Chapter 518
Han Xinnuo really rejected Han Xiaochen's kindness this time
I am not stupid, so I naturally know the great value of this spiritual fruit.

To be honest, this Qingling fruit is really not very important to me as I said.

But for people like Han Xiaochen who have no healing ability.

really important

"Han Xinnuo, why are you fussing with me, don't worry, I've naturally kept those things that will save my life.

Then you should know that our sisters have always been very lucky.

And this thing is for you, it is also for you to save your life, don't think that if you have a little healing ability in your body, everything will be safe.

There will always be an accident in everything, you just think I am giving you insurance. "

Han Xiaochen coughed lightly, and very forcefully stuffed the Qing Lingguo back into Han Zhennuo's hand
My friend saw the Qingling fruit with such a heaven-defying healing effect.

The first time I didn't want to take it for myself, but wanted to keep it for myself.

In fact, compared to those sweet words, isn't this the most sincere feeling that a friend has for oneself?

But there are many people who put the cart before the horse!

But she looked at Han Zhennuo still didn't want to accept, and she was desperately refusing.

So Siyu was not surprised and died endlessly.

"Han Xinnuo, if you feel too sorry for me, then you can give me more of those crystal nuclei from your group.

And your healing energy water is also very important to me.

In this way, if you are free, you can desperately condense this kind of water for me. "

"Fuck, Han Xiaochen, you think beautifully.

This is what Miss Qinglingguoben wants, but those you want.

Will you see how I feel then?But you want too many crystal nuclei, maybe I can't give you that many.

The key is that my husband gave me the stuff recently, but I still don’t have enough of it myself!

You also know that when the level of this ability goes up, the crystal core is very expensive.

But you asked me to condense this healing energy water for you.

This is negotiable, but only if no one in our regiment is injured.

Recently, there have been more and more cases of them being injured when they go out to do missions.

It is conceivable that the enemies outside are becoming more and more powerful.

It's just because my husband isn't in the group very often recently, otherwise I would have gone with them too. "

Han Chunnuo sighed faintly.

The injured group members were destined to come back and I could kill them, and many of them never came back after they really went out.

This is the damn end of the world!How many innocent people have you killed!
Obviously these people were talking and laughing with you yesterday.

But today, it has been killed by those monsters outside.

To be honest, it is getting harder and harder to survive outside these days.

"Han Xinnuo, what's wrong with you? What are you sad about? Are there any casualties in your regiment?"

Han Xiaochen glanced at it in surprise, Han Zhennuo, who was funny just now but now became very sad
"Yeah, I was chatting and laughing with you yesterday, maybe I won't be able to come back after going out today.

As far as my husband is concerned, I'm so busy every day that I can't see him.

Han Xiaochen, do you know?I really worry about him.

And although I also know that my worries are useless, and my husband is strong enough. "

Han Xinuo is still in a low mood, as long as his husband is not by his side, he can't help but care about it.

This may be because the relationship between the two people is so good that they worry about gains and losses every day.

"Han Xinnuo, you want to open it up, in fact, if we go out on a mission, we may encounter that situation if we don't pay attention.

So we should cherish every moment of every day that we can have now, shouldn't we? "

Han Xiaochen clapped her hand knowingly.

Yes, in this doomsday world, even if it is as powerful as the Zombie King, it will be wiped out by human partnership.

Then it is normal for this human being to be wiped out!
Aren't humans, zombies, and those mutated animals and plants nowadays just a temporary situation of immortality?

Each of these wants to be in charge, and each wants to occupy the world.

But is this really possible?
At this moment, Han Xiaochen suddenly remembered the proposal that Ye Han had mentioned.

This proposal is really good!
But is it really possible?It's really hard to say!

"Yeah, what you said is true, but I really have to thank you very much for giving me such a good thing to save my life."

Now that Han Xinuo got the Qing Lingguo, she naturally didn't think about keeping it for herself.

She thought about her husband Zhao Ye's dangerous missions every time.

She naturally decided to leave this spiritual fruit to her husband.

However, Han Xiaochen glanced at Han Zhennuo clearly, "Han Zhennuo, I gave you this green spirit fruit, if you give it to someone else, I will be sad.

If your husband wants it, can you ask him to buy it from me with a large sum of crystal nuclei?
Of course, I will only sell this green spirit fruit to your husband and wife, and will not sell it to anyone else. "

Han Xiaochen sighed, he also cared about Mo Yan back then.

Whenever I come across something good, I want to keep it for Mo Yan.

Although talking about those things, although talking about those things that are extremely precious to me.

It was impossible for Mo Yan to catch his eye at the time.

But I still enjoy it all the time.

"Han Xiaochen, what are you trying to sell me?"

This is really not to talk about people during the day, and not to talk about ghosts at night.

These two are talking about Zhao Ye!
This guy Zhao Ye came over.

"Husband, Han Xiaochen has this very precious Qing Lingguo in his hand.

Han Xiaochen said that if you are willing to pay a high price, she is willing to transfer one to you. "

Naturally, when Han Zhennuo heard her husband's voice, she quickly transferred the Qing Lingguo into her own space.

Zhao Ye looked at Han Xiaochen with a playful look.

"Han Xiaochen, your luck is beyond heaven.

Many of these teams have already lost their lives in order to collect the Qing Lingguo.

But you were so lucky to get a few, I really can't describe your good luck! "

"Zhaoye, stop talking nonsense, just say whether to change or not?"

Han Xiaochen sighed, he wanted to be a good person, but Zhao Ye still wanted to be angry with him.

"Well, I also know that now that your ability level has risen so fast, ordinary crystal nuclei are useless to you.

It just so happened that I hit the crystal nucleus of the Zombie King.

It also happens to be of wood type, so I will give it to you reluctantly. "

Zhao Ye mainly gave Han Xiaochen such a high price because he knew that Han Xiaochen had given one to his wife just now.

Clear Spirit Fruit is quite rare, but this Zombie King is even more difficult to deal with.

What's more, Zhao Ye himself has healing abilities.

There is really not much desire for things like Qinglingguo.

"Then we've made a deal!" Han Xiaochen happily took this one to Zhao Ye
Zhao Ye put it away directly, took out the wood crystal nucleus of the Zombie Emperor from his storage ring and threw it to Han Xiaochen.

Not to mention that the crystal nuclei produced by the Zombie King are really green and glowing.

This big, dazzling, and exquisite one is just like the king's scepter!

"Zhao Ye, in the future, don't fight like this, Zombie Emperor or something, just hide as much as you can.

This kind of thing, if you really don't pay attention, you will die.

Even if you have the means to save your life, you can't stand that zombie king with too many means and too quick reactions.

This attack is so powerful that it can reach the rhythm of destroying heaven and earth. "

(End of this chapter)

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