Chapter 495

Han Yinuo said with a heartache that she wasn't lying.

I can only account for [-]% of this profit, and when the time comes, I will take out all kinds of expenses.

Isn't it just that you can only earn some living money for your own people?

But that's fine, anyway, I'm not really a crystal-deficient nucleus.

"Han Xinnuo, why are you sore? Without my exclusive secret recipe, you would be you."

Han Xiaochen was still drinking his tea happily, but Ye Han said that he would let him and him go to that event tomorrow?
Let yourself think about it again, and say that after passing this village, there will be no such shop.

I am really looking forward to and afraid at the same time!

"Han Xiaochen, my former colleague Li Haiyan is going to bring me someone right now.

Later, you can also help me take a look, see how the character is, can he join our mercenary group! "

"Oh! Han Xinnuo, you seem to have stopped meddling in your business for a long time?"

Han Xiaochen looked at Han Xinuo in surprise

Han Xinuo pouted: "Han Xiaochen, can I say that the person Li Haiyan mentioned is more pitiful than the two of us?

When I meet a woman as poor as me, I just want to give her a hand. "

Han Yu is silent
"Anyway, our mercenary group can give that woman something to eat.

Sometimes I don't understand how the biological parents can make this daughter so miserable.

It seems that this daughter is their slave. "

Han Xiaochen smiled sarcastically: "Perhaps in the eyes of those parents, there are many daughters who are their lifelong slaves.

It's still the kind of slave that can be sold on behalf of others.

And are those girls resigned to their fate and willing to be slaves for a lifetime, or do they want to stand up and make decisions for themselves?

Then it depends on yourself, but sometimes many people are really poor people, and there must be something to hate.

Who knows if the person your friend mentioned is really worthy of your help!

You're not bad enough to see your family for what it is.

But there are many people who can't see through it. Of course, it can be said that even if they can see through it, they are unwilling to admit the cruel fact. "

The sarcastic smile on the corner of Han Xiaochen's mouth was always on
"Then let's take a look, shall we?
Of course, what made me most curious was that Li Haiyan said that the woman had water abilities.

Moreover, the ability of this water system still does not work from time to time.

Of course, that woman can also use the water system and purify the water source.

Anyway, it looks weird.

And you know, my water ability has been raised to such a high level.

Is it the purification or the purification is not very good. "

Han Xinuo said with some unwillingness.

"Okay, okay, you can pull you down.

Your water system already has this extended ability to heal.

You are still so dissatisfied, even my wood-type supernatural ability doesn't have all the extension abilities?

That thing seems to be random like the teaching ability.

How could this man have everything he wants?
If this really makes everything go well for us, then we are not supernatural beings, and we may be supernatural gods. "

Han Xiaochen was overjoyed, he had everything he wanted!

I even feel that Han Xinnuo seems to have a better chance than me!

But can this thing be envied?


After a while, Li Haiyan's captain and a woman who looked very dull and honest came over.

Han Zhennuo didn't talk nonsense, and he treated the captain directly.

The captain's injury wasn't serious, it just dragged on for a while.

Of course, this is also an ordinary team as long as it is injured.

Basically, it is to find some medicine for yourself, or go to the base hospital to see a doctor.

If it's not the kind that is very influential in itself, or the kind that has a lot of crystal nuclei in the pocket?
It is simply impossible to ask someone with supernatural powers to treat them.

Li Haiyan'er witnessed that the captain's wound was slowly getting better.

His eyes widened in surprise.

The healing ability alone is really powerful.

After another 10 minutes, Li Haiyan, the captain, fully recovered.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zhao, for your great kindness."

The captain belonged to Jinhua, and he immediately offered the crystal nucleus to Han Zhennuo with both hands up.

He thought that his left arm might be completely disabled, that he might become a disabled person in the future.

Unexpectedly, all of his illnesses were cured, even his left arm was completely healed.

To be honest, I let Li Haiyan'er go all out to beg Han Xinnuo.

I just gave an attitude of giving it a try.
But I never thought it would be so easy to succeed.

"You don't need to be so polite Captain Zhang, you also have to pay for the crystal nucleus.

However, although your injury has been cured, you'd better let yourself rest for a month.

What about the food, if conditions permit.

That is, the more energy you have, the faster you will heal. "

Han Chunnuo nodded.

"Yes, Mrs. Zhao, I will do as you said when I go back."

"Han Xinnuo, are you too powerful?

I never thought it would be so easy to heal people with this healing ability. "

Li Haiyan'er still opened her mouth in astonishment.

Even when their captain gave her a face and asked her to go back, she didn't move.

Han Xinuo shook his head helplessly.

"Li Haiyan, what am I, I'm not a real healer.

It's not a real healing ability user, or in the words of a light system ability user.

Just now, your captain, who hurt others, may be cured with a single ability. "

Of course, it may be more painful during the treatment process.

"This healing power is really amazing, but I heard that your husband is the real healing power.

You said that such a precious ability, why did they all go to your house together? "

Li Haiyan covered her mouth and smiled, maybe this is what people call a strong alliance?
These two abilities of Han Xinuo are very powerful, and their level is also very high.

So the husband they find is a dragon and a phoenix among the people, and he can even be regarded as a strong man who can be ranked in the whole country!

"By the way, Li Haiyan, let's stop patronizing and chatting, let's talk about you young lady?"

Han Xinnuo shifted his gaze to the little sister Li Wenna that Li Haiyan mentioned

"Miss, can you introduce yourself?"

Li Haiyan looked at Li Wenna with an encouraging look

Li Wenna searched her lips: "Ah, my name is Li Wenna, and I have a water ability that doesn't work from time to time.

But I can do a lot of babysitting.

And after I awakened the power, my strength became much stronger.

I can do a lot of dirty work. "

Han Xiaochen sighed, and Li Wenna is not young.

But I have no experience, and I tremble when I see people.

Isn't that what growing up in that kind of abusive home?
In this regard, Li Wenna's current performance is just like that at the beginning.

Trembling like a mouse, this is the feeling of seeing this god-like Mo Yan just now!

Thinking of this, Han Xiaochen shot Li Wenna all over with the truth.

Li Wenna is indeed an awakened woman, with water abilities.

However, it should be because he was disturbed during the awakening process, or he must have done a lot of physical labor, so this happened.

Moreover, this woman Li Wenna also has this purification ability attached to her body.

However, even the purification ability was only awakened for a small part, and then it was interrupted.

That's when the timing didn't work, and he thought he just had a supernatural power.

(End of this chapter)

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