Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 489 God is fair to everyone

Chapter 489 God is fair to everyone
Chapter 665

But in fact, only he is soft-hearted towards them.

And those people have never been merciful to themselves, or even really cared about themselves.

Sometimes I think about how cheap I am.

I am a little bit better than the so-called Voldemort, right?
Of course, the most important thing is that I have enough resources, so my husband is generous enough to me.

In addition, I don't have the guts to tell my family members who I am and my real situation.

Otherwise, many things will be bad...

"Nana, so you're here too."

Li Na and Han Xiaochen are chatting.

Here comes Li Wenwen
"Yes, come and sit down, Wenwen.

Order what you want to drink, today I will treat you. "

Li Na smiled gracefully.

"Okay, okay, what do you think of me and cappuccino?"

"Okay, but I brought my own coffee, but you can drink ready-made ones if you want to."

Li Na laughed
"I'd rather have a cappuccino here.

I'm never used to homemade coffee. "Li Wenwen happily took the seat this time.

"By the way, I have to tell the waiter to give me more milk and sugar."

"Okay, the waiter has a cappuccino with more milk and sugar."

Li Na raised her voice slightly, and the waiter immediately nodded.

"Okay, ma'am, let's do it."

"Nana, you are so powerful. Your voice just now has energy, otherwise it would be impossible for you to speak so far."

Li Wenwen looked at Li Na enviously.

"Is it okay? After the level of this ability has been upgraded to level 10.

No matter which ability it is, there will be this small convenience. "

Li Na looked at Li Wenwen while drinking her coffee gracefully.

Li Wenwen has matured a lot after experiencing the apocalypse.

The little face that had been fat for a long time has become thinner now.

Yes, life is not easy for this power play mutant.

And no matter what kind of rough work is done at any time.

Fortunately, Li Wenwen practiced taekwondo with others for a while later.

Otherwise, this day will definitely be more difficult.

"Han Xiaochen, you are here too, look at your little skin and look at me, I envy you and hate you so much!"

Li Wenwen looked at Han Xiaochen while cupping his own coffee and said.

"I...do I have it?" Han Xiaochen touched his face foolishly.

"Don't you know? You don't know how much I envy you. Your skin is so good.

I'm just two or three years older than you, isn't he the mother and daughter we are together now? "

In fact, not only Han Xiaochen, many people with supernatural powers will look younger when their supernatural powers increase very quickly.

Especially with Han Xiaochen's young age and the blessing of space, he is even more powerful.

Otherwise, the current Han Xiaochen would not be such a young and beautiful girl.

"Li Wenwen sees your nonsense, you still dare to take advantage of me, if you are so careful, I will beat you." Han Xiaochen laughed but shook his fist in demonstration.

My current ability has reached such a level, in fact, it is really easy to deal with those mutants!
Even if there is no supernatural power to bless those supernatural beings, it will never be his own doing.

This is the so-called level suppression.

"Why hasn't Wenwen seen Zhang Yueying recently? How is Zhang Yueying?"

Li Na naturally knew that Zhang Yueying was living a pretty good life in the mercenary regiment at the base.

But she subconsciously wanted to inquire about Zhang Yueying's specific affairs, thinking about whether she was having a bad life or what.

"How could Zhang Yueying be bad? Her anger ability has already been upgraded to level 6.

Now Zhang Yueying is a properly aggressive mid-level power user! "

When Li Wenwen said this, he suddenly felt a little sour in his mouth.

Could it be that the acclimatizer added too little sugar to the coffee?
As for Zhang Yueying, the cousin, after getting the official mercenary group of this base.

This luck seems to be on the hook, which is very good.

Basically, if there are any good resources in the regiment, Zhang Yueying must be overcome first.

And every mission Zhang Yueying participated in happened to be quite smooth.

It is even said that if there are four or five strong people protecting Zhang Yueying every time, there will be no accidents.

If it wasn't for the fact that Mo Shen, the leader of the base, was too young, if it wasn't for Nana being too beautiful and young enough.

Li Wenwen wondered if Mo Shen, the leader of the base, had taken a fancy to Zhang Yueying?

"Really? That's good, I was favored by Zhang Yueying's mother at that time.

I swore right then that I would take care of Zhang Yueying for the rest of my life.

She can wait for the power level safely and still can rise so fast.

I feel much better now. "

Li Na sighed, how could she stop caring about Zhang Yueying?

"Oh, by the way, it's Zhang Yueying's man.

Now I'm trying to find a way to become a supernatural user, but I have saved the crystal nucleus for a long time, what kind of pure crystal nucleus should I buy to give myself supernatural powers!

But it seems that it is not very easy to give birth to a supernatural ability, is it? "

Li Wenwen looked at Li Na eagerly.

Even just looking at that Yueying's face, if the leader's wife is willing to give her a hand, that would be a very good thing!

"It's actually quite difficult for this mutant to give birth to supernatural powers, and the success rate is 1%.

After all, your body has mutated, and it seems that you are not sensitive to the energy of the five elements. "

Li Na frowned, at least this is the result of the current collective research.

This God will not give everyone a lot of benefits, since you have supernatural powers.

Basically, it is impossible to cause powerful mutations in all aspects of your body.

The opposite is also true, but it is too difficult for this mutant to cultivate.

The current phenomenon is indeed a bit cruel to them!

"Oh, so that's the case!" Li Wenwen nodded disappointedly.

Forget it, I couldn't afford that kind of purified and pure top-grade crystal nucleus.

"Li Wenwen, don't be discouraged, you mutants will be very powerful when you reach level 6.

There was no such example in our base, but there was one in the man's Chenxi base.

It is said that that one is also a mutant of the power system like you.

But now that mutant ranks in the combat capability of our country.

You can already rank in the top 50, just think about how powerful that person is, right? "

Li Na, you can only comfort Li Wenwen dryly like this.

"But Wenwen, if you want to try, it's not impossible.

Don't you join the mercenary group at the base now?
I'm going to say hello to them, and let you go to them to borrow one, this purified top-grade pure gold is reconciled. "

Li Na thinks it's better not to hit the little girl too hard. If it succeeds, it's a good thing, isn't it?
"But if I can't activate the ability, I will owe you more. If there are so many crystal nuclei in this base mercenary group..."

Li Wenwen still hesitated.

"Li Wenwen, just give it a try, the leader of the base is our Nana's husband.

Even if you owe a large sum of crystal nuclei, they will never do anything to you.

It's just to let you recover the crystal nucleus for a longer time. "

(End of this chapter)

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