Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 529 Forbidden Technique

Chapter 529 Forbidden Technique
Li Na blinked and laughed unscrupulously.

"Hou, Li Na, you are too bad, I give you advice for your own good, but you don't.

You didn't think much of it before thinking that if you fail, you will beat me over it! "

Han Xiaochen got into a fight with Li Na with a playful smile.

Just these two stunning beauties are still quite high-level abilities.

Such laughing and joking has become a rare scene in this base alone.

This makes people feel as if they have returned to the end of the world
And the two in front of me are just two stunning beauties who come to go shopping without worrying about food and clothing, cheerful personality.

But suddenly, Li Na felt a stabbing pain in her head.

She then squinted her eyes, and fiercely swung her most powerful light system ability, a laser attack derived from it, towards the source of the stinging pain.

"What's wrong with you, Li Na? Are you all right?"

Han Xiaochen looked at Li Na nervously.

Who doesn't know what Li Na is like being given to the baby by the leader.

If this is because I am walking back with my own two legs.

This happened at the base, unspeakable damage.

It is estimated that Mo Shen must have cramped and skinned himself.

Li Na had a gloomy face, and casually sneered.

"Han Zhennuo said just now that our base recruits too many people, and it might attract some ghosts and ghosts.

Sure enough, before anything happened, someone tried to harm me.

Fortunately, I have the power of the light system, otherwise I would have been succeeded by that person.

It seems that what the ugly woman we saw just now said may not be unreasonable. "

When Li Na said this, she still had lingering fears.

This beauty has been taken away, and even the good luck that belongs to you has been taken away.

Even the ability will be taken away, right?

What a terrifying ability this is!
Fortunately, I have a relationship ability, and fortunately, I have space to bless.

Fortunately, I and Xiao Ye have always been connected in mind.

Otherwise, he would have been tricked just now.

But that person couldn't attack him once, so he should be injured now, right?

But that person's ability is too terrifying, if he doesn't have so many blessings.

So it's very possible that I can't feel anything at all.

Then my beauty, luck and even everything was taken away by that unknown existence.

"My God, Li Na!


Han Xiaochen subconsciously didn't want to believe it.

But she looked at Li Na's never-before-seen anger with a look of apprehension.

She didn't think of Li Na's inexplicable strength and brought out so many, so many good things about the cultivation world.

Han Xiaochen suddenly believed it.

It is said that this person with great luck can feel the danger that others can't.

"Where is it? Then you say that I was also plotted against and don't know?
Then I'll be ugly soon, won't I? "

The more Han Xiaochen said this, the more afraid he became.

Although I didn't think there was anything good about my face, which was exactly the same as that vicious woman Jia Ningxiao's.

But if someone takes away your appearance, then you will be driven crazy, okay?

After all, this face of mine has followed me since birth and has followed me for so many years.

If you really have feelings, you don't want to be replaced with an ugly face!

"No, you have a kind of gas that should make that thing quite afraid.

So that thing doesn't dare to attack you, and it can also be said that it dare not come to take you by force.

But what I just did was enough for her to drink a pot.

Alright, alright, I won't chat with you anymore, let's go back to the residence and discuss how to deal with that evil existence. "

As Li Na said this, she became careless as she spoke.

After all, such a big thing happened, how can I talk about it with peace of mind?
"Yes, let's go."

Han Xiaochen nodded, then pulled Li Na directly, and returned to the residence in a teleport.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Na to go to Han Xiaochen as a guest in such a crisis.

"Han Xiaochen, you're fine, maybe it's because that person can't do anything to you, and instead got up again, determined to clean you up.

It's the end of the world, and I've seen too many people with psychopaths.

And if those people have abilities, especially those that are more evil.

The first thing they attack is not our human enemies, those mutated animals and plants, zombies and zombie animals.

Instead, they will attack first, which is the same kind of human beings as them. "

Li Na's house is only a few steps away from Han Xiaochen's place.
"Li Na, wait?" Han Xiaochen hurriedly stopped Li Na who was almost at the door of her house.

Li Naruo turned her head with feeling.

"Li Na gave this to you, and I feel that it should also be useful to you.

I got a good shot this last time I went out.

You should improve better? "

As soon as Han Xiaochen said that, he gave Li Na a few monsters that Li Na could also use.

There is even a monster core of a light-type monster in it.

"Han Xiaochen..."

Just as Li Na was about to refuse, Han Xiaochen teleported back to her small villa.

"Li Na, the relationship between people is mutual.

You are so kind to me, I have benefited, and naturally I have to repay you.

Moreover, I have always regarded you as my best friend.

And as good friends, naturally good things have to be shared together. "

Li Na looked at the message that immediately popped up from her communicator.

He wanted to be angry and funny, but he shook his head and went straight back to his villa


"Yehan, there is a particularly evil superhuman in our base.

That evil supernatural being can take away people's beauty, and luck can even take away people's abilities without any effort.

Really, I didn't lie to you about this, just those women without supernatural powers lost themselves inexplicably, and this beautiful face became extremely ugly.

There have been several instances of this happening. "

When Han Xiaochen returned to his villa, he still felt very restless.

Then go straight into the space and contact Yehan
And Ye Han was meditating at this time.

"Ha ha……

Han Xiaochen, that should not be a supernatural power, but a kind of sorcery.

But the person who uses this kind of magic will end up living a miserable life himself.

It is even said that those who were captured by him will suffer twice as much in the end. "

After all, Ye Han has existed for thousands of years, so Jian Jian is naturally much stronger than this mortal.

"Then what do you say about this?

Just now, I and the wife of the leader of this base suffered such a robbery.

And we. "

Han Xiaochen had just said this in the middle, but was interrupted by Yehan.

"Han Xiaochen, wait a minute, you just said that someone attacked your leader, the rich man, and was discovered by your leader's wife?

How is it possible that the number of seizures is silent?

And the person who has been captured won't feel anything, right?

And can you still find out who used this forbidden technique on you? "

"No, no, we didn't catch anyone, but what our leader's wife said was the same as what you said.

She said that ordinary people or ordinary supernatural beings cannot feel this kind of capture.

And the wife of the leader of our base seems to be sensitive in some way, so she could feel the forbidden technique you mentioned in the first place.

And then, it seems that the person was injured by our leader's wife with the power of the light department. "

(End of this chapter)

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