Chapter 523
" dare you do this? Mrs. Zhao."

That's what I said, but Brother Li didn't want to return the bottle of energy water with healing power.

This is just ordinary water, this is supernatural water with healing power
Who doesn't care about this, who can guarantee that he will not get sick?
"Brother Li, you have worked so hard to protect our collective, what is that?"

Han Yinuo condensed again while speaking, and sent a bottle to another member of the law enforcement team who came over.

"I'm already so sorry for bothering you all the time.

As for me, as a user with water abilities, it is easy to produce some water, so what can I do to be polite?

But this family is really annoying. I wonder if they count as crimes?

No matter what, he should be locked up and educated, right?

I heard that a lot of this kind of work in our base is done by people who make mistakes. "

Han Xiaochen blinked, and now Han Xinuo is getting worse and worse!
"Yeah, yeah, the leader of our base, it's really great for these ordinary people.

Even if they made mistakes, arresting them to work would still keep them from being thirsty or hungry.

You ran on, this worker came to this first-class mercenary group to make trouble.

How about this, and you will be fined for one month in prison? "

Although he used interrogative sentences, in fact, he was convicting the Zhejiang people.

"As for you, if you are lucky, Mrs. Zhao has a pretty good temper.

If you go to rush to other mercenary regiments, I am afraid that all of you now have become corpses.

And you are provocative, even if you are killed, you will die in vain, you know?

Whoever gave you such a big face is just this ordinary person and a mutant.

Even a courageous person with supernatural abilities dared to come to Zhaoye to provoke troubles, and the mercenary group of leader Zhao came to make trouble. "

As soon as Brother Li's words came out, Li Wenna's family immediately became honest, and they didn't even dare to fart.

"Yeah, you're just lucky to meet someone's wife at home.

Do you know that if her husband Zhao Ye, the real leader of the mercenary group, is here.

So you, that is the fact of becoming a corpse.

As for Zhao Ye, Chief Zhao has a bad temper. "

And another brother Zhang also said.

"Masters with supernatural powers, please let us go, we know we are wrong.

Besides, it's just a chore for us. "

Li Wenna's sister-in-law reacted quickly and immediately begged for mercy.

"My lords of supernatural beings, you all saw it just now, but I really didn't do anything, not even say a bad word.

And my family still has two children, and my youngest daughter is still sick now.

I have to go back and take care of her. "

The joke won't starve you to death, but it's sure to be tougher and harder than prison work.

And it's obvious that being put in prison and going to the base will make people eat for free?
Don't let people go in alive at that time, but have to lie down when they come out.

It is even said that there is almost never a chance to come out.

I don't know how terrifying the research institute at this base is.

And my family not only offended the wife of the leader of the large army.

He even directly offended the members of the law enforcement team who had a fairly good attitude towards the common people.

My eyes are not blind, I can see the members of the law enforcement team, I wish I could tear my family apart.

My sister-in-law is very lucky, to find such a big backer after going out for a trip.

"Stop talking nonsense, take them all away, take them all away.

No matter how much you dare to talk, woman, I will keep you in check for one more month. "

Brother Li drove the group of people away with a rough voice.

And Li Wenna's rest of the family's cooperation is called obedient.

They were like that mindless puppet being driven away by these people like pigs.

"Hey! Who are these people? If they don't use Thunder's methods, they will be dishonest.

I was so angry just now, I wish I could solve this family directly. "

Seeing the family being taken away, Han Zhennuo couldn't help feeling bad.

But I don't know what happened in the past, Han Xinuo also has a strong hostility on his face

If Han Xiaochen felt something, he glanced at Han Xinnuo
"Han Xinnuo, those people are no longer your opponents, and they dare not make trouble with you anymore.

What's more, it is obvious that you are not with you. Those people find that they are nothing now.

If you want to be happy, you can eat with them.

If you are unhappy and want to never see them, there are many ways. "

Han Chunnuo nodded heavily.

"Han Xiaochen, what you said is right, but why are we girls the only ones who have to suffer so much?"

Han Xinuo still felt a sense of gloom in his heart.

why?Why do so many people abuse girls like this?
What are the girls doing wrong?I never said that I would not support my parents.

Moreover, most of the work I do is done by myself, and most of the money I earn is given to my family.

But no one in the family said they were good, so that no matter how much they gave, they would feel that they didn't pay enough.


Thinking about it now, many things feel very unfair.

Sometimes I feel very comfortable, and it is really just a matter of lifting a finger, and I don't want to take care of my family at all.

When I see them, even when I think of them, I feel very uncomfortable.

"Han Junnuo, there are actually good ones, when I was in the south.

There are many big families who treat girls very well, and some even directly designate the heirs of the family as girls.

If we want to blame, we really can only blame our bad fate, at least our bad fate in the first half of our life.

We can only blame ourselves. This reincarnation technique is not good, and it is cast into the belly of the wrong person. "

Han Xiaochen patted Han Shaonuo on the shoulder.

I had a classmate back then. This person was weak and weak, but he was very assertive.

Only later did I know that my classmate had two older brothers and one younger brother.

But his elder brother and younger brother are not as good as him.

And the leader of their family directly designated it as the next generation heir of their family.

There is really no such thing as patriarchy.

And even among my other classmates, there are very few people who are patriarchal in a real sense.

Even almost their family raises daughters who are rich.

On the contrary, it will be a little harsh on children.

Mainly the parents of those female classmates consider this as a daughter.

In the future, they are destined to have children and suffer more than men.

Therefore, as parents, they will treat women as much as possible.

In particular, many parents say that being a girl is the most worry-free period before marriage.

Then they, as parents, must make their daughter's life, at least when living with them, very smooth.

"Ha ha……

You're right, isn't it just a matter of our fate?

It shouldn't be a matter of our reincarnation, but, this first birth is over, and we can get rid of it when we become adults, right?
When you say that, I think of my classmate Li Haiyan.

Li Haiyan's parents are not patriarchal at all

The property of their family is almost divided equally between boys and girls

Then, boys also support their parents in the same way as girls.

That's only fair, isn't it? "

(End of this chapter)

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