Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 492 Major Discovery

Chapter 492 Major Discovery
"Wang Zhihua, thank you so much. Without you, I don't know if I would have survived!"

Yang Chunfen wanted to say this, but the sound she actually made was also babbling, and people couldn't understand a few words?
"Yang Chunfen, don't worry about talking, I think you've made progress, and you may get better soon.

But that dead girl of my family is too busy every day, and she can't manage her own family.

She figured out that all of their mercenary groups needed the consent of that man! "

Maybe the lie told a thousand times will become the truth.

Wang Zhi said these lies all the time, so she believed it herself.
She believes that her daughter is actually really busy, and, well, really doesn't have much freedom.

In fact, it's not completely unreasonable for him to think so.

After all, these space-type people also have healing-type abilities.

Maybe there will be that kind of good treatment everywhere.

But to be honest, their freedom is really not very good.

However, there is no way to do this. It is too easy for people to covet these space powers and healing powers.

Yang Chunfen can't make a few sounds now.

But Yang Chunfen is not stupid, how could she not guess?
It must be because of the dead girl I gave birth to.

That dead girl Han Xinnuo also has the same hatred and refuses to help her!
But this leader's wife is not bad, and she is willing to give her a hand.

Does it mean that he can leave here in a short time, and even get good treatment?
And if Li Na knew that Yang Chunfen would think so, she could only hehe.

I just want to give Yang Chunfen a fair chance to live here.

But if you want to talk about special advantages, I'm sorry.

Let alone Yang Chunfen, a woman who is covered in black material and has nothing to do with you.

Even Li Na's biological parents and those relatives.

Li Na didn't give too much special care either.

Originally, this is the end of the world, you have to be strong enough to do it.

And who can I rely on?

What's more, Yang Chunfen has done so many things that pointed fingers at Yang Xiaochen.

Li Na knew it clearly.

And it was because she knew it clearly that Li Na would never open any backdoors for this woman, Yang Chunfen!
Even if Li Na wants to do some kind things nowadays, that is kindness with a bottom line

After Han Xiaochen went back this time, he really started to experiment, using this mutated sweet potato and potato.

Make various dishes in the space kitchen, and of course take advantage of the characteristics of the space kitchen.

Get out the mutated sweet potatoes and potatoes, a lot of that kind of dry powder.

But even with this spacious kitchen, Han Xiaochen found that the food made here was really unpalatable.

He even added a lot of seasoning to it himself, so the cake made from mutated potatoes was barely edible.

When it comes to deliciousness, it really doesn’t matter at all!

"Dididi, mutated sweet potatoes can be made into nutritional paste.

Whether to make! "

Space Kitchen has not sent a single message for 800 years.

But this time, such a piece of information unexpectedly came out, and it hit Han Xiaochen's head.
"Agree to make." Han Xiaochen clicked the agree button.

"Didi, please check the host."

After Han Xiaochen heard this voice, he saw piles of them.

It comes out of that kind of not very transparent bottle.

And that bottle is filled with that viscous liquid

The production is very simple. This space kitchen uses the skin and fiber of the mutated sweet potato and potato to synthesize the bottle.

And the energy contained in the mutated sweet potato and the mutated potato is purified and then purified to elevate the liquid.

Han Xiaochen opened one of the bottles, my god, the smell is still as bad as ever.

She squeezed her nose and poured a bottle into her mouth.

The taste in the mouth is still so indescribable.

However, Han Xiaochen discovered a serious problem.

That's how such a small bottle is only 100 milliliters, but it's just 100 milliliters.

After I, the supernatural being, drank it, I actually felt a strong sense of fullness.

God, isn't this just like the bigu pill in the cultivation world in disguise?
No, isn't this the bigu liquid?

That being the case, Han Xiaochen would not stop doing anything.

Throwing all the mutated sweet potatoes and potatoes in her hand into it to make a large amount of this fasting liquid.

After it was completely produced, Han Xiaochen remembered such a very difficult problem.

That is how this thing can show it to the world.

Han Xiaochen patted himself on the head, racking his brains to figure out what to do?
Then she suddenly remembered since she was steady.

She felt that she could use another method.

That is to let the space kitchen take the production steps just now.

Get them all out, and then use the research institute at the base.

Can we announce this thing to the world?
It is said that the research institute at this base can research anything.

But it's amazing!
But at the same time, Han Xiaochen tried to make some of this nutrient solution with more advanced mutated ingredients.

After this was done, Han Xiaochen tried it out.

Sure enough, the taste and texture are much better, and of course the energy is much better.

Just drinking this thing, it feels like taking drugs, and even feels that this thing is more useful than this crystal nucleus!
Of course, the price of these high-level mutant plants is much higher than that of ordinary crystal nuclei.

But Han Xiaochen felt that there was a little waste
This kind of high-level mutant ingredients tastes very good, but in fact, this kind of purification is not needed.

Just cooking it in the simplest way, this taste can attract many people!
However, it is not without any benefit to use this advanced mutation to make something.
If someone is on a mission, it will be much easier to carry this thing than to bring so many ingredients.

It's not that every team has this spatial ability user, and it's not that every team member can't be inseparable from his team.

And if this is the case, the nutrient solution has played its due role.

This thing takes up such a small space, but you can fill yourself up with this small bottle.

If this thing is researched, how many lives can it save?

However, that bastard Han Junnuo wants to study some damned mutated potatoes and cakes made of mutated sweet potatoes, so she just waits to go?

"Hey Li Na!" Do whatever you want, Han Xiaochen dialed Li Na directly.

And Li Na is planning to go back right now.

"Han Xiaochen, do you have anything to do with me? I'm deciding to retreat and practice immediately."

"Li Na, I have something to do with you. I have some new research, and I want to borrow a laboratory in the base.

I just want to use the laboratory at the base to study various ingredients. "

Han Xiaochen didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

After all, in this last days everyone is busy, busy desperately busy looking for real objects, busy practicing.

Really not so much nonsense, you can chat with the other party.

"That's right, well, I'm going right now, I'll call the institute, and you can just go there.

By the way, should I send you an assistant? "

Li Na's eyes flickered, Han Xiaochen found something good again?
(End of this chapter)

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