Chapter 520
"But it's not us humans who got that kind of place."

When Zhao Ye talked about these things, he felt very regretful.

Han Xiaochen felt very helpless about these things.

If Ye Han really wanted to deal with someone.

I'm afraid that all the supernatural beings in this base, or even all the supernatural beings in the world combined, are no match for Ye Han.

It was also fortunate that Yehan didn't know what kind of restrictions he was under and couldn't leave the imperial city.

If he can leave the imperial city, many things will be difficult to say.

However, Ye Han is also so powerful that it makes people feel terrible.

That is, his identity as the zombie king makes people feel terrible.

But in fact Ye Han is really not bad.

Why!But if I dare to say this, I will definitely be attacked by everyone, right?
"Has the place in the imperial city been occupied by those alien species?
Does that mean we can no longer go there to find supplies? "

Han Xinuo smiled regretfully.

"But it doesn't matter too much, there were not many supplies there.

It is a pity that there were many particularly strong buildings in the imperial city before.

In a sense, isn't it just living with us humans? "

"Honey, don't think about it, now even we don't dare to think about it.

But thanks to the monster in the Imperial City, it doesn't come out of the Imperial City very much.

And it has not done anything to kill us humans. "

Zhao Ye sighed, he was still not strong enough!

No, I don't know why this world wants to joke with myself like this.

This obviously feels that he can do it, and it can be regarded as relatively powerful.

Then, there appeared a powerful person who could suppress himself to death.

and then?It didn't matter, after his own strength increased again, another one appeared that could completely suppress him.

It is even said to be the kind of existence that can slap himself to death with just such a slap.

"Boss, someone is making trouble outside their mercenary regiment, let's hand over that woman named Li Wenna.

Those people said that Li Wenna was their private property. "

A few people were chatting, and someone outside came to report.

However, the person who made the report spoke calmly, obviously not paying attention to this matter.

"Oh? Come to their mercenary group to make trouble, just beat them out!" Zhao Ye raised the corners of his lips playfully.

Looking at his wife and Han Xiaochen with a half smile
"The time I went out for a while, you two are causing trouble for my mercenary group, aren't you?

But it depends on whether the woman you two kindly took in really knows your favor.

Now you have also developed other people's water system abilities.

If it wasn't that Li Na didn't have time to pay attention to you recently, I'm afraid you still have to get the crystal nucleus of that top-quality purifier? "

"Eh..." Han Xiaochen scratched his head in embarrassment.

This is really true. I really can't be a good person. If I become a good person once, I will cause myself endless troubles.

But ah!
"Husband, don't say that, let's go, let's go out and see how Li Wenna behaves."

What Han Zhennuo didn't say was that he had exchanged the top-quality crystal nucleus of this purifier with Li Na.

However, the value of this purifier's ultimate crystal nucleus is too high.

If I hadn't tested Li Wenna well.

Let's see if it can really be used by yourself, and if it won't trouble your mercenaries.

I'm afraid I have developed the ability of the purification system for her a long time ago.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go out and have a look!

But I will not go to that matter, just for such a small matter.

They don't deserve me to show up in person. "

Zhao Ye stretched lazily, and went back to the bedroom.

Han Xiaochen and Han Zhennuo looked at each other and decided to go out and have a look.


"Li Wenna, you are a dead girl with no conscience.

You fucking pretend to be useless at home, but once you run out, you will have supernatural powers, right?
But at home, you just say that your abilities are sometimes useful and sometimes not.

Don't say anything else, you hurry home with me. "

Li Wenna was actually hiding not far from the gate of the mercenary group.

With a complicated expression, he watched his parents come over aggressively with his brother, brother, sister-in-law and daughter-in-law.

It was as if I had committed this great law, committed a heinous crime.

"Li Wenna, you bitch, come out quickly.

Why did I give birth to you such a white-eyed wolf? Why didn't you strangle you before you were like you. "

Li Wenna's father was especially loud.

"What's the matter with your mercenary group? Why don't you let us go in and capture my daughter?"

Li Wenna's mother is also aggressive.

Li Wenna's eyes were icy cold.

"What are you doing?" Han Zhennuo and Han Xiaochen came over.

"The leader's wife and the group say that our regiment member Li Wenna is their private property.

Let us return the group. "A burly man said to Han Zhennuo very respectfully.

"Oh! Li Wenna, are you the private property of those people?"

Han Zhennuo looked at Li Wenna who was standing not far away, but could clearly be seen by his parents with a half-smile.

Li Wenna shook her head: "Mom and Dad, how long has it been since I repaid my kindness to you? Haven't I always supported you?

Besides, who said that this daughter will be the eternal private property of her parents?

I'm not what you paid for it? "

"Li Wenna, you bitch, you were born by my mother, aren't you the private property of my mother?

If I want you to live, I will live, if I want you to die, I will die. Whatever my mother wants you to do, you have to do it? "

Li Wenna's mother started yelling again.

"It's a choice, but there is no regulation in our base. If you are a child, it must be the private property of your parents!

Why don't we call the law enforcement team at the base to ask? "

With just one look, Han Xinuo went to the law enforcement team like a burly man.

"Madam leader, I'm going to find someone from the law enforcement team.

If it wasn't for the face of the leaders of the base, it would have been thrown out by them long ago.

You really have the guts to dare to come to our mercenary group to make trouble. "

The man scolded Lie Lie and left.

And of course everyone understood what this man said.

In fact, they didn't want to save face for the base, but to give Li Wenna a chance.

"Li Wenna, are you serious about not recognizing your parents and brothers?
Just thinking how good we were to you back then, you just turned your back on it?

Just when I had a supernatural power, I felt that my wings were hardened, so I didn't care about my family? "

Li Wenhui, Li Wenna's younger brother, looked at Li Wenna with righteous indignation.

I can't wait to tear Li Wenna apart and eat the meat.

Yes, in this kind of extremely patriarchal family, this daughter is like a servant in that family.

And those of them who are sons are aloof, and even their status can surpass their parents.

It's not surprising that Li Wenna, a younger brother, can say such words to her sister.

"What do I recognize you for? Do you please, let you sell me to the research institute at the base?

Hehe, you are really my good family?

Madam leader, I'm sorry for causing you such a big trouble.

As for these people, I have nothing to do with them.

And none of the laws in their base says that I have to have a relationship with them. "


(End of this chapter)

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