Chapter 515
And at this moment, soft music sounded in this small green space.

But I don't know why this music is so beautiful, but it makes people can't help crying.

And the butterfly danced more and more.

Han Xiaochen suddenly became obsessed with watching

Han Xiaochen, who has the eye of truth, can naturally feel it.

That wood-type power user also has the ability to bewitch butterflies.

But it's a pity that her ability is not enough to make her a beast tamer.

Yes, that is a girl in her 20s, she looks very innocent and beautiful.

And her ability is wood type and the ability to mobilize mutant butterflies.

The wood ability is not bad, and mobilizing the ability of the mutated butterfly seems too tasteless.

And the music was actually played by that girl
"Senior, the little girl Cheng Xiaodie is here to make you laugh."

Cheng Xiaodie shyly smiled at Han Xiaochen, who seemed to be only in her prime.

Because this Han Xiaochen, who seems to be just a cardamom youth, has the same ability as her, but this ability can directly crush her.

Cheng Xiaodie knew why the girl in front of her looked so young.

That must be because the level of this ability has been raised too high.

After all, the higher the level of the ability, the more youthful this person will be.

But unfortunately, she is only a third-level power user of the wood system now.

As for this small piece of green land, she bought it from the supernatural beings outside at a huge price, and it was unpolluted soil.

And it was made for this place, and naturally this place was originally his home that belonged to her.

"My name is Han Xiaochen, seeing that you are older than me, I will call you sister.

Why are seniors not seniors? You call me old and make me feel ashamed! "

Han Xiaochen smiled harmlessly at Cheng Xiaodie.

"Hi Miss Han..."

This level is suppressed too much, Cheng Xiaodie is facing the big boss Han Xiaochen in front of her.

Still feel very stressed.

She doesn't know how to feel it, this Han Xiaochen just needs to move her little finger.

It is possible to crush yourself to death with the powerful power of the supernatural power.

"You have done a good job here, I feel that this apprentice has been fully utilized by you.

And this group of butterflies is very beautiful and beautiful, I was recruited by this group of butterflies! "

Han Xiaochen didn't care about Cheng Xiaodie's attitude.

After all, the same wood-type ability can naturally feel the other party's ability deeply.

However, my abilities rose fast enough that day, so it is normal for people to put pressure on myself.

However, Han Xiaochen never thought of suppressing it, using his own abilities or going outside to make pigs eat tigers.

Sometimes pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger will cause trouble, and it is even said that it will cause a lot of bloody things.

Is it interesting to provoke a group of people to bully you, and then turn around to suppress those people?

Anyway, Han Xiaochen felt very boring about those.

It seems that bullying the weak has become a basic instinct in this person's heart.

If so, what do you do to challenge this human instinct?

"Miss Han, these butterflies are very good, in this doomsday world it is very difficult to meet friends who can make friends with each other.

This person is in a bad mood, you can talk to these butterflies, and these butterflies can also comfort you. "

Cheng Xiaodie shook her eyelashes sadly.

Are you not good enough?Isn't it infatuated enough?

When Ah Wen was pursuing himself, he was not even willing to let him spend a little more money for him.

And obviously she was the school belle back then, and there were countless men who pursued her.

There are even many handsome rich second generations who desperately pursue themselves.

And I chose Awen not for his money, not for his ability, nor for his good looks.

I only want to show Awen to myself, and I feel very at ease in my heart.

But Ah Wen trampled on his love for him
Obviously it was Ah Wen who cheated, but he wanted to break up with himself.

Is that woman with the fire ability so good?

Did he know that the woman with the fire ability has more than a dozen bed partners by her side!
Ha ha……

What kind of world is this now?

Is there really nothing good about this man?
"Yeah, you're right, people's hearts are unpredictable, it's the same in any world.

Sometimes the lovely butterflies or those lovely animals will not betray you or hurt you.

Ms. Chen, your butterflies are so beautiful, I can feel them. They all have a telepathic connection with you.

As for sad things, it would be better to confide in Butterfly.

To save myself from worrying about everything in my heart, I will be depressed. "

Others don't want to say more about what's on their minds, but why do you force yourself?

"Thank you, Miss Han.

And Ms. Han, I want to thank you for all the people in our base.

There is no cake made of mutated potatoes and sweet potatoes that you invented, if there is no nutrient solution made of the cheapest mutated sweet potatoes and potatoes you invented.

For us low-level supernatural beings, life will be difficult. "

"Ha ha……

You know them all, and I know what I do
It seems that I was also betrayed by those bastards, completely! "

Han Xiaochen eagerly decided to go and beat up Han Zhennuo himself first.

Then I have to increase my own commission. It seems that these people not only published the things they researched these things.

Maybe even send your profile picture to those people.

Aren't those people blatantly wanting to put themselves in this dangerous situation?
Simply too much!
"Miss Han, the leader of the base also has good intentions. You have made such a great contribution to the base, and we should respect you." Cheng Xiaodie said.

On Han Xiaochen's side, he gritted his teeth to respect himself, and didn't want these false names.

Don't these people who deserve a thousand knives know that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong?
"Xiaodie, can you give me a chance? I know I was wrong."

Just as Han Xiaochen was about to leave, he saw a young man with a level 4 gold ability.

Like this arrow, it rushed towards Cheng Xiaodie
And Cheng Xiaodie is a star, this man almost fell into a shit.

But fortunately, the sensitivity of this supernatural being is high enough.

The so-called man named Ah Wen stabilized his body and mind in the end.

"Xiaodie, I was wrong, I have already broken up with that woman.

Xiaodie, do you know that day and night these days, I have been thinking about you and repenting to you in my heart. "

Ah Wen never thought of the goddess who was so difficult to pursue in his heart.

It turned out that he was just a pocket for crystal nuclei and supplies.

But now he doesn't even have a crystal nucleus in his pocket, and his body is still injured.

And that woman was openly with another man in front of her face.

He was so angry that he fought with that dog man and woman at that time.

And the result, of course, was that he was injured again.

And the woman kept questioning him.

"Li Ziwen, what do you think you are, but you are just a messy thing, and you dare to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf with my old lady.

Besides, what's wrong with having other men while my old lady has you.

I'm not your wife, can you control me?
Besides, how did you hurt that Bai Fumei who loved you wholeheartedly?
For a person like you, you deserve to become what you are today. "

After that, Li Ziwen was thrown out like a piece of sackcloth.

(End of this chapter)

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