Chapter 531
But he felt that staying here for a while was quite embarrassing.

Of course, if he stays here, his wife must follow him if she is worried about him.

Mo Shen was careful that something difficult to solve would come across, and he would not be able to protect his wife if he had no skills at all.

"You two go, don't be embarrassed.

Just the two of you staying here will only cause trouble for me.

Although I am the deputy leader in name, I always feel that the map group is about to be sent to me by the two of you.

Li Na, do you know?Ever since I existed, I really didn't care who you thanked.

Now I am really grateful to God for sending you to me.

Only then did I find my body in a short period of time and become so powerful. "

Without knowing why, Xiao Ye came to Li Na's side with earnest words.

What he said was sensational, but he still wanted to hug Li Na in his arms.

But it's a pity that Mo Shen quickly hugged his wife first.

"Xiao Ye, even though your body is female, please keep a distance from my wife.

Women nowadays are crazy.

Why do you say that this woman and a woman are together is true love. "

Mo Shen's expression was quite gritted.

Xiao Ye...

"God Mo, why don't you hurry up and get out later?

It's okay, I don't need you, so don't come here for now.

Don't think I don't know, the two of you made a large number of crystal nuclei and went back.

Also, Mo Shen, although I am very grateful to Li Na, I really have no interest in him in that respect.

Besides, don't think of your wife as the heroine Mary Su in that novel.

As far as your wife is concerned, no one likes him except you.

I can't stand you couple. "

Xiao Ye has been in contact with Han Xiaochen for a long time.

And naturally it has become a little secondary.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't be pretending to shake his shoulders at this time.

Li Na...

"Xiao Ye, I have something to ask and I caught that thing, you tell me to come over, I want to take a good look at it.

Damn, how dare you attack my old lady.

If my old lady doesn't crush him, I will write the word Li upside down. "

"Oh! Li Na, don't speak harshly, you really caught her, maybe you are soft-hearted.

What's more, if you write the character Li upside down, the meaning is almost the same.

How much difference can this Muzi and Zimu have? "

Xiao Ye waved his hand, and made such an expression that he was tired of the expressions of the two of them.

But Li Na and Mo Shen looked at each other and disappeared here.

"Hey! That's good, if there is a small situation, then retreat and retreat, escape and escape.

Only poor me has to support the overall situation. "

Xiao Ye wailed, and ordered people to prepare for the arrest and protection work.


"Han Xiaochen, have you retreated? I'm very interested in your demon core. If there is anything else, give me a few!

Of course, I will exchange this with you with this high-level crystal nucleus.

If you believe me to use the demon core for long-term cultivation, it will be bad for you. "

After Li Na left, Xiao Ye came up with Han Xiaochen's idea.

Han Xiaochen was about to retreat and practice, she blinked her eyes.

Ignoring Xiao Ye, he went straight into the space to make preparations.

Since he intends to practice for a long time, he should first take a good bath and then have a hearty meal.

Since Xiao Ye didn't get a reply from Han Xiaochen for so long, she knew what was going on.

"Han Xiaochen, you hypocritical brat!
It seems that I can only go to Yehan and have a good chat. "

Xiao Ye assigned the work of the base, and hurried to find Ye Han.

I hope Yehan is still willing to give her this suffering.

Now his abilities are less than [-]% of his peak.


When Yu Momo and the others got the news, they naturally got up and didn't dare to come out.

Han Xinuo was worried that Yu Momo would run out of food.

I deliberately found a bearded man with a dual-line mutation of speed and strength.

The ugly middle-aged uncle went to deliver some food to Yu Momo.

As long as this uncle has grown up like this, no one should care about it, right?
However, after Yu Momo received the text message from Han Zhennuo, he saw the one who knocked on the door of his house. At first glance, he looked like an uncle who was a murderous robber.

At that time, everyone was stunned, but until the uncle put the things here and left.

Yu Momo let out a harsh breath.

Uncle puts a lot of pressure on people.

This must be in front of Mo's, and this is also at the level of the gang boss.

However, in the former country of the Mo family, it has done a good job in punishing gangsters and eliminating evil.

I just don't know if this uncle has come out of prison

"Miss Yu, you should take a good rest during this time, and if you need anything, just send me a message.

Our leader's wife is going to retreat now, so she probably won't see anyone except our leader again.

You also know how precious our leader's wife's abilities are, and this face is pretty enough.

If someone plotted against this, I and our entire mercenary group would lose face. "

The profusely left this sentence, and left without even giving Yu Momo a look.

Yu Momo...

Yu Momo touched his face feelingly.

No, I was still so charming before the end of the world!

This face is so tender that water can be squeezed out, and it is also the bright type that men like most.

And not to mention my own figure, with the training of the last days, it seems that it is indeed more protruding and warped.

But just like that, he was laughed at by an ugly monster.

How can this be, this is intolerable to others.

Especially this ugly monster is not even a supernatural being, but a mutant.


And this Li Wenna was also notified by these people to live in the mercenary regiment not to go out.

And when Li Wenna learned that such a cruel and mysterious existence had appeared outside.

Was also taken aback.

But it may be because the mercenary group has been relatively quiet these two days.

Li Wenna's parents came to make trouble again.

That's right, this couple really refuses to let go of their daughter Li Wenna.

People don't say they want money or things, they just say they miss their daughter and want to meet her.

"Uncle and Aunt are now in a panic at the base.

Miss Li Wenna Li really shouldn't come out now.

Besides, this order was given by our leader. You know, in this mercenary group, our leader is the emperor here.

He has the power of life and death over everyone. "

The gatekeeper wants to dissuade Li Wenna, the parents.

He Li Wenna's parents don't do it, especially Li Wenna's father, who is stubborn and insists on letting his daughter out.

"You janitor, don't talk about these useless things with me.

Besides, why didn't our old couple see what you said outside.

As far as my two daughters-in-law have been going out for a long time, they have not encountered anything abnormal.

We just want to see our daughter what's wrong?Why don't you let me see if you still have humanity.

And you know my daughter doesn't want us as a couple?
Do you know what it means that blood is thicker than water?What do you mean broken bones and tendons?

How could there be an overnight feud between the father and daughter and the mother and daughter?

It's just a matter of quarreling in the morning, and the relationship will be better in the afternoon. "

Li Wenna frowned, but still didn't go out.

I have experienced the combat power of my father before.

"Ah Hu, thank you, but I won't go out, if it doesn't work, you can...

Just scare me, my dad
My father is very timid, as soon as you scare him, he will leave in despair. "

(End of this chapter)

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