.

"Anlarina, you just talk if you want to die?

You don't need to intervene in the affairs of this seat, if you dare to do a little bit of things for your seat.

This seat will let you experience what it means to be wiped out. "

Yehan looked at Anlarina with a half-smile, who would have thought it was a coincidence.

Analina, a foreign zombie, came to her own territory.

He was also controlled by himself, but it is true that the zombie Ana Linna is powerful enough.

Not only was he gifted on the day he existed, but he also didn't have so many restrictions.

But so what, he was still controlled by himself.

Although I can't completely control her thoughts.

But it is true that I can control her actions, and the reason why I can control her so smoothly
The main reason is because Anna Lina was willing to control for herself.

And I just pushed the boat along the way and put something in her mind...

And of course, if that wasn't the case, the Alalina in front of her would have been wiped out long ago.


"Han Xiaochen, do you still have those cocoa seeds in your hand?

I think you can give birth to more if you have the skill.

These cocoa should be able to grow very well, and then we can try to make chocolate. "

Han Xinuo's eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn't be more excited.

Han Xiaochen shook his head helplessly, he could say everything with such a broken mouth.

As soon as he said that he had qualified seeds, Han Qiannuo actually wanted to make chocolate.

Don't you think that the most important thing is to fill the stomachs of the broad masses of the people?

But that's not enough, Han Yinuo now has other ideas.

"Han Xiaochen, how about we open a birthday cake shop?
I think this is sure to be a big hit, and someone is sure to want to eat it. "

Han Xiaochen shook his head, isn't Han Junnuo a bit unreal now?

If you don't know how to play, like that stupid king in ancient times, why don't you get a carnivorous elk!
"Han Xinnuo, your head won't be broken, right now, there are still many ordinary people who can't get enough to eat.

Even for those low-level power users, it is still very difficult to fill their stomachs!

The things used in this birthday cake are very expensive, not only that.

You also have to beat the eggs into the cream.

It’s not good to do something with this strength. Isn’t it good that we have this kind of machine for making birthday cakes to make some ordinary dough buns?

In other words, wouldn't hair cakes do it? "

"It's okay to make some ordinary hair cakes, but I can guarantee that if we open a small shop to sell birthday cakes, the business will definitely be very popular.

And as far as we are doing this, I didn't intend to face those low-income people who can't even fill their stomachs?

What I am facing are those high-level supernatural beings, even the leaders of the base.

Of course, this cake shop has already been opened by someone, but what they make is not that taste at all.

Is it funny?As for the cream, it was the one who got it from someone before, it looks fake and tastes bad.

And the cake embryo inside is actually made of corn.

That taste is simply...

Tsk tsk..."

Han Zhennuo clicked his tongue twice.

Han Xiaochen...

It seems that he is out?

"Han Xinnuo, you said that you don't put your mind on cultivating well, or that you manage your mercenary group well.

Why do you keep running a small business? "

How did Han Xiaochen find out that he hadn't been in contact with Han Xinuo much for a while.

Han Yinuo's divergent thinking is more and more.

Now I'm thinking about making things that only the high-end crowd can afford.

Han Xinuo couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Han Xiaochen.

"Han Xiaochen, your feeling is that if one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry, and you can still purify the crystal nucleus.

It has become the proper top-level Bai Fumei in our base.

But I can't make it, how can I have the ability to earn so many crystal nuclei like you.

And aren't there some ordinary people in our regiment?
Now the outside is no longer suitable for ordinary people to live, and our group can't support idlers!

That's why I came up with this method to let them go outside and do what they can. "

(End of this chapter)

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